We love that our staff is as active as they are. It helps to show our patients that our staff's understanding comes from a place of actually doing not just hearing.
Stephen Miwa-
Marketing and Design Specialist, USA Cycling Official, and Basketball Player
Ever since middle school, I have been involved in sports. I played basketball, soccer, volleyball, and cycling for many years. While I no longer have time to play all of those sports, I still play basketball competitively and I am still involved in cycling though mostly as an official now. Staying active and getting workouts in is something that I make sure that I schedule into my daily life. Without making that conscience effort to plan that time into my day, it would be easy to just sleep in and blow off many workouts. I currently compete in an under 25 men's league in Chicago where my team is currently undefeated and sitting in 1st place in the standings. We are hoping that all of our hard work will take us into the tournament as the number 1 seed and win our way to a championship.
After working out and playing games, it is important that I stretch, hydrate, and recover properly so that I can come back stronger and help myself to stay injury free.
Read more of how our staff Walks the Walk in our upcoming newsletters!
Trigger Point Rollers
We LOVE trigger point (TP) rollers!
We use them for warm-up, cool-down, and everything in between. Foam rollers are great...we have just found that the TP rollers provide a deeper,
more focused compression.
Similar to a foam roller, TP rollers are used for a variety of reasons:
- release adhesions
- increase localized blood flow
- release myofascial tension
- increase the pliability of the muscles
You can use your trigger point roller on your quadriceps, calves, hamstrings, IT bands, and ribs. If you have questions about whether the TP roller would be a good invest for your family, call one of our clinics today and we can help lead you in the right direction.
Thank You!
We would like to thank everyone who donated shoes to our Share Your Soles shoe drive. All of the shoes that we collected are going to Share Your Soles where they will be distributing them all across the globe.
EndureIt! Ride and Tie
Sunday, April 26th
Ride and Tie is a sport combining running, riding, endurance and strategy! Teams consist of two runners and one bike who complete a 4 or 8 mile trail course by "leapfrogging" one another. For more information or to sign up please visit their
registration page.
Run the Ridge 5K/1K
Saturday, June 4th
Run the Ridge 5K and 1K Run/Walk is organized by Right Fit Sport Fitness Wellness, and designed for runners and walkers of all ages and fitness levels.
Join over 600 race participants in the 12th year of this 5K/1K community event. All net proceeds from both runs will benefit ProActive Kids (PAK), an organization assisting with childhood obesity.
We now offer Saturday hours on select weeks at both clinics!
Please call your clinic to ask about availability.
re-certification and Certification
classes now available!
-BLS for the Healthcare provider
-Family & Friends CPR/Choking basics
Classes provided through
American Heart Association
Team/group discounts available. Email mparker@achieveortho.com
for more details!
Share Your Soles- Mona Purdy |
Be the change you wish to see in the world - Gandhi
This is a message the creator of Share Your Soles (SYS), Mona Purdy, has been spreading for the last 17 years. A single mother of 3 when she started SYS- Mona, who became a first-time grandmother on the morning of our interview, and Share Your Soles have now given over 2 million pairs of shoes to those in need all over the globe.
Mona, an active cyclist and runner at the time, used to train with a cycling team from Guatemala whenever they were in town. She was talking to one of her friends on the team, and found out that many people from the team's area did not have pedals for their bikes. Mona decided to tell everyone she knows and collect many things that the people of the community desperately needed. After she collected everything she could, instead of shipping it down there, she bought a plane ticket to Guatemala to deliver it herself. She heard about a half marathon one of the locals was putting on, and she decided to run it. Come race day, it was a sweltering hundred degrees. She noticed that she was the only runner with shoes on because none of the locals could afford any. Throughout the race, there would be little kids running along and cheering. Not knowing if they were even running in the race, she was not sure if they were simply a local cheering section. Mona noticed that they did not have any shoes on either, but some had tar on the bottom of their feet instead.
On her flight back to America, Mona was sitting next to an orthopedic surgeon. He and Mona got to talking, and he told her that many children are not allowed to go to school because they do not have any shoes. That caught Mona off guard and upset her quite a bit, and then she inquired as to why he had been traveling to Guatemala. The surgeon informed her that he visits often to remove the feet of people who have gotten abbesses and infections in their feet and legs from having to walk around everywhere with no shoes on... all of the time. Having never known any of this prior to her trip, it really made her rethink priorities and things that people in the states take for granted on a daily basis.
Read the rest of the emotional story of Share Your Soles and everything they are doing today here.
Share Your Soles
11201 S Cottage Grove 2nd Floor
Chicago, IL 60628
(708) 448-4469
Core Power
Top 5 exercises for improving core power
Abbey Wills, DPT, ART-Cert.
Sports Medicine Physical Therapist
Performing Arts Medicine Specialist
Core activation and strength is important for many athletes of varying disciplines. The job of the deep core group is to hold the spine in position while you are using other parts of your body whether reaching for a jump shot or pushing off the wall while swimming. These muscles can also improve lower body positioning with weight bearing exercise while decreases stress in hips, knees and feet. For athletes that rely more heavily on using upper body, good spine/core control can enhance shoulder mobility and decrease postural limitations and pain.
Strength is important, however the key is learning to keep your core turned on while other parts of your body are active and moving. This can lead to compensations and position changes that can change mechanics or alignment and cause injury.
Abbey is available for scheduling out of our Burr Ridge Clinic:
7055 High Grove Blvd.
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
630 371 1623
Steven Chudik, MD Hinsdale Orthopaedics Arthroscopic Shoulder & Knee Sports Medicine |
After a conversation with Dr. Steven Chudik, it is easy to see how passionate he is about his craft. Even though he could have spent our time together discussing his current research or his recent professional accomplishment of being named US News & World Report Top Doctor in Orthopaedics- he didn't. Instead much of our conversation was about his enthusiasm for orthopedics, patient success, and how communication with his medical team is key.
With an uncle as an orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Chudik was able to see, at a young age, all of the "really great" aspects of being a doctor. "[My Uncle] was one of the first ones in the northwest suburbs of Chicago to start working with the high schools-I just thought it was the coolest thing to be sitting on the sidelines at a football game", Dr Chudik remembers. Even though being under the lights on a Friday night was a great draw, Dr. Chudik recalls the moment that lead him down the same path as his uncle.
"I would follow my uncle into the athletic training room", Chudik says, "and thought it was really cool to see my uncle reassuring an injured athlete and their family. His response was always simple but he would just say 'Listen, this is going to be ok, we'll get through this'. And I thought, "Hey, that's really amazing to be able to comfort this family."
To learn more about Dr. Chudik, or schedule an appointment, please visit: