I have been praying lately about spiritual atmospheres. We move in and out of them everyday as we move through our life. As I was praying about the various spiritual atmospheres I encounter in my travels, I began to think about Joseph.

When we look at Joseph's life, why does he not seem to be affected by the atmospheres around him?

Imagine the oppressive atmospheres he encountered on his journey. The feelings of betrayal and anger while sitting in the pit, put there by the hands of his brothers. Imagine the fear and shame he must have felt as those same brothers sold him into slavery.

Look at the change in Potiphar's house, Joseph was a slave, and not just any slave, the NEW slave, the lowest slave in the household, but after just a short time he is given reign over the whole house.

And then in prison, he quickly changed the atmosphere and was made responsible for the place that should have been his demise.

Now imagine the shift over Eqypt that happened when Pharaoh, discerning that Joseph was a man of God, slipped his signet ring onto the hand of Joseph, granting him rule over the nation.

A nation that Joseph not only ruled, he saved.

Joseph did seem to be affected by the oppressive spiritual atmospheres around him, he was too busy changing them!

No matter his circumstances, Joseph was not a man who was swayed by the spiritual atmosphere he was in. He was a man that walked in the favor and power of God! He was a type and shadow of our own lives that we discover when we are found in Christ! We are a new creation, our old man, our old atmospheres have past away! We are no longer slaves to the spiritual atmospheres of this world, in fact we are anointed from the Lord to not only break through the atmospheres of this world but to destroy them! To set in place a new atmosphere, the atmosphere of the MOST HIGH!

Why do we worry when this world presses in around us? We are not created to worry, we were created to worship! It's time to turn your eyes to the Lord and praise! You can not be filled with worry and worship at the same time, so lift up your voice, it is time to rise up in JOY!


Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, stop right now and say to your soul REJOICE! Stand firm on the foundation of who your Father is! You are not a slave, you are FREE!


Be blessed,
Georgian's signature

P.S.   As I was praying over this word, I began to get so excited about our upcoming conference in Washington DC. I can hardly put into words the expectancy I feel for what God is going to do in those who are there as well as what will break loose for this nation that I now call home.

Will you partner with me in prayer for this event?

Some key areas to pray for are:

1) Pray for the local churches. I believe that this will be a unifying time for them. Can you imagine what a powerful, unified church can do in the Capital of this nation?

2) Pray for those who will attend this event. Pray that they would have a life changing encounter with God! I believe many will be set free and receive both physical and emotional healing!

3) Pray for our speakers who will be ministering. We have been blessed to have some great leaders in the faith coming. Randy Clark, Shawn Bolz, Tracey Armstrong, Leif Heitland, and Catherine Mullins leading us in worship. Pray for protection, for fresh revelation and supernatural rest over these great leaders as they are giving their lives to not just our event, but to events all around the World.

4) Pray that all of the costs of the event are covered. Washington DC is an expensive city for an event like this. That is why there are so few events held there. I know I received a word from the Lord about the significance of this event being the in heart of the city, my faith is strong that the Lord will provide, but if you would join me in prayer for this, I would be so grateful.

I love all of you so much, It is so hard to communicate the joy I feel to be in this God family with you!