AIA Michigan Monday Minutes

Cathy Mosley, Hon. Aff. AIAMI     

Executive Director


Champion the profession. Nurture our chapters. Build Michigan better.
July 13, 2015
Happy Monday!
Cathy Headshot

Please remember to RSVP for the special membership meeting on July 16th.  This is an important bylaws change that will allow for electronic voting. We want everyone to have a voice not just those members who can attend the meetings. click here for more information.

Join the Muskegon Heights Build-a-thon! Workshops begin Friday, July 17. Click here for more information.

Have a great week and remember to contact me anytime with your ideas or if you would like to join a committee! 


Cathy Mosley, Hon. Aff. AIAMI

AIA Michigan Executive Director 
Weekly Highlights


This year, AIA Michigan has captured our ambitious associates pursuing licensure in our ARE Challenge Program. Bench-marked on other successful programs, this Exam Prep Program is about creating an exam cohort, yet small local study groups.  The biggest hurdle to passing the exams is in fact scheduling to sit for them.

40 challenge participants from across the state

4 Sections offered live [Detroit + Mid-Michigan Chapter]

20+ Exams Passed to date [not all participants reporting]


Read the interview from our Challenge Drawing Winner, James Witman, Associate AIA on his thoughts about the Challenge program! Click here

Click here for more information on the ARE Challenge!


AIA Michigan Resolution for June Board Meeting:

Whereas Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids, Detroit have become 2030 Emerging Districts and are working towards setting energy and sustainability goals in consultation with the local community and Architecture 2030, a national non-profit,


Be it resolved that AIA Michigan will endorse this 2030 District effort as part of a national initiative to encourage design professionals in Michigan to work towards sustainable and carbon neutral buildings.
Upcoming Events

AIA Detroit TAP/DABUG July 2015 Program,

July 21

72nd Annual Mid Summer Conference, August 6 - 8



U of M Flint Urban Planning and Land Use Design using CommunityViz Workshop, August 12

More Information


ARE Seminar: Construction Documents & Services, August 15, More Information


ARE Seminar: Programming Planning & Practice, September 12, More Information


CREW Detroit Impact Awards, September 16 

AIA Detroit TAP Committee - Next Meeting, September 24

Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy's Annual Conference, September 30 - October 4

2016 Legislative Day, March 16

Strategic Plan 2014 -2020

As the architectural profession moves through the first decade of the twenty-first century, it becomes increasingly obvious that the pace of change continues to accelerate . . .

In This Issue
Job Postings!

Have you checked the Job Board lately? New positions and resumes are added every week along with scholarship opportunities and design competitions!


If you have questions or are interested in placing an opening or resume, email 


Recent Postings:


Rossetti a global sports + entertainment design firm, is looking for a Sports Facility QC/QA Leader 


LaDuke Construction is a full service building company specializing in custom homes, remodeling and small commercial jobs, seeking a Residential Project Architect/Designer


KDG is currently searching for a talented Project Architects to join their innovative firm and lead KDG's Emerging Prototype Retail and Hospitality Roll-out Group. 

Albert Kahn seeks multiple Marketing Coordinator positions: Graphics Specialist and Communications/Writer.

Contact the Staff

Cathy Mosley, Hon. Aff. AIAMI:

Executive Director of AIA Michigan: Events and Programming, Finances, Communications, Membership, Government Affairs, Sponsorship


Evelyn Dougherty, Hon. Aff. AIAMI:

Events and Operations Director: Event Planning, Documents,

Continuing Education, Membership 


Public Policy Director: Public Awareness, Government Affairs and Fund Development