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A Brilliant Idea!

What is a brilliant idea that you can use to help your very best clients and referral sources move towards their best life going forward?

I've seen lots of ideas that look great on the surface, some I've even spent a year or more promoting, and even though they looked great, no one ever bought them.

That's a waste of time.

So I created a test, and you can use it too and save yourself a lot of time, and make a lot of money.

There are two givens: the idea must be dependable and legal.

Dan Stanford said, "Experience is what you get when you don't get what you wanted to get." So after lots of my own experience I created the following criteria:

A Brilliant Idea is:
  • Highly valuable to the client or referral source
  • Is profitable
  • Is repeatable
  • Is compelling 
  • And has the potential to lead to more opportunity.
You don't need to have all of these to proceed and be successful, but you must have the first three. A bonus is that your brilliant idea is fun to do too.

We try to spend all our time on brilliant ideas that makes our clients, referrers, joint-work partners and us happy.

Try this out. How are you are spending your time? This little test may help you go in the direction of your best life going forward too.

For more on the subject check out my book: Referral Upgrade- A New Way to Find Your Very Best Clients.  

- Hank Frazee, Author of  Referral Upgrade   and  Before We Say "Goodnight"