This evening, at a special meeting convened by the Lewis & Clark Council, the corporate membership of the Council overwhelmingly approved a resolution to merge the Lewis & Clark Council with the Greater St. Louis Area Council. The Greater St.  Louis Area Council approved the same measure earlier in the evening. The merger will become effective on January 1, 2017.
This merger decision is the conclusion of nearly eight months of conversation, due diligence, and negotiations between all parties. A merger study group, chaired by Deb Aerne, Executive Vice President and Assistant Scoutmaster in the Lewis & Clark Council, and Dave Birk, Past Council President of the Lewis & Clark Council, along with a diverse group of volunteers from our Council, oversaw the process.
The study focused on the operational strengths and weaknesses of both the Lewis & Clark Council and the Greater St. Louis Area Council with the overall goal of providing the highest quality Scouting programs to an ever increasing number of youth throughout our combined metropolitan region. The study group agreed that combining the two councils would best achieve this goal. The group's recommendation received unanimous approval by the Executive Committee, and overwhelming support from the Executive Board. 
We are excited about this new chapter and are steadfast in our conviction that this collaboration will bring about an even more robust Scouting experience. The economies of shared resources will also ensure that our combined Councils remain on a path of financial and programmatic strength long into the future. This merger will also result in more resources for volunteer services, funding for capital improvements, financial support to ensure that Scouting will continue to provide guidance and inspiration to all our youth as they prepare to be the leaders of tomorrow.   
In conclusion, I would like to express my deep gratitude to the members of the study committee and especially the dedication and stewardship of Deb Aerne and Dave Birk whose leadership throughout this process has been more than exemplary. I would also like to thank the individuals who tirelessly served on the merger study committee for your dedication to Scouting. Your ability to put the needs and the future of our Scouts front and center has ensured that we, as a new Council, will continue to serve every youth in our Southwestern Illinois community. Finally, I would like to thank our extraordinary volunteers for their selfless service. Your dedication to our Scouts, both past, present, and future, embodies the values of the Scout Oath and Law. 
We will continue to communicate with you as the merger progresses, but please rest assured that the standard of service you are used to receiving will not diminish. As always, should you have any questions please email

Yours in Scouting,

Bob Graebe
Council President