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September 9, 2013
Israel Wiped Off the Map @ 
San Diego State University
SDSU Professor Zakaria must be penalized for wiping Israel off the map used for coursework
What's Happening
August 28, 2013 at San Diego State University:


Two weeks ago, at the second class session of Elementary Arabic 1 at SDSU (a State school) students received a map of Middle Eastern countries from Dr. Ghassan Zakaria which not only fails to label "Israel" as a legitimate country, it falsely portrays the entire territory of Israel  as "Palestine." 


The map was immediately brought to the attention of the students, but our voices must be united and strong in our rejection of professors using propaganda in classrooms. 

Wiping Israel off the Map in a classroom setting is unacceptable.

The Jewish and pro-Israel students at SDSU feel unsafe and uncomfortable on campus knowing that even their faculty is calling for the extermination of Israel.
We are appalled that the university - which is a public institution - would approve such academic material. 

Help us prevent conduct that creates a hostile or intimidating environment for students and members of our community. 

The students, the administrators and the university staff must take a stance against this, and we need your support to help create a safe learning environment for all students. 
StandWithUs | | P.O. Box 22765
San Diego, CA 92192

StandWithUs San Diego

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