July 5, 2018
The line between principled commitment and unbounded zeal is, as this week's Torah portion indicates, one that must be carefully monitored. An Israelite named Pinchas takes it upon himself to execute another Israelite and his pagan romantic partner for an illicit liaison. What follows next in the Torah text is peculiar: God is imagined as bestowing a "covenant of peace" and a line of perpetual priesthood on Pinchas.
At first read, this would seem to be a reward for his zealous actions; and if so, the story could be used (or abused) to legitimate illegal actions that presumably become permissible if done "in the name of God." The killing of doctors who provide legal abortions is one example of such a vulgar and violent justification.
I am indebted to my wife Barbara for her insight that the covenant of priesthood bestowed on Pinchas is perhaps not a reward, but rather a boundary; the "covenant of peace" is a way of isolating and neutralizing a renegade. The community learns that due process through legitimate legal channels is required, no matter how deep one's commitment to a given principle.
Religion as a social force can be analogized to language: neither is inherently good or bad, it is the way in which each is used that determines whether they strengthen or subvert. At this time in our country, the impulse to individual acts of zeal increasingly receives social, political, and, regrettably, even religious sanction. The story of Pinchas is a welcome reminder, and a timely lesson, that when, as the biblical Book of Judges says, "each person does what is right in his/her own eyes," we are at risk of seeing the unravelling of the social fabric and the system of law that is designed to support it.
We are delighted to welcome Cantor Rhoda Harrison to M'kor Shalom, as she joins me in leading our 6:30 pm  Kabbalat Shabbat service this week, also available through our webcast. Following the service, we will share a Shabbat dinner of welcome with Cantor Harrison. Torah study will convene at 10:00 am on Shabbat morning.  
Shabbat Shalom!


Rabbi Richard Hirsh

If you wish to have a Mi Shebeirach said during our Shabbat services, please let us know by noon each Friday so we can give the names to the rabbis.


In This Message
The Marriage of 
Jordan Koslosky & Danielle Slutsky
daughter of Neal & Karen Slutsky
Friday, July 6 
6:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service (Chapel; webcast)
Please join us for pre-service refreshments starting at 6:00 pm.   
7:45 pm "Welcome Cantor Harrison" Congregational Dinner 
RSVP ASAP for this light dinner following services.

Saturday, July 7
10:00 am Torah Study, led by Rabbi Hirsh (Chapel)

Wednesday, July 11
12:00 noon Achim (The Men's Group) Lunch (Short Hills Deli)

Friday, July 13
6:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service (Chapel)
Please join us for pre-service refreshments starting at 6:00 pm.
UPCOMING EVENTS: Mark Your Calendars!
Please click on each event name for more information or to register for that event.
2018-19 Membership Forms 
Membership Forms have been sent. Please contact the synagogue office if you did not receive them or if you have any questions. Kindly return your completed forms and initial payment as soon as possible. As always, our Financial Secretary is available to discuss any financial concerns you may have.
Calendar & Source Advertising
Calendar & Source (Fall Issue) Advertising Deadline: July 27
Click here for advertising discounts in our annual calendar and our seasonal newsletter. Contact Sara Honovich for more information.

Saturday, July 28, 8:00 pm (Margate, NJ)

Wednesday, August 8, 5:00 pm
For late-breaking news, please visit our website at www.mkorshalom.org.

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Michelle Bross
Executive Director
Congregation M'kor Shalom
850 Evesham Road
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
(856) 424-4220
(856) 424-2890 (fax)