Events, Resources & News You Can Use
September 22, 2017
In this issue
(keep scrolling down for articles)
Upcoming Diocesan Events
- Diocesan Convention: Nov. 3-4
- Sharing the Good News: inspiration and ideas: Nov. 3
- Day of Healing: Oct. 28
Center for Reconciliation (CFR) Events
- Cathedral tours this Saturday: Sept. 23
- Final slave trade walking tour of 2017: Oct. 13
Resources You Can Use
- Register if you might need special help in a disaster
- Webinars for congregations working with public schools
Ministry Highlights
Around the Diocese/Community
- Clergy comings and goings
Specifically for Clergy
- Clergy events for September and October
Diocesan Calendar in Brief
Please submit complete materials about programs of diocesan-wide interest
to the Rev. Gillian Barr at pressroom@episcopalri.org no later than Tuesday, September 26. Publication will be on Wednesday, October 4.
Diocesan Convention
November 3 - 4 St. Luke's, East Greenwich
Friday, 1 p.m. - 4:45: Sharing the Good News: see article below
Friday, 7 p.m.: Eucharist & reception
Saturday, 9 a.m.: Business sessions
The 2017 Diocesan Convention will begin on Friday evening, Nov. 3, with the Convention Eucharist at 7 p.m. followed by a dessert reception. Convention's business session will begin at 9 a.m. on Saturday, again at St. Luke's Church.
Our convention preacher will be the Rev. Dr. James Forbes, considered one of the top preachers in the country. Forbes is the senior minister emeritus of the Riverside Church in New York City and is one of the leaders of "The Revival: Time for a Moral Revolution of Values" a national movement to reconsider how moral values should affect American politics.
Sharing the Good News!
an afternoon of extra inspiration and ideas in conjunction with
Diocesan Convention
Friday, Nov. 3
1 p.m - 4:45 p.m.
St. Luke's East Greenwich
Come to St. Luke's early on the Friday of Convention weekend for inspiration and ideas on sharing the Good News! Convention preacher the Rev. Dr. James Forbes will give a presentation, which will be followed by a series of workshops. You will get ideas about how your congregation can reach out to your community and also begin new ministries within your congregation.
These events are open to all - whether or not you are a delegate to convention. Delegates and non-delegates alike are invited to come for Sharing the Good News, enjoy dinner on your own in any of the many restaurants in East Greenwich, and worship with the larger diocese at the Convention Eucharist at 7 p.m.
Registration for "Sharing the Good News" will be separate from convention registration and will be opened later in September.
Embracing the Power of the Holy Spirit:
a day focused on the ministry of healing
Saturday, October 28
9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
St. Thomas, Greenville
"Embracing the Power of the Holy Spirit" will be a day of workshops, worship and fellowship for those interested in the ministry of healing and the role of the Holy Spirit. Breakout groups will include sessions on praying for the sick, "Praying with Color" to reduce stress, singing to the dying, allowing the Holy Spirit to heal through poetry, and more.
There will be a healing service with music by "New Fire," and lunch will be provided.
The $15 registration fee covers lunch and a portion of the day's expenses.
The event is co-sponsored by St. Thomas Church Greenville, the New England chapter of the Order of St. Luke, the Diocese of Rhode Island, and Province One -- the Episcopal Church in New England.
Tour the Cathedral of St. John during "Doors Open RI"
Saturday, September 23
Noon - 6 p.m.
The first
Doors Open Rhode Island Festival will include the Cathedral of St. John (271 N. Main Street, Providence) as one of more than 20 historic sites open to the public in this free event. Many of the sites, such as the Cathedral, are not normally open to the public.
Center for Reconciliation (CFR) and representatives of the Diocese will be present all afternoon to describe the history of the Cathedral, Rhode Island's role in the international slave trade and the work of the CFR toward racial reconciliation. The CFR plans to develop a museum in the lower level of the Cathedral, and has already begun to hold programs there.
Final international slave trade walking tour of 2017
Friday, October 13 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. Brown and Power Streets This popular CFR program offers an exclusive "behind-the-scenes" look inside four local historic sites, discussing Rhode Island's complicity and resistance to the international slave trade from a variety of viewpoints. Everyone from the state's wealthiest early citizens to its most recent antebellum immigrants helped the Ocean State become the US's largest contributor to the slave trade.
Tour stops include the John Brown House, John Carter Brown Library, University Hall, Stephen Hopkins House, Cathedral of St. John cemetery and the Cathedral itself. Tour departs from the corner of Brown and Power Streets near the John Brown House. The cost is $20 per person. Limited spots are available, and registration is required. All proceeds go to support future CFR programs.
Register here for this final 2017 tour. Tours will resume in May 2018.
Would you need special help from first responders
in a disaster?
The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) and the Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency (RIEMA) maintain a registry for Rhode Island residents with disabilities, chronic conditions, and/or special healthcare needs who live at home or in group homes. By participating in the registry, you permit RIDOH and RIEMA to share your information with local and state emergency responders, such as your town/city police and/or fire department. The information you provide may help responders meet your needs during an emergency, though assistance cannot be guaranteed.
Sign up for the registry here.
Does your congregation work with a public school?
Take advantage of free w
ebinars to help you grow your ministry
If your congregation is currently working with a public school, or is exploring the possibility of starting a partnership or education advocacy initiative,
All Our Children,
a network of individuals, groups, and religious congregations that champion faith-rooted community partnerships with under-resourced public schools, is offering 3 free webinars this fall. We've got panelists lined up from the Episcopal Church, Episcopal Relief and Development, as well as from other non-profits across the country.
- How Church-School Partnerships Can Build Beloved Community Tuesday, September 26, 2:30pm - 3:45pm
- Best Practices for Building Community and Avoiding Toxic Charity Tuesday, October 24, 2:30pm - 3:45pm
- You Don't Have to Do it Alone: Growing a Partnership by Building on Local Resources Tuesday, November 28, 2:30 - 3:45pm EST
Episcopal Relief responds to hurricanes
Rhode Islanders are among those who have been donating generously to
Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD) to help them respond to the devastation caused by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose, and Maria.
ERD works with church partners after disasters, equipping them to meet needs of those most vulnerable in their communities. Currently, their staff is responding to areas devastated by multiple Hurricanes, and watching developing tropical storms.
Because of our strong diocesan partnerships, Episcopal Relief & Development is ready to assist in the recovery of the impacted areas for as long as necessary, long after initial clean-up is complete.
You can help provide critical relief to affected communities by donating to ERD's Hurricane Relief Fund. To donate and read the latest updates, including bulletin inserts you can use in your congregation, visit
Clergy Comings and Goings
- The Rev. Robert Marshall has accepted a call as Rector of Episcopal Church of the Redeemer in Midlothian, Virginia, and will be leaving St. John's Church in Barrington on October 1.
- The Rev. Dn. Christine Cassels has been assigned to serve at St. Luke's in East Greenwich.
- The Rev. Maryalice Sullivan is serving as priest-in-charge at All Saints Memorial Church in Providence.
- The Rev. Dn. Dante Tavolaro is serving as curate at St. Luke's in East Greenwich and chaplain at our new campus ministry at Rhode Island College.
- The Rev. Jim Bocchino and his wife, Barbara, have moved to their retirement home in Olmsteadville, NY.
- The Rev. Jack Barrett and his wife, Carol, are leaving Westerly to continue retirement in Hudson, NH.
- The Rev. Jeff Jencks and his wife, Eileen, are leaving RI and returning to live in Florida.
Clergy events in September and October
- October 1: Celebration of New Ministry: the Rev. Scott Lee and St. Barnabas, Warwick, 4 p.m.
- October 3: Clergy Day, St. Martin's, Providence, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Register.
- October 1: Celebration of New Ministry: the Rev. Scott Lee and St. Barnabas, Warwick
- October 6 - 8: Happening retreat for senior high youth
- October 11: Pre-convention meeting at Epiphany, Rumford 7 p.m.
- October 12: Pre-convention meeting at St. Mark's, Warwick 7 p.m.
- October 14: ECC Fundraiser at Slater Mill 7 p.m.
- October 28: Day of Healing, St. Thomas, Greenville
- November 3: Sharing the Good News, St. Luke's East Greenwich
- November 3 - 4: Diocesan Convention, St. Luke's, East Greenwich