
Volume 28, Number 8 September 2012

In This Issue

November 9-10 -- 2012 Annual Meeting

2013 Kappe Lecturer

Environmental Engineering Foundation Votes To Change Name To Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation

NEW! Photo & Caption or Short Video with Testimonial Wanted From Consulting Firms

Identify Potential Award-Winning Entries For The 2013 Excellence In Environmental Engineering Competition (E3)

AAEE Career Center

NEW! Student Video Contest!

2012 AAEE Events

Annual Certification Renewal

BONUS - DOWNLOADABLE World Competitiveness Report 2012-2013

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Current Jobs on the AAEE Career Center

Senior Environmental Technology Officer (SETO) | US EPA | Washington, DC

Environmental Remediation Engineer | EnSafe | Jacksonville, Florida

Safety Engineer, GS-0803-13/14/Pipeline Accident Investigator, GS-1801-13/14 | National Transportation Safety Board | Washington, DC

Environmental Engineer/Manager | Oxbow Carbon | Port Arthur, Texas

View All Jobs | Post a Job | Career Resources

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November 9-10 -- 2012 Annual Meeting

The 2012 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held at the Ayres Hotel & Suites in Orange County, California on November 9-10, 2012. President Selna encourages the BOT to come in early Friday to attend the Regional AAEE Networking Dinner featuring a presentation at the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project at 6 p.m. by SCCWRP Executive Director Steve Weisberg regarding Global Ocean Concerns and Southern California's Coastal Water Quality. The fee is $40. Sponsor a student attendee for only $20.

The BOT meeting begins at 8:00 a.m. Saturday, November 10, with the President's Reception at 6 p.m. followed by the Installation Dinner. A concurrent Spouse Program is planned that will feature Roger's Gardens, Crystal Cove State Park, lunch in a restored 1930's caf� on the sand, and walking and shopping in Laguna Beach.

Trustee-at-Large Tim Haug invites BOT members to a round of golf at the Pelican Hill Golf Course. Tee-off time cannot be later than 11 a.m. Contact Tim at

Corporate Sponsor(s) Needed - AAEE is seeking corporate sponsors for the 2012 Annual Meeting, November 9-10, Orange County, California. Three levels of commitment are available: Level III ($1,000) includes vocal and signage recognition at the BOT Meeting, evening dinner, and spouse program, your logo/link on the AAEE Website home page for one month, and recognition in the Environmental Engineer periodical. Level II ($2,000) includes all of the above, enhanced acknowledgement in Environmental Engineer, and your logo/link on the AAEE Website home page for two months. Level I ($3,000) includes all the above, your logo/link on the AAEE Website home page for three months and an invitation to attend the Annual Meeting and Board Dinner as AAEE's guest. Proceeds are used to support the cost of the Annual Meeting and AAEE operations. To sponsor, please contact

2013 Kappe Lecturer

The 2013 Kappe Lecturer is Dr. George Tchobanoglous, BCEE, Professor Emeritus, UC Davis, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Details on his lectures will be reported in the Winter issue of Environmental Engineer.

Environmental Engineering Foundation Votes To Change Name To Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation

The Board of the Environmental Engineering Foundation voted to change its name to the Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of environmental engineering and science and in recognition of the Academy's incorporation of a new, separate certification for environmental scientists: Board Certified Environmental Scientist (BCES) and the Academy's new name and incorporation of scientists starting January 1, 2013: American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists (AAEES).

NEW! Photo & Caption or Short Video with Testimonial Wanted From Consulting Firms

"What does the Academy do for individuals, the public, and the profession?" The American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists is asking members to submit either their best photo with a caption or a short video with a testimonial that best answers that question. The top entries will be displayed online via LinkedIn, You Tube, other social media, and on the AAEE Website. They will also be used and distributed at AAEE activities and to prospective certificants. Send your best entries to The deadline is October 15!

Identify Potential Award-Winning Entries For The 2013 Excellence In Environmental Engineering Competition (E3)

Enter the E3 Competition to advance the cause of environmental engineering! This year, three Grand Prizes and one Honor Award went on to earn 2012 Global Awards from the International Water Association. Begin planning your entries now - because obtaining permissions from various departments can cause delays. The deadline for entries is February 1, 2013. The submission process is entirely electronic, allowing you to submit your completed entry directly online. Judging is also conducted electronically with an unlimited geographic representation of judges. New technical language in the Eligibility section reflects science topics including, but not limited to, Residuals and Biosolids; Odors and Air Pollution Control; Nutrients; Renewable Energy; Microconstituents/Trace Organics; and Field & Lab Instrumentation. Entering the E3 Awards is a prerequisite for entering the North American category of the IWA PIA Awards.

For entry details, click here. For other information, email or

AAEE Career Center

The interactive job board is free to members seeking employment. The site provides employers and recruiters with highly qualified environmental engineering job candidates. Employers may post available positions directly to the Career Center for a fee of $495/position for a 30 day listing. Payment is made online by credit card. Internship postings are free! For more information, go to

NEW! Student Video Contest!

A Student Member competition to create a video of what it means to be a Student Member of AAEES is under development. The winning entry(ies) will be posted online on LinkedIn, YouTube, and the AAEE Web site! First prize will be a check for $250; second prize will be $50 to host a Pizza Party. More on this to come!

2012 AAEE Events

September 18 - Washington D.C. Luncheon of USAIDIS and AAEE. Luncheon features speaker Mike Shapiro, EPA Deputy Assistant Administrator for Water. He will speak on US-Mexico border environmental issues. Walk in registration will be accepted on site.

September 27th - AAEE Webinar - U.S. Clean Energy Challenges Focus on Hydraulic Fracturing. Thursday, September 27, 2012: focus: the state of national hydraulic fracturing regulation and practices. It will be a two hour Webinar in four time zones that starts at 10 a.m. PDT, 11 a.m. MDT, noon CDT and 1 p.m. EDT. Webinar Speakers include: former Colorado Governor Ritter, Director, Center for the New Energy Economy at Colorado State University; Hunter Nolen, President of Industrial Services at CDM Smith; Kevin Rice, Senior Business Development Manager at Baker Hughes; and Tom Tomastik, Geologist, Ohio DNR, Division of Oil and Gas Resources Management. Cost to AAEE Student Members: Free; Non-AAEE Student Members: $25; AAEE Members $55; Non-Members: $75. Recordings also available at same price structure. A registration allows unlimited participants at a site; Two PDHs available to all participants. To register, click here.

October 3 - AIChE Webinar - AIChE will be conducting a webinar, Marcellus Shale Gas Wastewater Reuse and Recycle from 2pm to 3pm on Wednesday, October 3. This webinar provides background on how water is used for drilling and hydraulic fracturing and includes a review of hydraulic fracturing fluid composition and flowback and produced water quantity and composition. It examines flowback and produced water management options--such as discharge to wastewater treatment plants, underground injection, and treatment for reuse or ultimate disposal--and evaluates treatment technologies that improve water quality for reuse and ultimate disposal. The treatment technologies portion of the webinar includes a detailed process description, including how residuals are generated and disposed of and the comparative cost of the technologies. To register, click here.

September 29-October 3 - WEFTEC 2012 - The Academy is exhibiting. For a list of volunteers at the exhibit, email Richard.D.Kuchenrither@Colorado.EDU. stop by Booth #2331 to receive your ribbon. AAEE/AIDIS/WEF Breakfast - The Breakfast will be held on Monday, October 1 from 7:00 to 8:30 a.m. at the New Orleans Morial Convention Center, Room 260. The keynote speaker is Dick Kuchenrither, Adjunct Professor in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering at the University of Colorado-Boulder. He is a past president of WEF and currently on the Board of National Biosolids Partnership. Dr. Kuchenrither was the Principal Investigator on the Water Environment Research Foundation report, "Omni-Processor Landscaping Project," funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The report identified technologies that could process sludge into a valuable resource. The technology had to operate in a developing country, with no power, no water, no sewers and the process had to create a company and provide jobs. The primary source of sludge was essentially latrine wastes. The project team was able to identify six processes/technologies that would meet the difficult criteria. Seats are filling fast. To register, click here. Organized by Dick Kuchenrither.

November 9th - Southern California Coastal Water Research Project - Make plans to attend the Regional AAEE Networking Dinner featuring a presentation at the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project at 6 p.m. by SCCWRP Executive Director Steve Weisberg regarding Global Ocean Concerns and Southern California's Coastal Water Quality. All are welcome to attend the AAEE Board of Trustees the next day, Saturday, November 10th, at the Ayres Hotel. The fee is $40. Nonmembers attending will receive $40 off an application for certification or AAEE membership. Sponsor a student attendee for only $20! More details to follow next month. To register, click here.

AAEE Members: Now is the time to identify and encourage qualified candidates to apply for AAEE Board Certification in Environmental Engineering and Environmental Science. You can start by downloading the AAEE brochure, attaching it to an email, and emailing your colleagues. You may also email candidates' names and email addresses to Want to start a company-wide recruitment campaign? Email Thank you!

Annual Certification Renewal

Renewal notices for the 2013 Certifications will be e-mailed to you within the next two weeks. Upon receipt, please log into the AAEE Center and complete your renewal as soon as possible. Please be sure to review and update your data under "My Information" no later than December 31, 2012. It is important to get corrections on your Member Data to the Academy to ensure those changes are printed in the 2013 edition of Who's Who in Environmental Engineering. If you need assistance, please contact Joyce Dowen at

BONUS - DOWNLOADABLE World Competitiveness Report 2012-2013

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has just released its 2012-13 World Competitiveness Report. This more than 500 page document compares 144 countries across 12 competitive "pillars" and includes incredibly useful 2 page summaries for each of the countries covered. To download a copy, click here. (