Palmetto Cycling Coalition Action Alert
March 25, 2014
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South Carolina House Bill 4923




We are pleased that Rep. Nanney has announced that she has dropped SC H.4923 that would require cyclists to obtain a permit and liability insurance. However, we will be continuing our lobbying efforts to avoid this type of bill being introduced in the next session.


We need your continued voices to let our state representatives know that the ongoing efforts of our local communities to address road safety for all users should be supported by the state government not subverted with unnecessary legislation. Local efforts need to be supported through transportation funding solutions and a state complete streets policy that supports local master plans.


We've provided a message you can use when contacting your representatives:


"As a Coalition of people who bike in South Carolina, we are part of a diverse community of people who commute daily by bike for transportation (by choice or necessity), recreational riders, as well as, those interested in a safer transportation network for all road users, pedestrians and motorists included. We believe that a bicycle, weighing between 10 to 20 pounds, is not inherently dangerous to anyone else and not worthy of liability insurance or permitting, as this would create an unnecessary layer of government. 


Local governments and advocacy groups are working together to make roads safer for all users through outreach, education and infrastructure improvements. Representatives should join and support the ongoing conversation and efforts in their local communities. We fully believe that local education and enforcement are the most effective strategies for encouraging legal use of bicycles as vehicles on our local roadways - which can be supported through multi-modal transportation funding."


Support our efforts by making sure that Rep. Nanney and all representatives get the message that this type of legislation is not wanted in South Carolina!



Thank you for your action and support!

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