A newsletter for members of AESA
November 1, 2016
What will the Next Generation of AESA look like?
Member-driven redesign process 
focuses AESA's next bold steps 

Thank you to the representatives from member-ESAs gathered this summer and fall to engage in laying plans for the Next Generation of AESA.
Our member ESAs face a rapidly changing educational environment. To remain a key resource that supports our members, the leaders of AESA sought a planning process that could produce breakthrough ideas for the long-term future of the association. 

AESA contracted Dr. Susan Leddick, PKR, Inc., to lead the design process that occurred this summer and fall. The process engaged stakeholders to envision a bold next generation of the association and laid plans to enact the first steps toward that next generation in the near term. 

READ MORE about the next generation of AESA from Dr. Joan Wade, Executive Director of AESA.

Dr. Wade will discuss the Next Generation of AESA during her remarks at the AESA's Annual Conference, happening later this month.

November 30-December 3 in Savannah, Georgia ESAs from all over the nation will be networking, learning, and collaborating on important topics facing us all.
Will you be there? Registration is still open and we would love to see you!
Please help welcome our new business partner!

Please help AESA welcome a new business partner,  School Software Group. The School Software Group has teamed up with the Association of Educational Service Agencies (AESA) to bring BuildYourOwnCurriculum (BYOC) - a world-class curriculum development framework - to AESA's members and districts.