February 17, 2017
College and Career Readiness offers a foundation for success
College and Career Readiness
Basic Skills Reading Instructor James Williams provides adult literacy learners with evidence-based reading instruction within ECC's Department of College and Career Readiness.

College and Career Readiness at Edgecombe Community College assists adults who have not completed high school. Programs help improve literacy skills and enable success in employment, self-sufficiency, higher education, and the family.
Older student receives high school credential at ECC
College and Career Readiness (CCR) programs provide instruction, training, and credentials to individuals of all ages, from sixteen years and up. Though it's a challenge to describe a "typical" CCR student, it is not typical to see a student over the age of 70.

Milton Pittman is proof that we're never too old to learn. At 74, he has earned his High School Equivalency diploma. "I attempted this process several times over the past 20 years," he says. "However, this time around I felt that I had a level of support that had not been present for me during the previous attempts."

Milton Pittman
Historic Preservation Weekend Classes

Historic Preservation Trades

Spring classes include Porch Repair, Advanced Genealogy Series: Military Records, Painting and Finishing, Researching Historic Property, and Barns, Smokehouses and Dependencies. Annual Preservation Trades Fair is Saturday, April 29. Learn more
Performance Series
Business & Industry
Continuing Education