It was many years ago....
...that God told the people of Israel to build a Sukkah, a temporary, outdoor dwelling to remember their years in the desert, and teach the children about the God of Israel who keeps his people safe, today, on way to our Promised Land.


How much fun Succoth can be!  You try getting the whole family in one Sukkah!
In our modern world...
...we have so many things to keep us comfortable we hardly think it possible to get through a day without pushing buttons and checking our screens. Coffee makers, light switches, air conditioning! Thus saith the Lord, "Spend thou  seven days and seven nights sleeping and eating in a Sukkah!

It never ceases to surprise me every year when the holidays come around, and people still make a Sukkah. What a great demonstration of God's enduring presence in our lives. Sitting in our Sukkah becomes a great opportunity to talk about what God did in the past, and what He can do for us today.
Succoth is that Great Feast that lasts seven days...
... the kids are out of school, most people work only half a day for the entire week, the weather is perfect and people are out and about taking trips around the country. When you plan your trip to Israel, Succoth time is a great choice. 

Today, as the season of our Fall Festivals draws to a close, we celebrated Succoth at Beit Immanuel Congregation, but this year was different. At our Friday evening service, we studied God's word by performing a variety of tasks together. It was fun and challenging!   You can see for yourself.

you call this a bridge_
Some built a bridge, some wrote a story, others had to cross a finish line at exactly the same time. And we learned...

...that to build together everyone has their part, and that in the process of building, we need to build up one another. As the Apostle wrote: "Let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which we can build up one another."

There are many ways we can build up one another; a kind word, invite a neighbor for tea, extend mercy to where needed. "Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing." (1 Thess. 5:11)   
We wish each of you God's blessings in this special season. May you be built up during this special season, and hope that when you are in Israel you will come visit us at Beit Immanuel. We would love to meet you in person.

Thank you for your prayers and support....


David and the team at Beit Immanuel Conregation