Anglican Church of Saint Paul  e Newsletter
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March 1, 2018 

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Little children, keep yourselves from idols.
1 John 5:21

In both old and new testament times, people have crafted or purchased figurines, also known as household gods, and prayed to them for good health, fortune, and/or fertility. Anything that is cherished above the love of the One true God is idolatry. Therefore, household gods are idols. 

The Bible prohibits worshiping idols because there is only One God who answers prayers, and idols are false gods. 

During Lent, we take a hard look at our thoughts and actions because we want no idols creeping into our lives, stealing away the love and thanksgiving we have for our LORD God.

The true, triune God wants a relationship with us. He wants to direct and rule our lives for our blessing and for His glory. However, sometimes we give our lives over to lesser gods because our earthly desires overwhelm our Heavenly priorities.

We might want to boast that we worship no idols and that we worship only God. But idolatry can be subtle. 

The desire for people to love us can cause us to blur the lines of moral purity. When our need for others to love us is greater than our love of God, then our need has become an idol.

The Bible lists many sins, but  sin is not really the problem. Jesus has conquered sin on the Cross. The problem is our LOVE of sin. When we become aware of sin and refuse to remove it from our lives because it gives us comfort or reward, then an idol has taken up residence in our heart.

Our relationship with Jesus is pure blessing. Idols substitute earthly pleasures in order to take away from God's blessing. Jesus gives us life. Idols steal from us and draw us towards death.

The best defense against idolatry is thanksgiving to God. The more we give thanks for our eternal life as purchased on the Cross of Jesus Christ, and for the  blessings the Father gives us each day, the less sin has claim on our love. As sin loses its grasp on us, we experience even more freedom and peace. Our spiritual power and authority is unleashed and God is glorified.

The LORD God promises the eternal Kingdom for those who obey and follow Him. Idols can only promise darkness and loss.

Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity,  passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. Colossians 3:5
Weekly Sermon

Click Here to hear Fr. Chris' Sunday sermon.
The Men will meet at Trinity House for their monthly Bible study, this Saturday, March 2.

This Sunday will be Janey Waters' last day to teach on ONE WORD THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE. This class is very important because each person in the church will need to identify the ONE WORD that God is giving them for the year and start applying it in daily living.
On Sunday, March 11, Fr. Chris will review Janey's teaching, start gathering people's ONE WORD and talk about Saint Paul's ONE WORD teaching, which will begin on the Sunday after Easter.
If you wish to give to support Easter flowers, envelopes are now available. You may give in memory or in thanksgiving for someone you wish to honor or remember.
The names of all listed on the envelopes will be printed in our Easter bulletin.
Easter lilies will be purchased to decorate the altar at our 10 am Sunday service. Any money donated over the cost of the flowers will be donated to the clergy discretionary fund.
Bishop's Well InvitationRemember to count your blessings every day and give thanks by putting some loose change or bills into your Bishop's Well bottle.
On Easter Sunday, we will return the bottles to church and place them on the altar.
The money will be counted and sent to Bishop Atwood and will be used to drill and maintain clean water wells in Africa.
Your spare change adds up and save lives.
If you forgot to get a bottle, they will be available at church this Sunday.
MARCH 18 - Potluck and Easter Egg stuffing party at Trinity House after 10 am service. No Sunday school.

MARCH 24 - EASTER EGG HUNT at Rayola Park in Owasso for Owasso Fire Department families and ACSP families. 11 to 1 pm. Egg hunt starts at noon.

MARCH 25 - PALM SUNDAY at both services.

MARCH 29 - MAUNDY THURSDAY in Owasso at Trinity House at 7 pm.

MARCH 29 - MAUNDY THURSDAY in Bartlesville at 8 pm in the chapel of First Presbyterian Church.

MARCH 31 - EASTER VIGIL in Bartlesville at 8 pm.

APRIL 1 - EASTER SUNDAY in Owasso at Trinity House at 10 am.
March 4, 2018                
Third Sunday of Lent
Altar Guild C. Fishback
First Lesson  R.B. Roberts
Second Lesson  D. Roberts
Chalice B. Christel
Prayers M. Anich
Acolyte N/A
Oblationers J. Skelton/D. Spears
Greeter M. Martin
Refreshments D. Roberts/B. Scott
Friday Devotional J. Waters (March 9)
Prayer Team K. Black
Bread Ministry R. Anich
A/V Crew N/A
March 11, 2018               
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Altar Guild D. Spears
First Lesson  R. Anich
Second Lesson  F. Christel
Chalice K. Black
Prayers M. McLean
Acolyte N/A
Oblationers T. Spears/C. Sword
Greeter D. Spears
Refreshments J. Sgarlata/S. Warnken
Friday Devotional B. Christel (March 16)
Prayer Team B. Christel
Bread Ministry R. Anich
A/V Crew N/A
March 4, 2018
Third Sunday of Lent
Altar Guild G. Kane
Lay Reader
T. Chamberlain
D. Gallery
Prayers of the People R. Smith
Oblationer R. Smith
Bread J. Gallery
March 11, 2018
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Altar Guild J. Chamberlain
Lay Reader
M. Boone
D. Boone
Prayers of the People M. Boone
Oblationer D. Boone
Bread J. Gallery
  • Potluck and Egg stuffing will be March 18 at Trinity House after the service. 
  • The Annual Easter Egg Hunt,  honoring the Owasso Fire Department, will be held March 24 from 11 am to 1 pm at Rayola Park.
  • Palm Sunday is March 25.
  • Easter Vigil is March 31.
  • Easter Sunday is April 1.
  • "Pennies From Heaven" Building Fund Project : Milan Anich brings his pickup truck each Sunday to pick up aluminum cans. When he has a sufficient number, he will take the cans for recycling and the proceeds will be deposited into the building fund.

Our Vision Statement Is:

The Anglican Church of Saint Paul will become a church united in love, growing spiritually through small groups of individuals studying God's Holy Word, praying for one another and the blessing of the church, and working towards the goal that the Lord's "salvation may reach to the ends of the earth." (Isaiah 49:6)

The following scriptures summarize our church's Core Values:  


OUR PRIORITY - First of all, seek God. "... seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (Matthew 6:33)

OUR DIRECTION - Come out of the wilderness to the LORD and beckon others to join us. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)

OUR PURPOSE - Be healed and become a place of healing and peace. "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." (John 14:27)

OUR REMINDER - In all things, it is the LORD who gets the glory. "Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the Lord Almighty." (Zechariah 4:6)

OUR REWARD - Keep our eyes upon the prize. "Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it." (Revelation 2:17)