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April, 2015

Welcome to the latest edition of Heart-2-Heart!
Heart-2-Heart is published on the First Friday of each month by the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We offer this as our gift to you with the hopes that our story and the spirituality of the Sacred Heart will touch your heart as you strive to live the Gospel in your daily life.  
Mary at the Foot of the Cross

Good Friday is wrapped in silence. The quiet and solemnity that permeate the Triduum of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday are echoed in the first reading we hear today at Good Friday's liturgical service: 

"...so shall he startle many nations,
because of him kings shall stand speechless;
for those who have not been told shall see,
those who have not heard shall ponder it" (Isaiah 52:15).
That God himself would willingly die for so many, for even just one of us, is startling. Silent awe seems to be the only possible response to such an incredible act of love.

Perhaps Mary can best teach us how to stand in silence and ponder deep within our hearts this mystery of love. John's Gospel tells us that she stood at the foot of the cross (see John 19:25). Our tradition invites us to join her on that mount of Calvary and to journey with her in profound silence of heart. Although we will spend our lives pondering the mystery of God's love, Mary invites us to a deeper spirit of silence and prayer today so that we "who have not been told shall see [and we] ho have not heard shall ponder it."

God often speaks in the silence of our hearts and whispers to us from the quiet stillness. Take time today, Good Friday, to see the Heart of Christ on the cross and come before him in silence, open to receive his love. Let Mary be your guide, for she knows the way.
"...place yourselves at the feet of the Crucified,...and see if you can recognize an imagine of the divine Redeemer in your soul;... And don't get up until you have made one of those resolutions which brings peace to the soul, which attracts graces...for the souls God entrusts to you, and which delights the heart of Jesus." - Mother Clelia

Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus