KBEMS Education Newsletter                                           Issue # 16-9-01
Your Kentucky EMS Education Connection!

This is the second edition of the KBEMS Education Matters Newsletter.  KBEMS will be communicating with Emergency Medical Services-Training Educational Institutions and Educators on a monthly basis through the KBEMS Education Matters Newsletter.  

The newsletter will contain: educational resources; regulatory guidance and clarification on topics related to training, continuing education, certification and licensure; and will be a platform to disseminate national educational guidelines and practices.

FREE - DHS / NCBRT Site Protection through Observational Techniques (SPOT) Train the Trainer Course -Thursday, October 27, 2016 at the Kentucky Board of EMS office 118 James Court,  Lexington, KY

The purpose of this 8-hour course is to establish trainers in EMS agencies/Training and Educational Institutions across the state to providing SPOT training for EMS and other emergency responders in their service regions.
Board Recommends that all EMS Providers complete the TIM Course by December 31, 2017
On September 22, 2016 the board unanimously passed a recommendation that all EMS providers complete the Traffic Incident Management Responder Training (TIM) Course (on-line or classroom) by December 31, 2017.   This recommendation confirms the boards commitment to improve EMS responder safety on roadway incidents.    
KBEMS Education Committee
The education committee is a standing committee of the board.  The Education Committee shall consist of seven (7) voting member’s representative of EMS Educators in the state of Kentucky. At least one (1) voting member of the Education Committee shall also be a member of the Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services. 
Important news for NREMT BLS skill testing coordinators

  • Effective October 1, 2016 KBEMS is requiring all NREMT basic life support skill testing events to be reported to KBEMS thirty (30) days before the testing event.  If the skill testing is open to the public, it will be advertised on the KBEMS news and events calendar. Please include type of testing available (EMR-EMT), physical location, any participant fees, test site coordinator name and contact information (phone and e-mail).  Send NREMT basic life support skill testing events to thirty (30) days before the testing event. 
  • On November 1, 2016 EMS-TEI program directors will be able to approve NREMT student course completion verification and practical exam verification.  Currently EMS-TEI program directors can only approve student course completion and KBEMS is approving student practical skills verification. 
  • All NREMT BLS skill testing coordinators must adhere to the EMR psychomotor examination user guide (version 1.3) and EMT psychomotor examination user guide (version 1.4) during NREMT BLS psychomotor skill testing. If you have questions concerning NREMT BLS skill testing in Kentucky contact: Robert Andrew, KBEMS Director of Education ( or Telephone-(859) 256-3577)
  • NREMT information for EMS educators and programs.
Stratigies for improving student success on the NREMT examination

Field Internship Student Data Acquisition Project (FISDAP)

Committee on Accreditation  of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Profession s (CoAEMSP)

CoAEMSP INTERPRETATIONS OF THE CAAHEP 2015 STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES For the Accreditation of Educational Programs in the EMS Professions

Certification & Licensure

The 2016 renewal cycle is open! 

The Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services has sent email notification to all Kentucky EMS providers with certification(s) and/or license(s) which are due to expire December 31, 2016.   To ensure proper processing prior to the expiration date, your completed electronic application must be completed and approved prior to midnight on December 31, 2016.  Fees paid online with a credit/debit card will be accepted until December 31, 2016.  Please note that a completed application AND fees must be received by our office prior to midnight on December 31, 2016, or the application shall be rejected.  All applications on “Legal Review” must be remedied with our office prior to December 14 to ensure processing.  If you make a payment online using credit or debit card the renewal will occur in real time following a successful transaction.  To prevent possible loss of certification or license due to unforeseen issues KBEMS recommends that all renewing providers renew by November 15, 2016. 
2016 Provider Renewal Facts
  • August 2016 - Approximately 7,600 provider renewal applications were opened for providers expiring on December 31, 2016.
  • September 26, 2016 - 1,093 provider renewal applications were completed and processed by KBEMS. This leaves approximately 6,507 renewal application left to be completed and process by KBEMS. 

  • All renewal applications are processed by 2 KBEMS certification specialists. KBEMS is part of KCTCS and is required to close the office for institutional closure from December 17, 2016 through January 1, 2017.  The last day that KBEMS staff will be in the office for 2016 is Friday, December 16.
  • This leaves 11 weeks for the 2 KBEMS certification specialists to process the remaining 6,507 renewal application for 2016.   This is in addition to the normal daily processing of provider applications for initial, reinstatement, reciprocity, and temporary certifications and or licenses. 

    **KBEMS recommends that all providers renewing in 2016 to renew by November 15, 2016** 

Please be patient with the KBEMS certification specialists.  This is the busiest time of the year and all phone calls and tickets will be answered in the order they are received.  

Reminder: ALL KBEMS provider certifications/licenses are sent to providers through the U.S. Mail.  KBEMS does not issue cards in person at the office. Providers should allow processing time of up to 2 weeks for receipt of an initial or renewal card. Upon completion of the renewal application and receipt of payment a PDF copy of the card will be issued through the individuals e-mail address listed in KEMSIS. A card will be mailed to the provider at the address listed in their KEMSIS account within 2 weeks.  A provider can download a PDF copy of their card by logging in to their KEMSIS account.  The card will be found in the documents section. 

KBEMS Using Support Portal to Provide Better Service

** Please submit questions or issues with KBEMS applications through the support portal**

Historically an inquiry to our office was directed to a specific individual through email or telephone. In many cases that staff was unavailable or the response was better suited for another team member. Admittedly email and voicemail are a more personal form of communication but feedback from around the state called for a more responsive solution. Enter the online support portal implanted earlier in 2016 as part of our website facelift. This option allows any customer to create an account and submit a ticket to our office across a variety of categories with instant confirmation of receipt. The advantage of using the support portal is that at least two staff are notified of every ticket and the backlog of tickets is viewable by leadership. Of course it was also our hope that customers would also explore the frequently asked question and knowledge base articles before submitting the ticket. We’re always trying to improve and appreciate those who have embraced use of our new communication tool.
Do You Know Someone Who Might Be Interested In Receiving the Education Matters Newsletter?
If so, just forward this e-mail to them and they can click on the picture to the right to sign up.   

Kentucky EMS for Children (KYEMSC) also has a newsletter. KID STUFF contains clinical information, research, new guidelines from the AAP and other organizations, continuing education opportunities, and other useful tips, all with a pediatric focus. If you are interested in pediatric specific content, you can sign up to receive KID STUFF directly to your email inbox, by clicking the link below.

Is there something you would like us to cover in future editions?

If so, let us know!


Robert Andrew

KBEMS Director of Education

Contact Information for Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services |  Phone: 859.256.3565|
Fax: 859.256.3128| E-mail:| Website: