This newsletter is the second of a three-month cycle of newsletters borrowing the answer to "What are little girls made of?" We started last month with "sugar." This month is "... and spice." Next month's theme will be "...and everything nice," addressing the myths about some so-called "bad" food items.
Herbal medicine is one of the foundation therapies of naturopathic medicine. All herbs are medicinal, though some are regarded as purely medicinal (maca, gotu kola) and others mainly regarded as culinary (rosemary, oregano). As more research is done, we are discovering that many culinary herbs also have extraordinary medicinal powers. For example, recent studies show how rosemary slows the development of Alzheimer's plaques and oregano is anti-fungal and powerfully anti-cancer.
Many herbs have centuries of use and their traditional healing effects are well known. We are still discovering the wide range of beneficial effects of other, less common herbs. Dr. Marcel and Dr. Connie know that pharmaceutical medicine is so pervasive in society only because vast amounts of money have been put into research. You can't patent an herb, but you can patent a new drug and then charge immoral amounts of money for it. For and example of how the pharmaceutical industry works, let's look at the humble aspirin.
Acetylsalicylic acid is the active ingredient in aspirin tablets. Before Bayer synthesized acetylsalicylic acid, white willow bark was the herb of choice for use as an analgesic. But Bayer must have thought, "Hmmm.. if I can isolate the main ingredient of white willow bark (acetylsalicylic acid), synthesize it and put it in pill form, the sheer convenience of usage would be a gold mine." That is exactly what happened.
As Dr. Marcel says in his article, if the drug research money was invested in herbal research, as the song goes, "what a wonderful world this would be."
In this issue of the newsletter, Dr. Connie leads off with the present state of herbal medicine, then discusses the wonders of curcumin; Elijah discusses the life-saving power of one of his favorite herbs; Dr. Marcel writes of his lifelong herbal medicine
journey; Jane writes of slowing down the aging process and Lauren offers a delicious recipe for yellow Indian curry.
Cancer Center news includes stories on the therapeutic effects of infrared saunas, CBD (marijuana) and cancer and the importance of breast self-exam.
Finally, for the past several years Dr. Connie and Dr. Marcel have subscribed to a weekly box full of beautiful, super fresh, organic vegetables provided by Ananda Valley Farm. There are still a few subscriptions available and we unreservedly recommend that our readers check it out. The information is directly below.
ATE FLASH: If you know a child of high school age that has not yet totally decided on which high school to attend this coming September, it is in that child's best interests to consider looking at
May all beings be healthy and happy!
Dr. Connie, Dr. Marcel, Dr. Brad, Dr. Sage, Elijah and your health care team
at Pacific Naturopathic and the
Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care
Dr. Connie and Dr. Marcel recommend....

(Please click HERE for more information
as the link on the chick is a bit cranky.)
Dr. Connie's Musings...
Dr. Connie musing in her office |
Spicy Thoughts!
Though there is a tendency to differentiate herbs from spices,
when we speak of spices, we are speaking of any aromatic substance of plant origin, from leafy herbs such as cilantro to cinnamon bark to turmeric rhizomes to peppercorns. Healers, housewives and cooks of all cultures in all ages have appreciated the value of spices in seasoning, soothing, purifying and healing. Thousands of years before the advent of Western medicine, shamans and healers depended on the healing properties of native herbs to treat all manner of ailments.
Ancient spice trading routes
In historic times, spices endemic to one culture would have been rare and exotic in another culture. Networks of trading routes were developed to connect civilizations in Europe, Northeast Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Caravans underwent arduous journeys, traversing vast deserts and high mountain passes to deliver their precious and aromatic goods to far away realms.
To this day, spices are a mainstay of Ayurvedic medicine, Chinese and Japanese medicine, and other traditional systems of healing, clinically proven over time and supported by scientific research as well. As recently as two hundred years ago, Western medicine relied heavily on readily available botanicals, on hydrotherapy and manipulation. Spices were used in teas, tinctures, poultices, ointments.
They still are, though modern Western medicine downplays their efficacy and relies on chemicals
Vivid colors of spices
and pharmaceutical preparations of extracted herbal constituents. These medicines are generally quite expensive and not readily accessible to the public without a physician's prescription. Knowledge of traditional medicines is far less common in the America of today than in times past, though herbalists (such as Elijah Free, see below) and vitalistic naturopaths practice and augment the wisdom of the ages with the findings of modern science.
It is sad that much of "health care" is now pharmaceutical medical management, relegated to specialists. In these times, rather than treating ear infections with an infusion of garlic oil, the uninsured visit emergency rooms, to the tune of hundreds of dollars. Rather than giving a patient with an inoperative small intestine chewing gum to stimulate peristalsis, patients are fed through nasogastric tubes until the small intestine kicks in. Patients are
Preparing herbs for use
taught that folk remedies are ineffective, unreliable, unproven by double blind studies. The doctor knows best.
Foraging and cultivation of herbs, and preparation of medicines from one's own plants provides a way to commune with the natural world, to engage in healing of self and family, and to thereby exercise some measure of control over one's own health.
It just makes sense to learn to promote and maintain health in a simpler way. Those cultures that continue to emphasize the use of spices in their cuisines have lower incidences of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Simple ailments can be treated in simple and nourishing ways. Think peppermint tea for intestinal cramping, chamomile tea or lavender flowers for calming, ginger for nausea, clove oil for toothaches. The list is long and inclusive of many conditions. We urge you to learn and experiment with spices for yourself.
* * *
Spices and Everything Nice:
The Healing Power of Culinary Herbs
Somewhere in your kitchen dwells an herb that may possess amazing powers to heal, hidden by a secret identify as a tasty addition to your favorite foods.
Many culinary herbs have a long, long history as healers as well, used throughout the ages to cure besides tantalize the taste buds.
Some of these wonderful plant allies are: garlic, onions, thyme, oregano, seaweeds, rosemary, turmeric, black pepper, basil, parsley, cinnamon and more, depending upon the part of the world where you might be.
Today we are going to talk about the mighty garlic, one of Nature's most powerful antibiotics and immune enhancer culinary herbs that exists anywhere on this planet.
Garlic is very high in organic sulfur. Sulfur is extremely essential to the health and well being of all the cells in the body. When there are different types of infections, the sulfur base of the cell breaks down as part of the downward cycle of disease.
The organic absorbable sulfur in garlic aids mightily in helping to restore the natural sulfur balance in the cell, allowing the cell to begin the metabolic process of healing.
In World War One, the English purchased up all of the available garlic in Europe to use with wound infections from the battlefield. As a result, the English had the lowest rate of amputations of any country involved in that war.
In Russia, garlic is called 'the natural Russian antibiotic,' for its continual efficacy.
These are just two of the countries that have historically held garlic in high esteem as a healer.
Let me tell you a short story.
Before Christmas last year, I got a very serious staph infection on my leg called cellulitis. It was unbelievably painful. My lower leg turned dark and ominous and there were nearly a dozen red streaks present. This happened in a twenty-four-hour period along with high fever etc.
I ended up at the hospital, of course, and a very strong antibiotic was prescribed that I took, again of course.
However, the staph infection was barely touched. So I decided to rely on an old English remedy for staph I
 have used with patients for many years instead of continuing with months of antibiotics. Over the next few weeks, the dark infection began to ameliorate, along with the very extreme swelling and red streaks.
I never took another antibiotic for the staph, though it was highly recommended that I continue it for months.
My leg healed just fine and after a few months, it was perfectly free of any and all staph infection. As a wonderful aside, the garlic also cleared up a long standing case of psoriasis as well. So, in the end,
I felt blessed twice over by one of my closest plant allies-my friend-garlic.
* * * * *
Elijah Free has been an associate at Pacific Naturopathic s
ince January of 2000.
He specializes in working with both mechanical and metabolic pain.
and view his videos on Ending Fibromyalgia and Ending PTSD-One Veteran's Answer.
And to find out more of Elijah's work with his 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization to end PTSD in war veterans, (Elijah is a veteran and paramedic of the Viet Nam conflict) Bring Our Vets All the Way Home, please go to www.bringourvetsallthewayhome.org
To schedule an appointment with Elijah,
please phone 650-917-1121.
An Herbal Medicine Journey
Love of herbal medicine is the main thing that brought me into naturopathic medicine.
My great grandmother was an herbalist and a healer in Cuba. One of my earliest memories is when I was a small boy, she treated the warts on my fingers by first blindfolding me, then rubbing my fingers with some kind of an ointment while she prayed. The warts disappeared within a few days after her treatment. To a child, this was not unusual -- this is just the way the adult world worked. I suspect that great grandma must have had shamanic training, although she would have never called it that.
My mother also used herbs like mint, linden flowers (tila) and chamomile for insomnia, stomach upsets and nervous agitation.
My grandfather, a pharmacist in Cuba in the first half of the 20th Century,
gave a talk at a conference in 1919 on the dangers of the pharmaceutical medicine. I have a translated transcript of that talk and will publish it in a future newsletter.
I have always had an almost genetic love of herbal medicine. As an undergraduate, I started
Dr. Marcel's phar-macist grandfather
my college days in a pre-med program. But going into conventional medicine just didn't seem like my path and I had not yet discovered that naturopathic medicine was an option. When naturopathic medicine emerged in my consciousness, there really was no hesitation or thought - the path to take was obvious.
One of the almost magical things about natural medicine is that we are still discovering the curative actions of herbs. I have always known that every medicinal we needed for maintaining health was already provided by the Creative Intelligence. Our task is one of discovery. If the same resources were put into herbal medicine research that is put into pharmaceutical development, well, I can only imagine how different our medical system would be.
Nevertheless, when new discoveries about herbs are made (like all the recent studies about the powers of curcumin -- see other articles in this newsletter), we smile and think of how much our patients will benefit. But familiar, common, culinary herbs have powerful, almost forgotten healing properties:
* Basil (
Ocimum basilicum)
Like other herbs in the mint family, basil calms an upset stomach and improves appetite.
Lab studies have demonstrated that basil also has powerful antibacterial properties.
Many familiar culinary herbs have powerful medicinal effects
* Oregano
(Origanum vulgare) --
Oregano is ranked first among the culinary herbs in antioxidant power. Many of the medicinal properties of oregano can be attributed to the anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant compounds it contains. These compounds have shown strong indications both in practice and in clinical studies that they offer protection against cancers, heart disease and stroke.
* Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) -- Rosemary stimulates the central nervous system and circulation. Low blood pressure and sluggishness? Try basil tea.
Rosemary essential oil may be used to alleviate the pain of sprains, arthritis, sciatica and neuralgia. The essential oils in rosemary leaf can block histamine, the chemical culprit of both asthma and allergies.
* Sage (Salvia officinalis) -- Sage is an excellent digestive herb. It is a natural disinfectant and deodorizer, drying perspiration and helping to eliminate odor. It can help reduce the intensity of menopausal hot flashes of and slow heavy menstrual bleeding. It has positive effects on memory and concentration.
The next time you are challenged, don't reach for that nasty pharmaceutical. Just surf on-line a bit for an herbal remedy or come to see us for information on the most effective herb to address what is occurring.
For more on Dr. Marcel's work click
Of all the spices, it is probably curcumin that has received the most press in recent years, both for its anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties. Let's first clear up the confusion that exists re the difference between turmeric and curcumin. They are not precisely the same thing, but close. Turmeric is a ginger like plant with underground rhizomes which are used in that root form and in powdered form in various ethnic cuisines. Curcumin is an extract of turmeric which is used medicinally.
Oncologist Dr. Bharat Aggarwal is world renowned for his research on curcumin. Much of his work is heavy with biochemistry, but Dr. Aggarwal has also published an informative, readable and enjoyable book How to Use 50 Everyday and Exotic Spices to Boost Health and Beat Disease. In his lectures, Dr. Aggarwal dazzles with his cytokine research re curcumin, but also promotes the use of the whole turmeric root itself, true to the naturopathic conviction that it is not just that standardized extracts of medicinal plant constituents may be effective, but that the synergistic action of components of the whole herb may enhance the efficacy of those constituents and decrease any potential side effects.
We often prescribe both turmeric and curcumin in our office, and use them in many ways. My current
Turmeric flower |
favorite is an Ayurvedic turmeric paste from a grower and healer on the Big Island of Hawaii. The turmeric is in a base of raw organic honey and either ghee (from organic milk from her pastured cows) or coconut oil (from the coconut palms on her property) with pippali and black pepper. It is taken at ½ tsp twice daily, and is so delicious I could happily use it as a desert treat. (Ashwaganda, another herbal favorite is offered in a similar paste form. Both are now available through our office.)
We also offer organic Hawaiian turmeric powder (from the Waimea farmer's market and from our own Pacific Naturopathic Retreat Center) in small packets with a recipe on the back for Golden Milk, a nourishing drink as satisfying to me as hot cocoa, but with so many medicinal benefits. Mix ¼ cup turmeric with ¾ cup water and stir over medium to low
Turmeric rhizomes
heat for about 10 minutes. Add more water if too dry. Store the smooth, pudding like paste in a glass jar in the fridge (lasts about 2 weeks). To make the milk, heat 1 teaspoon of paste in a pan with any non-dairy milk. Add an acceptable sweetener (see last month's issue) and a teaspoon of ghee or coconut oil or untoasted sesame oil to the mix. (Turmeric requires fat for absorption). Enjoy!
If you'd rather take curcumin capsules, we've got those, too. We use bio-available, standardized extracts in stand alone curcumin preparations; curcumin in anti inflammatory formulas for the joints; curcumin in breast health formulas, curcumin in anti cancer formulas.
For our cancer patients, we use curcumin intravenously to deliver the curcumin directly to the cells. (See Dr. Marcel's article below on the benefits of intravenous curcumin).
Find out more about Dr. Connie's work
Recommended by
Dr. Connie and Dr. Marcel...
In this section of our newsletter, we will describe unique health care products we offer in our new, small retail section of our clinic.
Sita's Turmeric Paste
One of our favorite, delicious new discoveries. We found Sita, an
Ayurvedic practitioner, selling her wonderful products at the Hilo Farmer's Market. Naturally, with our love of anything that has turmeric in it, we established a relationship with Sita so that we could offer this special formulation to our patients and friends.
Sita's Turmeric Paste is made according to Ayurvedic principles, blended to a pleasant taste, completely safe, and highly effective in relieving inflammations and joint pain. It is a also a general tonic, an immune booster, and an excellent formula for getting the full benefits of taking turmeric and its medicinal ingredient, curcumin.
Sita's Turmeric Paste comes in either a ghee base or a coconut oil base. Both types are available in our clinic. The 7-ounce jar will last 5 weeks and no refrigeration is required. Price: $16.00
Golden Milk Packet
We purchase organic turmeric powder from a grower in Hawaii and package it ourselves. This turmeric is especially rich in color and you can almost feel the vitality emanating from it.
Golden Milk is a soothing, comforting beverage to have in the evening and the benefits are extraordinary.
Turmeric contains curcumin, the polyphenol identified as its primary active component. The
health benefits of turmeric
include powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.
We only prepare about 40 packets at a time and they sell out quickly, so if this appeals to you, come into the office soon. The back of the packet contains the recipe for Golden Milk. Price: $5 per packet
Curcumin: Powerful Anti-Inflammatory
and Cancer Therapy
Curcumin, an active ingredient in turmeric, is a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and cancer fighting herb.
Antioxidants are compounds often found in plants that can protect the body's cells from damage caused by activated molecules known as free radicals.
Researchers have previously investigated curcumin for its potential role in improving Parkinson's, Alzheimer's disease, and stroke damage. It can also promote brain health in general, as a result of its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Laboratory studies have shown that curcumin interferes with several important molecular pathways involved in cancer development, growth, and spread. Curcumin can kill cancer cells in the laboratory and slow the growth of surviving cancer cells. In animals, curcumin has been shown to inhibit the formation of cancer causing enzymes and the development of several forms of cancer, thus shrinking tumors.
Human studies of curcumin in cancer prevention and treatment are in the early stages. Scientific studies indicate that curcumin is not well absorbed orally. Consequently, large doses must be taken for even small amounts to actively circulate in the blood. More absorbable forms of curcumin have been developed, and, as curcumin is fat soluble, it is important to take curcumin with some form of fat when it is taken orally.
At the Hernandez Center, we administer curcumin via IV infusion in carefully moderated doses so it goes directly to the cells where it is needed. Preliminary results with our patients shows curcumin to relieve the inflammation caused by chemotherapy and lower tumor markers on conventional cancer monitoring blood tests.
To naturopathic doctors, curcumin is yet another gift from the Earth - few or no side effects with powerful positive results on health.
Please phone for more information: 650-917-1121.
* * *
Interested in exploring the world of IV nutrient therapy?
Dr. Marcel is happy to address any of your questions.
Please phone 650-917-1121 for more information.
Slowing Down Aging -
You Have More Control Than You Realize
Back in 1981 a radical human experiment was conducted in which a young Harvard psychologist named Ellen Langer showed that the mind can slow or even reverse the aging process.
Here's what happened...
Eight men in their 70's were taken to a converted monastery in New Hampshire for a 5-day stay.
A few were bent with arthritis, some had canes. As they entered the monastery they were taken back to the 1950's of their youth. A vintage radio played Perry Como while Ed Sullivan hosted his show on a black-and-white TV. Everything inside, Life Magazine, Reader's Digest, Quaker Oats boxes, was designed to fit with 1959.
The men were instructed to reminisce about this earlier time, and also to inhabit it.
Langer told the men, "We have good reason to believe that if you are successful at this you will feel as you did in 1959." Even though some of them were frail, they were required to bring their suitcases upstairs to their rooms by themselves.
Each day, when they discussed sports (Johnny Unitas and Wilt Chamberlain) or news events
like Fidel Castro's sudden rise to power in Cuba, Eisenhower's meeting with Nikita Khrushchev, home runs by Mickey Mantle, etc.
or the movie they were shown and discussed ("Anatomy of a Murder," with Jimmy Stewart), they were to speak of everything in the present - 1959! There were no mirrors, no current-day clothing, no photos (except those of their youth) - that took them out of 1959.
Before the stay, the men were tested both physically and mentally. At the end of their stay, they were tested again.
They were more flexible, showed greater manual dexterity and sat up taller. Perhaps most surprising, their sight improved. Independent observers said they appeared younger. To Ellen Langer it meant the men had "put their mind in an earlier time," and their bodies went along for the ride.
As the men waited for the bus back home they engaged in a spontaneous touch football game - this from the formerly creaky seniors!
So, what happened? The men were consciously aware they were in an experiment but that didn't prevent the subconscious from installing new beliefs about their age. That's how beliefs can change you. Are you up for that?
Sure, we're aging every second and it's inevitable... But aging is more than a few wrinkles. How you think and feel makes all the difference.
I'm sure you've noticed that we don't all age the same.
There is so much research being done now which shows the effects of stress on aging. Don't just think it's genes and you can't change them. Oh no, there is a new science field called epigenetics that has shown that you can also control your gene expression. That means that you don't need to believe that you will die at 50 just like your dad. You can live much longer - if you believe so and, of course, employ good health habits.
Stress leads to quicker aging - which is why changing your beliefs through hypnosis or EFT Tapping is a good way to deal with it.
When you learn to change your beliefs and unload the old baggage which keeps you down, you can take a big load off your mind/body. This can lead to a much more positive lifestyle, which can drastically slow down the aging of both body and mind.
Our body strives to achieve what our mind believes, and if our mind thinks youthfully then, in some ways, the effects of ageing can be delayed.
* * *
Jane sees clients at Pacific Naturopathic
on Thursdays
and in Oakland by appointment.
Schedule an appointment with Jane Hernandez, CCHT, by phoning 510-676-1460,
or by email at jhernandezccht@gmail.com
* * *
For more information about Jane and her work
click here.
Medical Humor:
A Break From
"Matters of Consequence"
Lauren's Recipes
Lauren Hoover-West
Yellow Indian Curry
This yellow curry will transport you to India, without a long plane ride or jet lag! Coconut milk is cooling and the spices and chilies are warming along with sweet and salty condiments-a perfect balance. Serve over coconut rice (see index) with lots of condiments. Every year my mother would make this for my birthday dinner; and it was a special treat. Now, I make it for dinner parties and everyone loves it!
Yields: 4 servings
Ingredients: I use all organic ingredients.
* 1 recipe of coconut rice (coming next week)
* 4 Tablespoons grapeseed oil or coconut oil or avocado oil
* 1 pound boneless, skinless pasture-raised chicken breast or thigh, or 1 pound wild raw peeled jumbo shrimp or 1 inch cubes of Steamed winter or summer squash or 4 cups steamed assorted organic veggies
* 1 medium onion, diced
* 2 cloves garlic, minced
* 1 Tablespoon ginger root, minced
* 2 organic green apples, cored and diced
* 4 Tablespoons ground coriander
* 4 teaspoons ground cumin
* 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper, optional
* 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
* 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
* 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
* 2 teaspoons ground fennel
* 1/2 teaspoon fenugreek
* 4 curry leaves, optional
* 1 1/2 cups (1 can) regular coconut milk, do not use lite
* 1 cup homemade or gluten-free store bought chicken or veggie broth
* 1 jalapeño pepper or 1 small Thai red pepper, seeded and minced
* 1 14 ounce can diced organic tomatoes, drained
Condiments: all are optional, add or remove any that you wish. I highly recommend all of them.
* Mango chutney
* Tamarind chutney
* 1 large organic tomato or 2 Roma tomatoes, diced or 1 basket organic baby tomatoes, halved
* 2 hard boiled pastured eggs, diced
* 1 bunch scallions, sliced
* ½ cup raisins
* ½ cup chopped peanuts
* ½ cup shredded unsweetened and toasted coconut
* 1 cup sliced fresh kumquats, seeded
* 2 sliced organic bananas (slice just before serving to retain color)
* 4 slices cooked bacon, crumbled
* 1 bunch cilantro, chopped
In a large soup pot or skillet, sauté the chicken in oil until brown, over medium high heat remove and set aside. If using shrimp, add it 2 minutes before serving and only cook for 2-3 minutes for tender shrimp. If you cook them too long they will be very tough. In the same pan, sauté onions, garlic and ginger until translucent. Add apples, jalapeno and all spices and sauté over medium heat for 2 minutes. Add chicken then pour in stock, coconut milk and tomatoes, stir. Bring to a boil and then lower heat to low; cover and simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. In the meantime, chop and prepare the condiments and put them in separate white ramekins or small glass bowls and put small spoons in each condiment bowl. Place them all on a Lazy Susan, rotating round tray, or any tray. Place this in the middle of the dining room table or on the buffet where people can help themselves. This can be done ahead of time. The chicken curry can also be cooked ahead of time and reheated over the stove in the oven. Do not reheat the shrimp, they need to be cooked and eaten immediately. Either put hot cooked coconut rice in a large serving bowl or a serving in the middle of each dinner plate. Spoon the curry over the rice or serve in a large bowl with a ladle. Tell everyone what the condiments are and invite them to sprinkle a little of everything on top of the curry and enjoy. This is a lot of work, but it is well worth it and you will be a star with everyone who enjoys it! Note: If you don't have the spices, you can add 3 Tablespoons of prepared curry powder, but it is really worth making it yourself. I recommend buying the organic spices in small quantities to ensure the best freshness and flavor!
* * *
Lauren has appeared and cooked on ABC Live in Chicago and Sacramento. She has cooked for 4 United States Presidents and a United States Senator.
Lauren Hoover-West was classically trained at The California Culinary Academy, now the Cordon Bleu. She is a Chef/Educator/Consultant specializing in food allergies and health issues since 2002, including Gluten sensitivity, Celiac's Disease, Diabetes, Autism, Autoimmune diseases and inflammatory conditions.
Lauren has created a revolutionary way to cook delicious food that is gluten-free, dairy-free, low glycemic index, or sugar-free, and very healthy while tasting just as good as traditional food so, everyone can enjoy it.
Lauren does not believe in using weird ingredients, so you will learn to use readily available food, and she will introduce you to items you may not have noticed before. She will help you replace all your pantry items with gluten-free, dairy-free, low glycemic alternatives!
She is the author of "No Wheat No Dairy No Problem"
cookbook and blog site. She has over 20 years of cooking and teaching experience at La Folie(Michelin star), Fairmont, Hyatt Resorts, Bally's, Marriott, New Leaf Market, Sur la Table etc... Lauren is the owner of Lauren's Kitchen, a customized meal service. She also earned a Bachelors of Science in Psychology at St. Mary's College. To contact Lauren or for more information go to her blog site.
Breast Thermography at
Pacific Naturopathic
- the big difference between thermography and mammography -
Breast thermograms provide very different information than do mammograms.
While mammograms are often touted as preventive medicine, there is nothing preventive about them. Mammograms identify breast changes only after they have become structural. The changes are essentially then set in stone. A biopsy can determine whether they are cancerous or not. (The mammogram itself can not).
By contrast, thermograms note changes in physiology. Temperature differentials indicate physiologic processes present in one breast as opposed to the other, or increasing from one exam to the next. Physiologic change always precedes anatomic change, sometimes by as much as 10 years.
We prescribe lifestyle changes, vibrational, nutritional, and botanical remedies to enhance breast health and a return to normality. Most of our botanical formulas for breast health include curcumin. (See my article above for easy ways to include curcumin in your daily diet.) We restore breast health, when indicated, for 3 months and then repeat and review thermography reports to see if the therapy has been effective in reversing inflammatory changes and reducing the risk of breast cancer.
Read more about
Pacific Naturopathic
Pacific Naturopathic Hawaii:
Dissipate Your Stress in Paradise
Check Future Openings
(then click on "Calendar")
The end of the day view from your deck at Pacific Naturopathic Hawaii |
Finding yourself in need of a quiet space in which you might restore your outer self through communion with nature, and re-experience the peace and calmness of your deep inner Self?
At Pacific Naturopathic Retreat Center, rosemary grows so prolifically that it becomes a mildly small tree that must be periodically cut back. Other culinary herbs enjoy the sun on Dr. Connie and Dr. Marcel's lanai, outside their kitchen slider. On the retreat property, peppermint springs up and spreads unsolicited. Turmeric and ginger gather their strength underground and provide abundant harvests. The clove tree and cinnamon bark intrigue and delight visitors foraging for vittles for their home-cooked meals.
Treat yourself to an experience of rest and rejuvenation on this beautiful nature retreat, and enjoy enhanced health benefits.
Check out our calendar to find openings. And go to
for direct flights from San Jose to Kona.
Are you feeling wired, tired, stressed? Check our RETREAT CALENDAR and see if there is an opening for you.
* * *
Isn't it time you treated yourself to a magical experience?
Come, enjoy, rejuvenate and reinvent yourself.
The Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care
News and Commentary on Cancer Topics
* * * * *
What We Offer
at the
Hernandez Center
for Adjunctive Cancer Care
Our cancer patients often ask us to give them an estimate of the effectiveness of therapy at the Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care. We respond that
our entire focus is on helping our patients stay healthy, upbeat and positive.
The truth is that the botanical and nutritional therapies we offer
intravenous vitamin C), although 'adjunctive' in nature, have powerful documented actions in decreasing inflammation, reducing tumor load and attacking cancer stem cells.
Our mind/body approaches are focused on transformation of experience. And our bodywork approaches helpreduce muscular pain, resolve lymph drainage problems and relieve stress.
The hope we offer is not that of a miraculous cure,
although we are definitely open to miracles,
but the hope of a life lived to the fullest in dignity
and understanding, for however long that may be.
The Effect of Infrared Saunas on Cancer Cells
Dr. Connie enjoys our infrared sauna |
For cancer specifically, infrared saunas are especially promising because of the selective toxicity they have on cells. In a nutshell, the hyperthermic effects of infrared radiation are only harmful to malignant cells, as was explained to me by Dr. Irvin Sahni in a Truth About Cancer docu-series interview. Dr. Sahni told me that normal healthy cells are essentially immune to infrared radiation, while cancer cells are hyper-thermically challenged:
"...by exposing your body to that heat, you're selectively killing or eradicating those less viable cells, those cancer cells, without hurting your normal cells. And so a far infrared sauna is useful because it can help you sweat, excrete toxins, and in theory eliminate cancer cells which can't survive the heat as well as the normal cells."
Another study published in the Journal of Cancer Science and Therapy found that
after just 30 days of infrared treatment, tumor-infected mice saw reductions in their cancerous masses of up to 86% − even with low-temperature infrared exposures of as little as 77 degrees Fahrenheit (25 Celcius).
And if that isn't enough, another study out of Japan found that infrared-induced,
whole-body hyperthermia helped strongly inhibit the growth and spread of breast cancer cells in mice, without causing any harmful side effects.
Source: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/infrared-sauna-benefits/
Note: High quality, portable, infrared saunas are available through our office. Click
Breast Cancer: A Visual Guide
to Self-Examination
Monthly breast self-examination can help detect abnormalities or changes that may be signs of cancer.
Not every form of
breast cancer
can be found through a physical examination. However, regular self-examination can increase the chances of discovering certain breast cancers early.
The earlier breast cancer is detected, the more likely it is that treatment will be effective.
A person needs to understand the areas around the breast that are most vulnerable to
cancer in order to be able to carry out a self-examination. Seeing pictures of these areas and how a breast may appear if there is cancer present can help.
For a visual guide on breast self-exam, please go
Marijuana - A cure for cancer?
New research being done has shown more than just pain relieving or mood enhancing effects; marijuana could help to treat and - even better - reverse cancer.
Studies were recently completed by the California Pacific Medical Center in the San Francisco Bay area. The compound CBD was tested on animals with cancer as an alternative treatment. They found there was a disruption in the growth of tumors cells. CBD is a natural defense mechanism in the cannabis plant. In fact, CBD makes up about 40 percent of the cannabis plant matter. CBD is considered non-psychoactive, whereas THC is psychoactive. Basically, CBD doesn't give you the "high feelings" associated with THC, but it is showing promise in stopping or even reversing the effects of cancer on the body.
By manipulating the breeding of the plants to achieve high contents of CBD and low content of THC, this could give a very low psychoactive response yet provide all the cancer fighting benefits of the CBD.
This breakthrough discovery is on the verge of being tested on humans with both brain cancer and breast cancer. If this works, marijuana could be the single biggest breakthrough treatment we've seen for cancer; perhaps ever!
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Other I.V. Therapies Offered at Pacific Naturopathic and the Hernandez Center
--I.V. therapy is not just for cancer patients--
Many people have already heard about intravenous vitamin C as a complementary cancer therapy to help stimulate the immune system as well as being directly cytotoxic to cancer cells. This is the most common therapy we use at the Hernandez Center for our cancer patients.
But intravenous therapy is not just for cancer patients. More than half of our IV patients come for various "cocktails" to help them ward off infections and optimize their health. We offer a number of individualized versions of the famous "Myers Cocktail." Read about the Myers Cocktail HERE
Other cocktails we offer promote brain health, assist the liver in its detoxification efforts, relieve the symptoms of chronic fatigue, help reduce stress, bring rapid relief from sinusitis, colds and flus, address immune system disorders, slow the progression of macular degeneration, reduce chronic pain and fibromyalgia and many other conditions.
Check out our new web site at www.IntravenousTherapies.com
For more information or to set up an appointment, please contact us at the Hernandez Center at (650) 917-1121. A lot more information can be found at www.IntravenousTherapies.com
Pacific Naturopathic
The Hernandez Center
for Adjunctive Cancer Care
2570 W. El Camino Real, Suite 111
Mountain View, CA 94040
650-917-1121 (v) * 650-917-1127 (f)