August 15,

No. 20

AMS Weekly Newsletter
Supporting the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
AMS has partnered with DC Chinese Film Festival, so make sure to check out the films in early September. See the last item below, as they need volunteers. 

Also, out of respect for the dwindling summer there will be no newsletter next week. (Hey, don't tell me you are going to get through all of this week's reading in one week!)  

And, if you appreciate what we do, please make a donation. It is important that we have as many members as possible contribute! Seriously...the IRS wants it that way.


Weekly Readings
Two major reports on Chinese military modernization and activities have appeared in recent months. The first was the annual Pentagon report on Chinese military modernization. Over time, this report has become more substantial, less shrill, and useful for open source researchers. The second, released last week, is Japan's annual defense white paper, which includes a healthy section on China as well as the United States. Both reports offer a substantial amount of insight into regional security dynamics, and China Watchers, especially during this period of tension, should be aware of the dramatic security shifts underway.

And here is China's response:

Weibo Watch
The death of beloved actor Robin Williams has shaken Weibo. Although the cause of death was not confirmed until yesterday, the top Weibo topic by Monday night was "Robin Williams Commits Suicide" (罗宾威廉姆斯自杀). Netizens mourned and remembered Williams for his roles in the "Good Morning, Vietnam," "Dead Poet's Society," and "Good Will Hunting." 

Taiwanese American pop star Wang Leehom has left a tribute to Williams, which is currently the hottest post on Weibo. "Thank you for bringing joy and power to your audience. Sadly, we couldn't help shoulder the burden of the enormous pain in your heart." ( In the comments, users are leaving virtual candles for Williams and gravely acknowledging his struggle with depression. "I hope his passing was, for him, a relief," writes OH宏嘟嘟_Shine.

成语 in Xi Jinping's speeches




Translation: harmony is precious


In a speech in Seoul on July 4, Xi Jinping explained to the audience what type of power China was going to become. He used 以和为贵 to stress China's traditional emphasis on harmony.


原文: 第一,中国将始终做一个维护和平的国家。中华民族是爱好和平的民族,过去是,现在是,将来也是。和平、和睦、和谐的追求深深植根于中华民族的精神世界之中。中国人自古就提出了"国虽大,好战必亡"的箴言,"以和为贵"、"天下太平"、"天下大同"等理念世代相传。历经苦难,中国人民珍惜和平,希望同世界各国一道共谋和平、共护和平、共享和平。中国将坚持走和平发展道路,这不是权宜之计,更不是外交辞令,而是从历史、现实、未来的客观判断中得出的结论,是思想自信和实践自觉的有机统一。


Documentary of the Week

In two years, Taiwan will have another presidential election. Washington will watch with trepidation, knowing the potential for a cross-strait crisis but careful of taking action that might influence the democratic process. The opposition party, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), will be lead into the election by Tsai Ing-wen, who also was the party's losing candidate in the last presidential election. This week's documentary is the May debate between Tsai and Kuo Tai-lin and should serve to illuminate some of her views. Given that Tsai trounced her opponent in the DPP's chairperson election and could very well be the DPP's next presidential candidate, her views should become familiar to those concerned about China policy than they were two years ago.

Cool Volunteer Opportunity
The DC Chinese Film Festival Team is delighted to inform you of an opportunity to become involved with the second biennial DC Chinese Film Festival taking place September 4-7, 2014.

DCCFF is a nonprofit organization dedicated to discovering outstanding Chinese cinema from around the world and encouraging cultural diversity through film in the United States. During a four-day festival DCCFF will screen 60 films from more than 300 carefully selected entries hailing from nearly ten different countries. Like the films it receives, the festival is proud to unite artists, film professionals, film lovers, and scholars alike in Washington D.C. for rare screenings, cutting-edge panel discussions, and networking events.

While we welcome you to attend any of our 22 screenings and events during the festival, DCCFF also needs volunteers to ensure the success of the event.

Volunteer Perks & Benefits:
Witness cutting edge films from and/or about issues concerning China and Chinese culture
Connect with a dynamic team of local and international filmmakers and film enthusiasts 
Earn free film screening vouchers during the festival
Gain access and passes to exclusive DCCFF events
Collect DCCFF gear and giveaways
Practice your Chinese or English with fellow DCCFF volunteers, staff, VIPs guests, and festival attendees

To learn more about the available positions and additional opportunities with DCCFF you may review and complete the DCCFF Volunteer Registration Form on the website
All applications must be received by Sunday, August 24, 2014.
Feel free to pass this opportunity along to your colleagues, friends, and students.

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If you appreciate the effort we put into organizing Chinese-language policy events, providing robust language and policy resources on our website, and the kind of content you see in this newsletter, please consider supporting us with a tax-deductible contribution--every bit helps!
The American Mandarin Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
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