Eastern Mennonite Missions 
A sending celebration: EMM worker commissioning
Send off EMM workers with a blessing

Sunday, July 9 at 6 p.m.
Mellinger Mennonite Church
1916 Lincoln Highway East
Lancaster PA 17602

Come support new and reappointed EMM workers as they are commissioned to go serve throughout the world! Afterwards, chat and say goodbyes over ice cream.

Mary Minor, an EMM board member until last year, will speak about celebrating the call of God on our lives, locally and globally. Mary is a retired assistant principal and middle school science teacher from Washington, D.C. She served on EMM's board for four years. With a compelling life story and a refreshing way of sharing her wisdom, Mary will speak to your heart.

Child care available; register here by June 30.

Questions? Contact Jessica Fellenger. We hope to see you there!
Stay connected
Eastern Mennonite Missions
53 W Brandt Blvd, PO Box 458
Salunga, PA 17538-0458
717 898-2251 |  emm.org