August 2013
In This Issue
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Please Note
City Council does not meet in August

Tuesday,August 6th 
National Night Out

Thursday, August 8th - 11th
Maymont Jazz Festival

Sunday, August 11th
Carytown Watermelon Festival 
10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m

Wednesday, August 14th 
5th District Meeting
Randolph Community Center
6:30 p.m
Saturday, August 17th 
5th District Clean-Up
Carytown and Stadium Neighborhoods
Meet-up @ City Stadium 
9:00 a.m.

Help Us, Help You! 
In 2010, Mayor Dwight Jones published a Guide to Neighborhood Improvements. It has valuable information about City ordinances that may affect you. Get to know your rights and responsibilities.

You might also check out the Citizen's Guide to City Services for important contact numbers.  
Parker Agelasto

Mamie Taylor

Ida Jones
Committee Assignments
Finance & Economic Development (Vice-chair)
Education & Human Services
Organizational Development
Public Safety (alternate)
Citizens'  Request System

The online Citizens' Request System is an online resource for submitting non-emergency service request to the city.  Service request options are available for trashcan violations, street sign replacements and street light repair to name a few.  If you have service request you can use the Citizen Request System to notify us of a problem of service concern.  The request automatically gets routed to the appropriate city service area for action.  By providing contact information with the Citizen Request System, you can visit the site 24/7 to check on the status of your request.  In addition, if  you provide your e-mail address, we will electronically confirm your service request submission.  


If you have a problem accessing the system feel free to call the city's service request line at 311 or 646-7000. 

The National Weather Service has certified Richmond as a Storm Ready Community. Visit the City's website to learn more about developing an emergency plan and building a kit. I find it helpful to make a checklist of tasks to complete when a storm is forecast to hit Richmond.


All cats and dogs living in the City of Richmond are required to be licensed and have a current Rabies vaccination. This legally required form of identification is your best friend's most valuable asset in getting home safely. Each year, Richmond Animal Care & Control receives over 4400 animals, yet the vast majority of them have no form of identification to assist us in reuniting them with their families. Your pet can't tell us where they live, so speak for them by purchasing a pet license today.

City of Richmond residents are required to purchase a license for each pet owned. Attach the license tag to your pet's collar. This simple step ensures that the person who finds your pet wearing its registered license tag, whether a citizen or animal control officer, knows immediately that the animal is lost and belongs to YOU!

Please click the link to download, print, and return by mail a pet license application.
If you are planning on going on vacation, the Richmond Police Department will make periodic checks on your home or business, if you fill out the Home Watch -- Business Watch Request Form and either mail the completed form or drop it by your local precinct.  
Please click the link  to download,and print the application.
Mail Updates

I encourage you to share this information with neighbors. However, if you know someone who would like to receive these e-mail updates via U.S. Postal Service, please contact Ida Jones and provide the recipient's name and address.

Dear Neighbors,
I want to begin with a simple "thank you" to all of the 5th District residents. The summer has kicked in to high gear. However, the heat and high humidity have not kept many of you away from volunteering in our community. More than 20 volunteers participated in our clean-up at the Randolph Community Center where we picked up trash, weeded, mulched, mowed, and painted. Likewise, I've seen dozens of volunteers working at the new community garden located on Crutchfield Street as well as the Habitat for Humanity home on McRand Street. We are so fortunate to have individuals give of their time, talent, and treasure. If you haven't joined us, please connect so that you can be apart of making the 5th District a better place. Even if you are unable to join us for our regularly schedule events, take a moment and look at your block and see what you can help with. Perhaps it is weeding the sidewalk, picking up litter, or helping a neighbor unload groceries. We can all do a little bit to help.
In the meantime, I'd like to remind people to check our social media pages for more up-to-date information. We post information about City Council meetings, local businesses and non-profits, as well as general fun facts about the 5th District. Encourage others to stay informed by "liking" these pages and passing along information to those that may not have access to this technology. 
Finally, Tuesday August 6th is National Night Out. Please make an effort to attend an event in the 5th District to meet your neighbors. Community networking is the best way to police the neighborhood by reporting suspicious activity. If you don't know who lives on your block, knock on their door and introduce yourself. If your neighborhood is not hosting a NNO event, perhaps consider visiting one of the other communities in the 5th District. Celebrations will be held on McRand Street, Midlothian Village, Rueger Playground, Byrd Park Roundhouse, Randolph Community Center, and the corner of S. Stafford and W. Cary Street. 


Parker C. Agelasto
Has your civic league registered for National Night Out? National Night Out will take place on Tuesday, August 6th.

National Night Out, "America's Night Out Against Crime", in 1984 began an effort to promote involvement in crime prevention activities, police-community partnerships, neighborhood camaraderie and send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back. 
To register with the Richmond Police Department's for this year's National Night Out celebration click here.  


The 4th Annual Richmond Jazz Festival at Maymont is Thursday, August 8th -11th.  This festival brings back a sense of serenity, soul and smooth sounds
Jazz Festival
 to the City of Richmond. Located at Maymont, the Richmond Jazz Festival features over 20 local, national and international bands and artists on two stages. Festival attendees enjoy smooth , while taking advantage of products and services sold by vendors, scheduled wine tastings and chef demonstrations featuring international cuisine. This year, the festival will span over 3 days! Festival performances will begin on Friday, August 9th with local jazz acts at the Hippodrome Theater. On August 10th and 11th, festival attendees will enjoy exclusive access to the beautiful landscape and gardens of Maymont where over 20 artists will perform! Self-guided tours are encouraged! The musical selections will be predominately jazz, but will also include R&B, neo-soul and other genres that add diversity and flavor to the festival.  Please click here to learn more about the Richmond jazz festival.  


Please mark your calendar for a great day of family fun.  On Sunday, August 11th Carytown will be hosting it's 13th annual watermelon festival.  The festival starts at 10:00 a.m. and ends at 6:00 p.m.  This event draws 115,000 people and over 3000 watermelons! With 60 musicians, over 100 exhibitors, one of the largest kids areas of any festival on the east coast and all of the great Carytown style, the Carytown Watermelon Festival presented by Martin's has become the largest one day festival in the state of Virginia.
Meet the New Interim Superintendent

"Lewis, a former Richmond teacher and principal who retired in January after 14 years as a superintendent - five in Fauquier County, nine in the city of Poquoson -was eager to take what he called a dream job on a temporary basis. He'll run the school system through the end of the calendar year.


In an interview, Lewis said his immediate priorities were stabilizing the executive staff and getting the school system ready for the first day of school."


10 Point Grade Scale
The Richmond School Board voted to adopt the 10 point grading scale along with surrounding counties to make sure our students can compete on a level playing field for scholarships and college admissions placement. 


New Charter School in Richmond
"The Richmond School Board voted 9-0 on July 15 for the creation of the Richmond Career Education and Employment Charter School to teach life and job skills to students with severe cognitive disabilities.

In partnership with VCU and the Virginia Department of Education, this school will teach "functional academics" that could lead to independent living and employment opportunities for a small group of students who otherwise might struggle after leaving school."  

HEART WALK 2013-2014
On Saturday, September 28th the American Heart Association will be hosting it's Richmond's Heart Walk at Brown's Island at 9:00 a.m.  
The Heart Walk is the American Heart Association's premiere event for raising funds to save lives from this country's No. 1 and No. 3 killers - heart disease and stroke. Designed to promote physical activity and heart-healthy living, the Heart Walk creates an environment that's fun and rewarding for the entire family. If you'd like to join the 5th District team please click on the following link.  Registration is FREE!   
Wanna Do Business with the City?? 

The City of Richmond Procurement Department  now allows suppliers and vendors to register their businesses online by using the isupplier online registration portal.  If you'd like to receive payment by direct deposit you must upload a ECH-Direct Deposit form, a payment agreement form, as well as an IRS W-9 form.  Once registration is approved by the procurement department you will  be a City of Richmond approved vendor. 


Our office suggest that each 5th district neighborhood civic association registers so that you may receive funding from our office- if requested.  If you have any questions about registering feel free to call Ida Jones at 804-646-5724.


Registration for Youth Football, Cheerleading, Soccer Begins in August

The City's Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities will hold registration for youth football, cheerleading and soccer beginning in August. 


Children ages 14 and younger who want to play football or who want to participate in cheerleading can register beginning Aug. 1 through Aug. 22. Registration for those who want to play soccer will take place from Aug. 12 through Sept. 12.


Allregistration will take place at the department's community centers throughoutthe city. The registration fee is $25 per child/per activity for children wholive within the City of Richmond. Children who do not live in the city can alsoregister for these activities, but will be charged $55 plus a non-residency fee of $20.


Proofof residency as well as proof of age are required at registration.


If you have additional questions about registration, please call the community center where you wish to register. To find a list of community centers and their phone numbers, visit the department's website at or call 646-5733. 


GRTC is considering changing Route 10 in the Riverview/Randolph area.  They are considering this change due to safety concerns and plan to implement during our September 2013 schedule change.  GRTC retired the majority of the 35 ft. buses from our fleet during 2012.  There standard 40ft. bus is too large to safely navigate through the current route, thus creating a safety issue.  Over the past years they have placed our 30ft. minibuses on the route, but many of those buses are overcapacity (the minibuses seat 24 passengers).   In order to successfully navigate a 40ft. bus through the area, they plan to simplify the route.


They sent letters out on July 19, 2013 to all persons within 150 feet of the bus stops to be removed and to be added, asking for their feedback.  You can voice your concerns with the route at our 5th District meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 14th at the Randolph Community Center.

Our next 5th District meeting is Wednesday, August 14th at 6:30 p.m. at the Randolph Community Center- 1425 Grayland Ave.The planned agenda/discussion topics for the upcoming meeting include:


 Richmond Public Schools Update

 The Honorable Mamie L. Taylor, Member

 Richmond Public Schools Board of Trustees - Central 5th Voter District


 Richmond Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Programming Update provided by

Dr. Norman Merrifield, Director, Richmond Department of Parks,Recreation and Community Facilities


Richmond City Stadium: Update

Brendan Williamson, Richmond Department of Economic and Community Development


GRTC Route Change Update

Clinton Edwards, Transit Analyst

GRTC Transit System


Richmond City Council: Legislative Update 

The Honorable Parker C. Agelasto, Councilman

   Richmond City Council, Central 5th Voter District

900 East Broad Street Suite 305 Richmond, VA 23219

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