
The first part of the year could be described as a whirlwind. In personal life, I just wished by son a happy third birthday. In professional happenings, I've had the opportunity to train and exchange ideas with other safety professionals in support of continued learning.

For those who are currently in the game, hustling in the name of all things safety, keeping the message fresh remains part of your chosen challenge. In my pursuit of all things safety, I look to many non-traditional sources for inspiration and have had lightbulb moments in the most unlikely of places. A tangible object or architecture with history have emboldened important thought. But inspiration for me also comes from genuine human connection.

Oprah recently wrote "There is a common denominator in the human experience. We all want to be heard. We all want to know what we're saying and feeling matters." That is the absolute truth with safety. As safety advocates, make the connection with those who do their jobs well. Listen and have authentic conversation because their knowledge and stories need to be heard.

Keep Thriving!