Z&S Fabrics
End of Sale Information: Sale Ends 5/31/11 @ 11:59 PM: EST

 Z&S Fabrics 


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Extra Wide- Tonga's

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     Hello, and we want to thank you for all the orders so far !!!  We are looking forward to giving this GO Machine away, and the 2 Gift Certificates.  Use the links on the left side of this email to take you to the 50% Off Categories and/or any other categories that may interest you.  Below, you will find the information pertaining to the end of the sale.  Refer to the first Sale Email Info in regards to the criteria to receive entries for the Giveaways !!!


Sale Updates

50% Off -

The first three categories on the left, after the link to the Grand Prize in our May Giveaway.  Plus over 1,000 yards to add by this weekend...


15% Off -

The Entire Site, and we still have more to add up until the weekend...

     We encourage you to call us at (717) 336-4026 if there are any questions, or you would like to place an order over the phone.  We would also like to mention that sometimes depending on the internet provider you are with and/or other variables; emails may not make their way to our inbox, so do not ever count on an email reaching its destination, if it is important, no matter who it is being sent to.  The reason this occurs and no one is notified, is due to all the spam filtering that exists.  Thanks again, and we hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend !!!  Treat yourself to these savings, because at $2.99/yd. you really can not go wrong.



Team Z&S Fabrics  


in accordance with... 

Herbert & Patricia Scrivener - Owners and Operators