Jeff Copper, DIG Coaching Practice, Excavating the Aha Daily
Aha Bob - DIG Coaching Practice
  • Blogpost: "ADHD and Sex: What We Are Learning"
  • Pause and Ponder: "Dealing with Reflexive Reactions & Emotions"
  • Words of Wisdom: "ADHD, Self-Regulation, and Life Expectancy: A Public Health Problem"
  • Flashback: "ADHD and Emotional Self-Regulation: Fight, Flight, or Freeze"
  • My Coaching Services
  • What People Are Saying about DIG Coaching
  • My Professional Coaching Designations
Blogpost . . .
ADHD and Sex: What We Are Learning
It has been said that even bad sex is good sex; also, that men are like microwaves and women are like crockpots. Their experiences are completely different. While we know very little about the impact of ADHD on sex and intimacy, we do know that, when one person in a couple has ADHD, it affects all aspects of the relationship.

A good sexual relationship is important in helping those couples do better, not only romantically, but also in their married life overall. If you and your partner enjoy sexual intimacy and one or both of you have ADHD, you may be surprised at new insight on this subject. Please check out my blogpost, “ADHD and Sex: What We Are Learning."

Jeff Copper
Your ADHD & Attention Coach

Pause and Ponder . . .
Dealing with Reflexive Reactions & Emotions
Jeff Copper joins Angela Stephens on "RE-Focus: The ADHD Podcast" to discuss his coaching program and how he got started in his career. In the interview, Jeff deals with reflexive reactions and emotions and walks the listener through an attention exercise. He reveals his own experience with dyslexia and the process of coming to understand how to manage his challenges.

Many people with ADHD are told by others what to do and how to do it because it's convenient for society if you do things their way. But since everyone pays attention to attention differently, and when the obvious solution isn't working, you're paying attention to the wrong thing. Listen to the podcast for more insight.
Words of Wisdom . . .
ADHD, Self-Regulation, and Life Expectancy: A Public Health Problem
In this eBook, Jeff Copper discusses the impact of self-regulation on life expectancy with world renowned ADHD thought leader, Dr. Russell Barkley. They talk about research and the role self-regulation plays in reducing life expectancy. The research is sobering and Dr. Barkley's findings are startling! The good news is that those with ADHD can do something about it.

This is something you should read and reread to understand self-regulation as a second-tier variable to the factors that impact life expectancy. Understanding the importance of self-regulation can help you gain the promise and hope for the future.

Check it out! For the low price of $6.97 you'll be gaining a valuable understanding of how the ADHD brain works. Click the button below or copy and paste this link into your browser:
Flashback . . .
ADHD and Emotional Self-Regulation: Fight, Flight, or Freeze

Emotional regulation is challenging for many with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In fact, it can be paralyzing. In this video below [], ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper helps you understand why and, in a sequel, what you can do to manage emotional self-regulation to propel you forward. Find the sequel video [ADHD Tips: Managing Emotional Self-Regulation] at
My Coaching Services . . .
What People Are Saying about DIG Coaching . . .

I had been successful in life and ventured off on my own. While I was surviving, I knew I was capable of more. To fast-track my process, I reached out to Jeff Copper for a little coaching around my ADHD and my business. While I had thought it would take longer, I had three ahas, which completely changed the way I look at things and enabled me to look forward. It was so powerful, Jeff didn’t even have to coach me on what to do; I just naturally did it. Today, I can see the path moving forward and how I can build a business around who I am and, to a certain extent, play to the strength of my ADHD. I really got value in working with Jeff Copper and I recommend him highly.
Bobby Diaz
Focus Contact & Detail in Custom Travel
South Florida

PAAC - Professional Association for ADHD Coaches
ICF - International Coach Federation
Jeff Copper is trained, accredited, and certified as a Professional Certified ADHD Coach (PCAC) with the Professional Association for ADHD Coaches (PAAC) and as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coach Federation (ICF).