At Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church,

Charleston, South Carolina

National Union of Black Episcopalians

The Rt. Rev. Nathan D. Baxter



June 18, 2015


Up Golgotha's rugged road 
I see my Jesus go. 
I see him sink beneath the load, 
I see my drooping Jesus sink. 
And then they laid hold on Simon, 
Black Simon, yes, black Simon, 

And Simon bore the cross.

[From "The Crucifixion" in God's Trombones by James Weldon Johnson]


We believe the rugged road up Golgotha is the road to justice and peace.

For more than 400 years "black Simon" has been forced to bear the cross of redemption.


The heavy cross being borne is that of lynching, church burnings and bombings, police brutality, and the murder of innocent worshippers. Even until today, the children of "Black Simon" continues to be "laid hold upon";  grieved but determined souls struggling with Christ towards justice and peace for all. 


The Union of Black Episcopalians call upon all in our churches and community to join us in prayer, moral support and visible actions of support for Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Charleston, S.C.; and, also, the public repudiation of racial violence and injustice in our society.


"Guide the people of this land, and of all the nations, in the
ways of justice and peace; that we may honor one another
and serve the common good." [BCP p.388]




Photo Credit: http://www.stwulfrans.org.uk