Larry's Comics Newsletter

Special Friends,

fables crossover

I host a new live podcast every Wednesday 6p-8p
You can call in at 7p. DO-IT! 1-347-326-9538
The Powerful #comicmarket Podcast.
Fans, creators & retailers talk comics on new comics day
Check out yesterdays episode with Jetpack Comics, Jimmy Jay & Joe Mulvey from Comixtribe.

Wednesday proved again, the industry is in a growth period.
Print comics are in style. New blood is entering the comic market. Lapsed fans are returning. Contributing factors: Avengers movie, DC reboot, & digital comics exposing the art form to a different crowd.

The shops top seller was Batman #10. It is also my shops best selling monthly title & most subscribed to title. It contained a blockbuster revelation that is affecting a few back list items.
It features the first appearance of Earth #0 Owl Man.

Bruce Waynes brother, Thomas Wayne, Jr.
Yes. Bruce appears to have a brother, making this issue Key.
It was the type of book that kept the shop community buzzing all day long, fans lingered, socialized & chatted excitedly.

Thomas Wayne Jr. first appeared in Worlds Finest 223.
That issue was $10 on Tuesday & is being offered for $55 today.

I can't keep Thanos as a wall book. ANY appearance.

The JLA Earth 2 tpb featuring Owlman by Grant Morrison is currently out of print 7 sought after.

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Fans could not resist Spider-Men #1. The prospect of a Ultimate crossover with fan favorite Miles Morales & 616 proper Peter Parker has them intrigued. It was my shops second best seller yesterday.

Before Watchmen sold like a mid tier DC, which is great. 5 other comics outsold it at my shop. I ordered real high to find a ceiling. Amanda Connor took her art to a whole new level. She appears to have modified her style. I will be FOCing my numbers down to demand. Feedback from my customers,  was that a lot of them were waiting for trades. The Jim Lee variant is considerably under cost for the second week in a row on Ebay. Not a good sign. DC did a lousy job with the variants. Raw Jim Lee pencils for the 1/200 & color Jim Lee for the 1/25 would have nailed it.

The Massive #1 sold great yesterday. We have built a strong Brian Wood following in the shop over the last decade, tirelessly hand selling this mans work. Back list of his work sold incredible yesterday in shops Wood section.  Brian only likes to hear positive news so don't tell him that his work for hire Marvel X-Men titles performed atrociously. Both X-Men & Ultimate X-Men are in free fall.
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Disney signed a deal with Third World Studios to make  Stuff of Legends a live/animated film. If the movie even comes close to the source material, this will be huge for the industry. Yesterday I saw an increased interest in the 3 trades. I expect prices on these indy gems to rise sharply soon. Warned ya. Once series artist Charles Paul Wilson III started offering his Pooh bear con sketches in A. A Milne style, he has really blown up.

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Respectable sellers worth watching:
Suicide Squad
Avengers Assemble
Bad Medicine #1
Kiss #1
Batman Arkham unhinged

Yesterday we hand sold Image Comics Planetoid #1 like champs.
I love the book & want to build  a strong reader base in my shop. I just went out of print today. Diamond is sold out.

Thief of Thieves keeps selling out, every printing for us & is an online price monster.

Star Trek / Dr Who #1 is a legitimately hot book right now. It shipped out of print & allocated to shops. Online prices are well above $10, & $30+ for variants.

Every day we have fans in looking for old school Valiant back issues of X-O & Harbinger. Once dead stock, now reborn.

The Inflammatory Rich Johnson's Bleeding Cool Magazine looks to be up to the task of filling the void left in the industry by Wizard. The industry really needs a monthly magazine / price guide to educate new collectors / readers & to provide news to existing ones. Let's hope Rich can deliver. I ran a promotion giving copies out for free. A couple dozen fans have already subscribed to it. It really needs to launch monthly.

If you enjoy this new micro-blog format of my weekly market report.
Please re-tweet it. 


I really need to buy some comics. If you have any for sale, or know anybody selling please call the shop. 978-459-5323  


Play are you smarter than a comic shop nerd,
Monday 7:05a on WAAF. 
(617) 931-1AAF
You call in & try to beat me at comic book trivia. Try it. I'll kick your ass.
It's in the flavor of the Hill-Man morning show. Raunchy. Funny as hell.  I even try to spew some legit cutting edge industry info. 
Listen to Monday's show I talked about Before Watchmen.
\ I "TRY" to be funny. 

fables crossover


Larry Doherty

Larry's Comics
66 Lakeview Ave
Lowell, MA 01850

Wednesday 9a-8p
Thursday 10a-7p
Friday 11a-11p
Saturday 9am-7pm
Sunday 11a-4p
Monday 11a-7p
Closed Tuesday.

You can buy Regional Shop Variants produced for my store


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