"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"
                                                          Joshua 24:15
Jesus At Our Table

There are so many stories in the Bible about Jesus sharing meals with people - eating with Zacchaeus, 5 loaves and 2 fish, the Walk to Emmaus, breakfast on the beach after the Resurrection, and the Last Supper, to name a few.  Meal sharing MUST be important! 
Advent, the time of preparing for the coming of Jesus, begins tomorrow, Sunday, Nov 29.  Bring Jesus to YOUR table during this season with the following simple activities.  Where is your "table"? - Wherever you share a meal - around a camp fire, in a deer blind, kitchen counter, dining room table, Wednesday night church supper, picnic in the backyard, McDonalds...)   

1.) Share a meal with family. (What's family? - you and at least one other person.)

2.) Open with this simple prayer (or any other): "Jesus, welcome to our table.  Bless this meal and those who are here and those who can't be here.  Amen."

3.) During the meal, learn the Advent ABC bible verses, 1 per week.  (Verses below.)

4.) Take a picture of your family at the meal together or video of your family saying the bible verse together or any other way you bring Jesus to your table.

5.) Post on Facebook with #jesusatourtable so we can share the joy. 
6.) Share this idea with others so they too might invite Jesus to their table this Advent. 
Advent Bible Verse ABC's 
A for Angel - "The Angel said unto her, "Fear not Mary, for you have found favor with God."  Luke 1:30

B for Baby - "While they were there the time came for the baby to be born."  Luke 2:6

C for Cloths - "She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger."  Luke 2:7

D for David - "Today in the city of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord."  Luke 2:11