Information for District 67 families and community members, in conjunction with the District 67 Emotional Wellness Committee and APT Student Parent Awareness.
September 2017   
Welcome Back!

As the 2017-2018 school year is now in full swing, we are thrilled to publish our first edition of the 67 E-Pulse.  This newsletter is intended to provide all D67 stakeholders with a healthy dose of emotional wellness and promote awareness of the importance of social and emotional well being.

If you would like to read back issues of the 67 E-Pulse, please visit the Emotional Wellness page on the district website.

Did you know...
D67 plans to implement Social Emotional Learning (SEL) standards for all students by the 2018-2019 school year? What is SEL? Social-emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. In preparation for the roll-out of the SEL standards, we now have a Task Force comprised of staff members representing all grade levels and subjects district-wide.

Recommended Read
UW's Davidson teams with famed science writer to dive deep into the science of meditation.  A friendship that began at Harvard 45 years ago has culminated in a body of research and writing that has revolutionized neuroscience. Renowned scientist Richard Davidson and science writer Daniel Goleman collaborated on a new book that explores a simple, yet transformational idea, good mental hygiene.

Don't Miss...
We have several exciting opportunities coming up in the next few months including two book discussions, "Queen Bees and Wannabes" with Renee Devore on September 28, and "Masterminds and Wingmen" with Mike Field on October 12. D67 Emotional Wellness & APT Student Parent Awareness are pleased to announce the 2017-2018 Parent Speaker Series kick-off - "Un-Stressed Out": Understanding and Managing Modern-Day Stress, presented by Dr. Kim Fletcher on Wednesday, October 4. And mark December 4 on your calendars for a presentation by Julie Lythcott-Haims, author of "How to Raise an Adult."
Look for more information below under "Upcoming Events."

Parents and School... a Partnership

For Parents...

Strengthening Families
One key to an emotionally healthy life is having the support of a strong, supportive family. The size of the family, indeed the composition of the family, does not matter as much as the feeling of belonging and the sense of sustenance that emerges from living with stable familial support. People seem to do better in life when they have the feeling of belonging to something larger, and stronger, than they are individually. It helps in eliminating uncertainty from the stresses of everyday living.
Ten Emotionally Intelligent Ways to Build Trust as a Parent
When our kids are young, emotions (theirs and ours) can loom large. Sometimes, the big emotions can be disruptive and even obstructive. Parents tend to feel stressed about juggling many tasks against the pressure of time. So when children throw tantrums and don't do what we ask of them, we usually don't have time to deal with these emotions, and our inclination is to move past them with bribes, threats and distractions. But in order to help our kids with building trust in themselves, we must teach them about their emotions and how emotions are messages from themselves to themselves. The first step is to increase their emotional literacy.

How to Fight Stress With Empathy
If someone close to you says, "I'm stressed," how do you respond?  In this article Psychologist Arthur Ciaramicoli argues that empathic listening may be the key to reducing stress in our lives.

For Staff...

Slowing Down to Learn: Mindful Pauses That Can Help Student Engagement
Are you looking for ways to increase students engagement?  One way to promote engagement and learning is to consciously create pauses throughout the day. We can create a sense of spaciousness in our classroom by slowing down the pace of our speech and punctuating our lessons with silence. Introduced well, this practice can improve classroom discourse.  

The excerpt above is from the book " Mindfulness for Teachers: Simple Skills for Peace and Productivity in the Classroom," by Patricia A. Jennings. The article is from Jennings' book in the chapter entitled "Orchestrating Classroom Dynamics."

Addressing Mental Health Disorders In The Classroom
Educators are often in the front lines of their students' lives so not only are they sometimes the first to notice symptoms of mental illness, but they strongly influence how students perceive mental health. While teaching, I was always aware of instructional strategies and practices that can help their students meet their full potential. I would like to share these strategies that I have used to address mental health in the classroom. Please keep in mind that every child is different and that with each disorder, there are varying degrees of symptoms and presenting issues.
A Dose of Emotional Wellness

For the Kids...

Stall Street Journal: September 2017 edition

10 Essential Children's Books for Building Social-Emotional Skills
Emotional regulation and social problem solving are vital skills that emerge during early childhood and are linked to the ability to relate successfully with others. Help your child begin to recognize and label the range of emotions he experiences each day by including these books in his reading rotation.

25 of The Best Children's books for teaching Generosity
Some say that the best way to instill an overall attitude of generosity and giving is to teach children from a young age to look for small ways to be generous and sharing with others in their daily lives rather than waiting for opportunities for large and impressive acts to present themselves. That gives them lots of first hand experience and lots of accompanying good feelings!

You can show students how to be generous and kind by sharing stories of others doing it! These 25 books tell clever, moving stories of sharing with others or the spirit of giving and generosity. Each will melt your heart!
Technically Speaking

How much screen time is healthy for children?
New research reveals four of five parents believe gadgets aid their child's development, but how much screen time is healthy? Guidelines to reduce a child's screen time for health, psychological and educational benefits.

UpcomingEventsUpcoming Events

APT Fall Book Discussions
All are welcome to join the APT for "Queen Bees and Wannabes" with Renee Devore on Thursday, September 28, 1-2 pm, and "Masterminds and Wingmen" with Mike Field on Thursday, October 12, 1-2 pm.

For more information, please visit the DPM APT website.

"Un-Stressed Out" Understanding and Managing Modern-Day Stress
Presented by:  Dr. Kim Fletcher 
D67 Emotional Wellness & Student Parent Awareness are pleased to announce the 2017-2018 Parent Speaker Series kick-off on Wednesday, October 4, 9-11 am in the Cube at DPME, 95 W Deerpath* (east entrance)

Social Media... Cyber Bullying... Academic Excellence... Athletic Performance... Have these topics been on your mind? Join Dr. Kim Fletcher for a free workshop on the many stresses our kids face and how we as parents can help them navigate their way to success.

View more information about the event here

*All attendees must enter through the main entrance of DPME.  Visitor parking is available in front of the office, in the east lot by the Cube entrance, and in the back of the school

"How to Raise an Adult"

Save the Date: Monday, December 4 at 7 pm for a presentation by Julie Lythcott-Haims, author of "How to Raise an Adult," in the Lake Forest High School Auditorium. She will also be presenting to teachers during the day. The Lake Forest Book Store has offered a 15% discount on the purchase of the book. 

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