Saturday February 21, 2015


 Stated Meeting

      The 102 Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of Tres Rios was held at First Presbyterian Church in El Paso on Saturday February 21, 2015. We are thankful to the pastor Rev. Neal Locke and the Session of First El Paso for hosting the Presbytery meeting. As is already a tradition, the night before we had a Pre-Presbytery party hosted by Rev. John & Becky Nelsen and Jimmy Stevens at Springhill Suites Hotel in El Paso. Twenty eight people participated and shared a good time of fellowship.
"Thriving Church vs. Surviving Church"

 The Presbytery Meeting had the theme "Thriving Church vs. Surviving Church" and explored a new format where instead of having a separate worship service at the beginning of the meeting, the whole docket was a worship experience. We are thankful to Rev. Jessica Vaughan Lower who preached a powerful sermon "The Undead Church" based on the passage of Ezekiel 37: 1-14 (The Valley of Dry Bones).

But also she designed the presbytery docket as a worship experience and distributed the participants. It was also very innovative the participation of the Praise Group of First El Paso along the Presbytery Docket providing congregational traditional hymns in contemporary arrangements.


Actions of Networking and Outreach teams

The Presbytery Meeting was also a deliberative body who took important actions for the life of the church. Among the actions, we approved the creation of an Administrative Commission (AC) to work with the group of members from First San Angelo who have signed a letter stating their desire to continue being part of the PC(USA) and create a new worshipping community. The AC will work with them to provide guidance and assistance to this group. The Missional Outreach Team established a budget of $25,000 dollars to work with this group.

Also Missional Outreach Team presented a challenge to the churches of the Presbytery asking for a re-commitment from each church, pastor and member to reach out and share our faith with others. Rev. Craig Meyers led this part and challenged the commissioners and pastors present at the Presbytery Meeting.


Actions of the Missional Ministries Team                

The Missional Ministries Team (MMT) submitted their report where it was received Rev. Cheryl Kincaid as new member of the Presbytery and pastor of First Odessa. MMT also recommended the dissolution of the pastoral relationship between Rev. Eric Thompson and Westminster Odessa pending their congregational meeting; also the dissolution of the pastoral relationship between Rev. Caryn Thurman and First Marfa. We were informed that St. Paul church was authorized to close the position of co-pastor and University church was authorized to open a two-year designated associate pastor position.


Other Reports     
 We heard the report of the visit of Dr. Heath K. & Peggy Rada, 221 General Assembly Moderator and Rev. Dan Saperstein, Synod of the Sun Co-Leader to our Presbytery from February 10 through 16. The visit of our GA Moderator was not only a blessing but also a positive point of contact with the wider church, national and international. Moderator Rada was compassionate, respectful and caring responding all the questions he received in every meeting he had, but also gave us a hopeful view of the Presbyterian Church (USA) in spite of our difficulties and disagreements.

We also heard a report from our Moderator elect Rev. Jobeth McLeod who attended the Moderator's Conference in Louisville, KY.

We received the report of our Synod commissioner Frances Carlton.

We welcomed the mission workers Omar Chang, Facilitator for Presbyterian Border Ministries and Amanda Craft, PC(USA) liaison for Mexico and Guatemala who moved to El Paso within the Presbytery boundaries. They provided information about their work and invited us to know more about the border.


Task Force to review the Reconciliation and Dismissal Policy

It was presented for first reading a revision of the Policy of Reconciliation and Dismissal. The moderator of the Task Force Rev. Tim Davenport-Herbst invited every church and individuals to send their concerns, suggestions and opinions to the Task Force for study, discussion and consideration.


 Vote on the Amendments to the Constitution

Before the vote, a commissioner Teaching Elder said, "I trust that whatever the outcome of our vote, we may continue maintaining the unity of the body of Christ and remain committed to stay together in our faith journey." We had a moment of silent prayer and proceeded to vote.


The following amendments were approved:

14.1. - Belhar Confession - (25 in favor, 23 against) - Rev. Jobeth McLeod presented pro and con arguments

14.B.1. - Final Assessment - (34 in favor, 14 against) - Rev. Katherine Norvell presented pro and con arguments

14.B.2 - Accommodations - (39 in favor, 9 against) - Rev. Katherine Norvell presented pro and con arguments

14.C. - Child Protection Policy- (47 in favor, 1 against) - Rev. Tracy Spencer Brown presented pro and con arguments

14.D. - Minimum Composition of a Presbytery - (43 in favor, 4 against, 1 abstention) - Stated Clerk Kay Long presented pro and con arguments

14.F. - Marriage - (26 in favor, 22 against) - Rev. John Nelsen presented pro arguments and Elder Dennis Haralson presented con arguments. Rev. Nelsen and Elder Haralson were our commissioners to the 221 General Assembly in Detroit)


The following amendments were disapproved:

14.A - Renunciation of Jurisdiction - (13 in favor, 35 against) - Rev. Jim Miles presented pro and con arguments

14.E. - Interreligious Stance - ( 21 in favor, 25 against, 2 abstentions) - Rev. Tim Davenport-Herbst presented pro and con arguments


Inspirational - Deliverative - Respectful - Spiritual - Innovative - Fraternal - Courteous -  Friendly - Well Moderated - Very Presbyterian