After decades of decline due to inadequate freshwater inflows, the San Francisco Bay-Delta might finally get a new lease on life.

On September 15, the State Water Board released its updated Bay Delta Water Quality Control Plan, calling for 40% of unimpaired flows between February and June on the lower San Joaquin River and its three major tributaries, of which the Tuolumne is the largest. This would double the amount of water flowing down the lower Tuolumne, providing tremendous benefits for water quality and fish and wildlife habitat.

Historically, an estimated 130,000 salmon spawned in the Tuolumne. Last year the number plummeted to less than 500. The situation is desperate, and the State Water Board is finally stepping up to do something about it.

While the Plan calls for 40% of natural flows from the Tuolumne, Stanislaus, Merced and 
Lower San Joaquin Rivers to reach the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delt a, flows could range from 30-50% depending on how successful we are at reaching established  goals and  objectives.

A rep ort released by the State Water Board in 2010 determined that approximately 60% of unimpaired flow between February and June would be fully protective of fish and wildlife in the San Joaquin Basin, but acknowledged that other beneficial uses of the water would also be considered. We believe at least 50% of unimpaired flow will be necessary to restore our rivers and the Bay-Delta.

This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to right the wrongs of the past. Here's how you can help:

Please sign our petition and forward it to others. We need to demonstrate to the State Water Board that thousands of people care deeply about this issue. We must encourage them to stand strong in the face of extreme pressure from water purveyors who for too long have taken more water out of our rivers than necessary at the expense of healthy ecosystems.

Consider submitting a comment letter (We can help! Reply to [email protected] and he'll get you started. A letter can be as effective as 1,000 emails) and/or attending one or more of the three public hearings (mark your calendars):
  • November 2 (Wednesday) and 10 (Thursday) - 9:00 a.m.
    CalEPA Headquarters, 1001 I Street, Sacramento
  • November 4 (Friday) - 9:00 a.m.Modesto Centre Plaza, 1000 L Street, Modesto
If you know of any groups that would be interested in a presentation about the updated Plan or if you would like to get involved in other ways, please let us know through this form.

Additional Resources
Tuolumne River Trust |  | [email protected]