September 2017
        Vol 10, Issue 9          
Creative Coaching Group
 the Creative Coaching Group newsletter
I, and thousands of women from around the world, will be descending on Las Vegas from Oct. 9-14 for the Sweet Adelines International harmony competition. This is the Olympics of a cappella singing with a full week of  choruses, and quartets, from Canada, USA, AU, NZ, Sweden, and the UK vying for top honours. 

For 2 years we all have been preparing for our short, intense time onstage. All of us are hoping to deliver our peak performance at exactly the right moment to get the result we want.  Paradoxically though, if we attach ourselves to a result, we actually interfere with the possibility that the "result" will be the one we want. 

Read the feature article below to learn the 4 words for success in those situations where the result really matters to you.  To listen to world-class harmony, b e sure to tune into the free Competition Webcast.  I'll be onstage with Lions Gate Chorus in the semi-finals on Thursday, Oct. 5 at 4:31 pm Pacific.  Click here to watch.
  Jan Carley BA, CEC, PCC  
  Professional Certified Executive Coach     
Feature Article: When the Result Really Matters: 
                            Use a High Intention, Low Attachment Approach
There are times when detaching from an outcome is the best course of action for maximum results. Specifically, for events, conversations and situations for which you do not control the outcome, and especially in situations where you have a big investment of emotion attached, detaching from your desired result will serve you well.

My approach for success is 4 simple words:
High Intention : a purposeful mental approach that focuses on what you can control  
Low Attachment: Letting go of  a "result" or outcome that is not 100% in your control
High intention, low attachment logically applies in any situation where another party is a factor in determining how the results play out. Successful Olympic athletes do not spend their mental energy pre-competition worrying about whether they will win or not. They do not obsess about other competitors. Instead, they focus on the only thing they have control over - their own performance. They will have spent time visualizing in advance the perfect race run, the perfect shot hit, the perfect run skied and may even have visualized themselves on the podium with the gold medal - but they will have separated their actual performance from that end result. Setting goals and having a clear vision is a good thing. Goals are set before the work is done and can inspire and drive us.  Results come after the work is done. It is when we get attached to a result we have no control over that we add a layer of interference that gets in the way of our actually doing the work to achieve that goal.
You can apply this High Intention/Low Attachment concept with dramatic results to any part of your work or personal life.  Use it when going for an interview for a job that would be absolutely perfect, or when you are going out on a date with someone you are really interested in, or perhaps when having a critical conversation with a colleague or friend.
For example, my client Lisa was preparing for an important meeting with a potential corporate client. If successful, the partnership would yield significant financial benefits and potential for future referrals. She was agitated for days before the presentation thinking about how much was riding on the result.  The mental interference was causing her to lose sleep, get unfocused and mentally take her off course. In our coaching session we focused on letting go of the result and placing focus on the piece in her control - her preparation and presentation of the material. We focused on developing high intention for the meeting (engaging the client in a conversation to outline the benefits of her company) and doing the pre-meeting preparation with focused purpose. At the same time, she let go of the tight attachment she had to an outcome over which she had no control. Letting go of the result allowed her preparation to be more productive, and to show up in the meeting more relaxed, and confident.
When the result really matters go into that situation with high "intention",  (a clear and focused purpose over which you have control) and a low "attachment" to the outcome (outside your control).
1/ Mental interference is reduced by focusing your mind and energy solely on your intention (your purpose). Be sure your purpose is something that is purely connected to you rather than an outcome you want.  e.g/ When holding a critical staff meeting - my intention could be "setting a positive atmosphere for honest communication" instead of "getting everyone to open up and say what is on their mind". You see how the first is a focus that I could control and the second is a result that I could not.
2/ You can open possibilities for outcomes you may not even have considered if you do not attach to a pre-determined result. There could be an even more wonderful possibility that presents itself that is even more closely connected with your intention.
3/ Results often depend on factors beyond our control. Attachment to results distracts us from the thing in control: the work at hand.  High intention, low attachment allows us to stay in the present moment which is where the magic lies. When we focus our energies on what might happen in the future we reduce the potential effectiveness of where we are now and we create interference that does not allow us to be in the moment. "The point of power is in the present moment." - Louise Hay
Experiment with this concept. I guarantee you will be amazed at the results that a "high intention/low attachment" focus will bring!   
Lightbulb of the Month
" Slip into the gap, have the desire, detach from the outcome, and let the universe take care of the details."
- Deepak Chopra 
My new book: THE OVERTONE EFFECT on sale Oct. 3! 
by Jan Carley

A proven, step-by-step system to maximize personal and organizational success

What is the Overtone Effect? 
When a singer or chorus achieves precisely the right tuning in the notes they sing, the intricate balance of sound frequencies creates overtones- extra notes that, while heard, are not actually being sung. Using the phenomenon of overtones as a metaphor for creating results that go well beyond what you ever thought possible, this book will guide you to hit the high notes in your life or business. 
The results? Increased joy, flow, effectiveness, and extraordinary success.  That's the Overtone Effect! 

*First released as "Finding Your Overtone", the new title is on sale in print or e-versions online at Amazon and other booksellers worldwide

Check out the book website at 

Coming in November:  
4 weeks of LIVE online learning with Jan to help you build a rock-solid success foundation, reconnect with what's really important to you and move into your "sweet spot" where you can achieve better results and experience more joy.   Registration NOW OPEN! 
About Jan Carley  
Jan Carley is a Professional Certified Executive Coach credentialed with the International Coach Federation. Known as a high-performance catalyst, Jan specializes in coaching individuals and teams to focus and expand their vision and leverage their signature strengths to open possibilities and maximize their potential.
Her first book, Harmony from the Inside Out, has been widely acclaimed and is now in its 3rd printing.   Her 2nd book, The Overtone Effect, will be onsale by Oct. 3, 2017.3rd edition of Jan's book

Jan is Associate Faculty of the renowned Royal Roads University Executive Coaching Program, is a Professional Mentor coach and a certified facilitator of the Strength Deployment Inventory .  
Jan lives in Vancouver, BC, Canada, and is available for individual & team coaching, workshops and speaking engagements worldwide. PCC logo

Contact Jan at 604 873-1763    email: [email protected] 
Quick Links
Jan' Coaching Company Creative Coaching Group
Jan's work with BarbershoppersInner Coach of Barbershop
Jan's new book: The Overtone Effect 
Jan's popular first bookHarmony From the Inside Out
If you would like to reprint any part of this ezine in your blog or newsletter, please feel free to do so as long as you include the following credit information: Jan Carley inspires possibilities and leverages peak performance by coaching from the "inside out." Sign up to receive her free 15 page report, 5 Ways to Instantly Focus for Harmony and Success, and receive a free subscription to Jan's monthly coaching e-newsletter, LIGHT ON THE SUBJECT.   Creative Coaching Group
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