U.S.VETS National Office
800 W. 6th St., Suite 1505
Los Angeles, CA 90017
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"I am a veteran...

I served in Iraq, or Afghanistan. Maybe both.
I came home confused and frightened about what I had experienced and who I had become.
Life back home wasn't what I expected.
Now I'm living in my car.
I need help."

This story is all too familiar.
This holiday season, there are more than
60,000 veterans in America who are homeless.

U.S.VETS is at the forefront of efforts to end this disgrace.

$1.50 a day is all it takes to provide a
homeless veteran with food
and hygiene supplies.

Your donation of just $35 will get
a veteran off the street tonight, 
and on their way to obtaining stable 
housing and employment.

The veteran looking for your help could be your father, brother, husband or son. She could be your sister or daughter.

Help us help them get a new start.

Visit usvetsinc.org now to make your contribution.