Dear Friends:

What does it mean to be part of the Jewish people?

Ask that question around the dinner table or sitting with friends and you will likely hear a variety of answers that span the spectrum of possibilities. One thing that is beyond dispute is that we began as a family in the time of Abraham and Sarah and now, thousands of years later, we remain a large disparate family. When we speak of family, words like concern, responsibility, love, and caring immediately enter the conversation. There is a deep and profound connection that only exists in the bonds of a family.
This is a difficult time for our Jewish family.

Our family in Israel is engaged in a war with an enemy whose very raison-d'etre is the destruction of the Jewish State. This is a war about more than land, more than borders, it is a battle between two different world views. One works to preserve life and the other puts its own citizenry in danger for its own war effort. In order to stop the incessant missile attacks Israel finds itself desperately trying to destroy the missile arsenals embedded in heavily populated neighborhoods. While Israel makes its best attempt to send warnings to the civilian populations before attacking, more than 500 people are now dead. This is the price that Hamas is willing to pay to besmirch the name of Israel in the world press and enflame people against Israel. All the while Hamas indiscriminately fires rockets throughout the land in its attempts to cause as much bloodshed and fear as possible. Thank God for the Iron Dome System and lives that it has saved. May God be with those Israeli soldiers who have entered Gaza attempting to destroy the tunnels and prevent the enemy from terrorizing Israel. Nearly thirty IDF soldiers have been killed thus far in a fight to ensure that Israelis will be able to conduct their lives with the same sense of security that most of the world enjoys. Our hearts breaks for our family and for the terrible loss of life in Gaza.

Our congregational family will respond to this difficult situation by:
  • Offering opportunities for our community to come together to remember the fallen and pray for their families at the conclusion of our Shabbat morning services;
  • Inviting people who are closest to the situation in Israel to share experiences and information with us;  
  • Placing thoughtful written pieces on our website and our Facebook page;  
  • Keeping our community informed about events taking place in Chicago.
This Shabbat we will hear from Naomi Frankel who has just returned from Israel a few days ago to share her experience as well as pay tribute to those who have died defending our family in Israel.

 I have taken the liberty of including a very thoughtful article by my friend and colleague Rabbi Menachem Creditor, which you can access by clicking here.

Let us all pray that the One who makes peace in the High Places will grant the family of Israel and all humankind peace.

Rabbi Michael Siegel