New from Jagiellonian University Press



Monika Florczak-Wator

This book tackles the issue of individual rights within the Polish constitutional system. It begins by asking why the horizontal effect of individual rights was not contemplated in Polish jurisprudence until the 1980s, and why it is not expressly addressed in the Polish Constitution despite the proposal of a relevant clause during the drafting process. Through extensive research, the author finds that the decision to abandon this clause was done on purpose, therefore nothing stands in the way of incorporating the horizontal application of constitutional rights into the framework of the Polish Constitution.  Read more ...

Political Science / Law
$40.00 $27.00 | Paper  | 154 pages | £30.00*
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Greeks, Parthians, Kushans and Sasanians

Edited by Edward Dabrowa

This volume contains 12 studies on political, social, economic, and religious aspects of the history of Central Asia and Iran in the period from the fourth century B.C.E. to the fifth century C.E. by leading specialists in the field. They interpret and reconstructing the region's past based on various kinds of evidence, including literary, archaeological, linguistic, and numismatic. Some papers present the findings of recent archaeological excavations in Old Nisa and Uzbekistan for the first time.  Read more ...

Archaeology / Ancient History
$45.00 $30.00 | Paper  | 258 pages | £33.00



Edited by Pawel Laidler and Maciej Turek

Basic Documents in Federal Campaign Finance Law presents the evolution of the relationship of money and politics in American governance, with a special focus on the regulations and norms which have shaped the current understanding of campaign finance in the United States. It emphasizes the main reasons for federal legislation on campaign finance, its outcomes, and the ways in which issues have been challenged in the courts, focusing especially on the changing attitudes of the Supreme Court towards the issue. The book contains a short introduction to every important piece of legislation or court decision, including the background of the legislation and its main purpose and substance, as well as the facts leading to legal disputes over the legislation's constitutionality. Each introductory piece is followed by the most crucial excerpts from legislative acts or Supreme Court opinions on campaign finance, so that readers are able to analyze for themselves the substance and form of the regulations on the issue.  Read more ...

Basic American Documents
Political Science / Law
$40.00 $28.00 | Paper  | 258 pages | £33.00

Lodz-Lund Studies in Cognitive Science

Edited by Piotr Lukowski, Aleksander Gemel, and Bartosz Zukowski

This book is filled with cutting-edge cognitive science research, with a special emphasis on psychological, linguistic, and neurobiological approaches. The volume is the result of a collaboration between the Departments of Cognitive Science at the University of Lodz and Lund University. It contains essays focusing on the key research issues tackled by both departments, including considerations of meaning, natural language and reasoning skills, linguistic and numerical competence, theories of decision making, modeling conceptual representations, cognitive and game theories and their insight into social interaction.  Read more ...

$42.00 $29.00 | Paper  | 180 pages | £31.00


Modern Yoga Practice as a Psychosocial Phenomenon

Krzysztof T. Konecki

"An original work that brings new findings to the sociology of culture and sociology of religion. It is based on deep empirical research and diagnoses a phenomenon that is new and increasingly significant, not only in Poland."-Grazyna Woroniecka, University of Warsaw

This book interprets the social significance of yoga in a world that emphasizes corporeality and the body. Immersing himself in the social world of hatha yoga participants, from an urban studio to a mountain retreat, the author's personal experience with positions and techniques, group meditation, and joint mantra is juxtaposed against interviews, photographs, video recordings on the social meaning of yoga, and philosophical analyses of where the physical and spiritual meet. This book's use of empirical qualitative research and participant observation allows for close analysis, even outright experiencing of the participants' world.  Read more ...

$45.00 $30.00 | Paper  | 214 pages | £33.00