Anglican Church of Saint Paul  e Newsletter
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February 8, 2018 

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He determines the number of the stars; he gives to all of them their names.
Psalm 147:4

We have all known that the Milky Way is full of galaxies, stars and planets. However, scientists have announced evidence of the existence of planets outside of the Milky Way. So called, "exoplanets", do not revolve around a single sun, but revolve independently between stars.

Think about it, throughout the existence of human beings, we have only known of the planets within the Milky Way. Other planets outside of our galaxy were thought to be totally hypothetical. But, suddenly, evidence of other planets appears. Here we are, in 2018, and great discoveries are still being revealed!

God is limitless in His power, but when times get tough, we act like His abilities are limited. Our believing in a "too small" God leads to fear and hopelessness. 

In reality, our belief in limited resources is false. We may not have evidence of God's ability to come to our aid, but that does not mean that God is limited or that His hands are tied. All it means is that we are not yet able to see what the Lord can do because it has not yet been revealed.

Currently, scientists believe that there are 100 billion planets in our galaxy. They do not know the exact number. All they can do is guess. God, however, knows each one and has given it a name. He knows precisely the amount of His resources and is not limited in His ability to create more.

When we become depressed, discouraged, or hopeless, we must remember that faith is not about what we can see or count. Faith is believing in that which cannot be quantified, but exists outside the framework of human understanding. Our faith does not rest upon the shifting, slippery surface of scientific understanding, but upon the bedrock of the limitless existence of an incomprehensible, Almighty, and Heavenly Triune Lord.
Weekly Sermon

Click Here to hear Fr. Chris' Sunday sermon.
Beginning this Sunday,  Janey Waters will teach ONE WORD in the downstairs meeting area.
ONE WORD helps you simplify your life by focusing on just ONE WORD for the entire year. The simplicity of discovering a word that God has for you makes it a catalyst for life-change. Clutter and complexity lead to procrastination and paralysis, while simplicity and focus lead to success and clarity. This study shows you how to cut through to the core of your intention for a one word vision for the year.
Stay after refreshments and discover your ONE WORD.
The Women's monthly Bible study will be Saturday , February 24 at 8:30 am at Eggbert's on 116th Street North.

Ash Wednesday This year, our Owasso Ash Wednesday service will be combined with Trinity Presbyterian Church. We will use our liturgy, Pastor Blake Altman will preach and he and Fr. Chris will impose ashes and concelebrate the Eucharist. Because our combined congregations are too large for Trinity House, Bethel Baptist Church has graciously offered their sanctuary for the service.
In Bartlesville, we will be meeting at the Mansion at Oklahoma Wesleyan University.
The services will begin at 6 pm on Wednesday, February 14 in Owasso and Bartlesville. 

February 11, 2018               
Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany
Altar Guild M. McLean
First Lesson  D. Roberts
Second Lesson  R.B. Roberts
Chalice J. Lombardi
Prayers K. Black
Acolyte N/A
Oblationers M. Anich/G. Ernest
Greeter J. Ide
Refreshments B. Christel/C. Fishback
Friday Devotional J. Ide (Feb. 16)
Prayer Team B. Christel
Bread Ministry T. Spears
A/V Crew N/A
February 14, 2018               
Ash Wednesday at Bethel Baptist
Altar Guild M. McLean/D. Spears
First Lesson  F. Christel
Second Lesson  R. Anich
Acolyte N/A
Oblationers C. Fishback/J. Lombardi
Greeter D. Spears
Friday Devotional

Bread Ministry T. Spears
A/V Crew N/A
February 18, 2018                
First Sunday of Lent
Altar Guild T. Spears
First Lesson  J. Waters
Second Lesson  J. Lombardi
Chalice T. Spears
Prayers J. Ide
Acolyte N/A
Oblationers J. Ide/M. Martin
Greeter S. Parker
Refreshments J. Lombardi/C. Ide
Friday Devotional D. Roberts (Feb. 23)
Prayer Team J. Lombardi
Bread Ministry T. Spears
A/V Crew N/A
February 11, 2018
Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany
Altar Guild B. Garrison
Lay Reader
M. Boone
D. Boone
Prayers of the People M. Boone
Oblationer D. Boone
Bread J. Gallery
February 14, 2018
Ash Wednesday
Altar Guild G. Kane
Lay Reader
K. Smith
T. Chamberlain
Prayers of the People T. Chamberlain
Oblationer K. Smith
Bread J. Gallery
February 18, 2018
First Sunday of Lent
Altar Guild J. Chamberlain
Lay Reader
G. Kane
Y. Vaughan
Prayers of the People Y. Vaughan
Oblationer T. Chamberlain
Bread J. Gallery
  • Ash Wednesday services will be held in Owasso and Bartlesville on February 14 at 6 pm.
  • The Annual Easter Egg Hunt,  honoring the Owasso Fire Department, will be held March 24 at Rayola Park.
  • Palm Sunday is March 25.
  • Easter Sunday is April 1.
  • "Pennies From Heaven" Building Fund Project : Milan Anich brings his pickup truck each Sunday to pick up aluminum cans. When he has a sufficient number, he will take the cans for recycling and the proceeds will be deposited into the building fund.

Our Vision Statement Is:

The Anglican Church of Saint Paul will become a church united in love, growing spiritually through small groups of individuals studying God's Holy Word, praying for one another and the blessing of the church, and working towards the goal that the Lord's "salvation may reach to the ends of the earth." (Isaiah 49:6)

The following scriptures summarize our church's Core Values:  


OUR PRIORITY - First of all, seek God. "... seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (Matthew 6:33)

OUR DIRECTION - Come out of the wilderness to the LORD and beckon others to join us. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)

OUR PURPOSE - Be healed and become a place of healing and peace. "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." (John 14:27)

OUR REMINDER - In all things, it is the LORD who gets the glory. "Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the Lord Almighty." (Zechariah 4:6)

OUR REWARD - Keep our eyes upon the prize. "Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it." (Revelation 2:17)