American Physicians and Friends for Medicine in Israel (APF)
Newsletter # 9                                                                                January, 2013
Amir Goldshtein, APF's Development Specialist and Lt. (reserve) Asael Lubotzky, M.D.
Amir Goldshtein, APF's Development Specialist & Lt. (reserve) Asael Lubotzky, M.D.

APF is undertaking a National Campaign to increase membership and to seek additional donations  


Following the APF Event in Chicago during September, over 50 young Jewish medical professionals from the Boston area got together on December 16, 2012 for networking while enjoying sushi and cocktails. They listened intently to an inspirational speaker, Asael Lubotzky, M.D., who spoke about his victory overcoming medical injuries received in the 2006 Lebanon War. In addition, APF representative, Amir Goldshtein, talked about the important work of APF.  


If you were unable to hear Asael speak at the Boston event you will have the opportunity to do so by attending APF's upcoming event in Michigan! 


Upcoming Events


The APF Michigan Chapter Meeting for Members and

 Supporters of Medicinein Israel 


When: Sunday January 13th, 2013 from 10:30PM to 12:30PM EDT


Where: Adat Shalom Synagogue, Farmington Hills, MI


What: The APF Michigan Chapter would like to personally invite you, and hope you will bring one or more of your colleagues or friends, to attend this exciting meeting. Featuring Lt. (reserve) Asael Lubotzky, M.D., and Michael Frogel, M.D., APF President-Elect who will give an update on APF and its vital role and support of Israel during this difficult period.


To learn more about the event and register, click the hyperlink above.  


Please don't hesitate to reach Amir Goldshtein with any questions via e-mail:, or by phone: 617-232-5382.


Friend of Israel  

Thank You!


As we begin a new year, all of us at APF would like to thank our thousands of supporters who contributed to the development of Israel's medical education, research, and care.  


During the upcoming year, we will continue to ensure that Israel will be able to provide the highest quality of medical care during the challenging times that come ahead.    

It would be greatly appreciated if you could share this e-newsletter with others who may be interested as we are looking to expand our outreach as much as possible.



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