AdapTech Insider for Monday, May 11, 2015 - Volume 41
Empowerment Through Technology
A Flying Blind, LLC Publication
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Attention Students! Win A Brand New BraillePen Touch Refreshable Braille Display! Flying Blind, LLC Presents "The BraillePenmanship Giveaway"!
Flying Blind, LLC and Harpo, the Polish-based manufacturer of the BraillePen and Mountbatten product lines, are offering one lucky student the opportunity to win a brand new BraillePen Touch Refreshable Braille Display valued at $995.00 USD!
Here's how it works: Effective immediately we're offering any full-time vision impaired student the opportunity to draft an essay explaining to us how Braille has, is, and will impact their educational experience within the classroom, and within their community. We would also be interested to know how winning a brand new BraillePen Touch Refreshable Braille Display might impact the ways in which they would use Braille over the summer and in the coming school year.
Essays should be 200-300 words in length and contain the student's name, the school they are/will be attending, current grade level, and an appropriate email and/or phone number for either the vision teacher or parent. Essays may be submitted by email to:
Submit by Email to: Electronic essays may be written within the body of an email or attached to the email message in either Microsoft Word or RTF file formats.
Submit by Snail Mail to: 955 Pembrook Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44121. Snail mail essays will only be accepted in hardcopy Braille, with the student using either uncontracted or contracted Braille to transcribe the essay.
Flying Blind, LLC will continue to receive and review essays up until the close of business at 5:00 PM EST on Friday, June 19th 2015. Flying Blind, LLC will announce the winner of "The BraillePenmanship Giveaway" on Monday, June 22nd 2015. All essays will be reviewed by Flying Blind, LLC's President, Larry Lewis, who will make his selection based on essay creativity, grammar, and accuracy. And, there's more. All essay participants will receive a 10% discount and free shipping on all purchases of both new and used Refreshable Braille Solutions within the Flying Blind, LLC Online Store at: (Expires: September 1st 2015). In addition, Flying Blind, LLC will accommodate any and all third party purchasers who tie an essay author's name to any online or offline order received up to September 1, 2015.
Flying Blind, LLC is very excited to offer students of all ages an opportunity to get their creative juices flowing at the end of a very long school year and play an active role in their educational journey by submitting the essay that will win this pocket-sized Refreshable Braille Solution. This is a perfect year-end assignment for vision teachers looking for assignments to stimulate their students or parents wishing to engage their children in a writing exercise that can only increase their literacy and possibly win them a brand new BraillePen Touch in the process! For more information about BraillePen, please visit For additional information regarding the "The BraillePenmanship Giveaway" please email or call +1 (216) 381-8107 today. We look forward to reading your essays, and giving away this portable 12-Cell Braille juggernaut!
Warmest Regards,
The Flying Blind, LLC Team ******************************************************
Flying Blind, LLC Classifieds Section:
1.) One Gently Used HandyTech Easy Braille Refreshable Braille Terminal
Price: $1,795.00 USD
Description: This display is in pristine condition, and offers the user both USB and Bluetooth connectivity to their favorite laptops, tablets, and Smartphones. It's ...
2.) Refurbished Classic Focus 40 Braille Terminals
Price: $995.00 USD Each
Description: This is a fantastic bargain for the desktop/laptop PC user looking for a 40-Cell USB Braille display for less than 1K! These units are in pristine condition ...
3.) Brand New BrailleNote MPower 18 Cell Refreshable Braille Displays with Braille Keyboards
Price: $1,999.00 USD Each
Description: These units are brand new and come with a one year manufacturer's warranty. The BrailleNote mPower's mature hardware and intuitive software ...
4.) Brand New BrailleNote MPower 32 Cell Refreshable Braille Displays with Braille Keyboards
Price: $2,599.00 USD Each
Description: These units are brand new and come with a one year manufacturer's warranty. The BrailleNote mPower's mature hardware and intuitive software ...
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ONLINE STORE: Shopping for accessible technology? Check out the Flying Blind, LLC Online Store at: All products offered in the Flying Blind, LLC Online Store are products that Larry L. Lewis, Jr. either personally uses, or publicly endorses. Flying Blind, LLC is proud to offer free shipping & handling on all orders over $100.00 USD within the 48 continental United States.
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CONTENT: For questions or comments regarding AdapTech Insider Information please email Larry Lewis at: