November 2016  
Morning Services

"Finally morning services!", such words could be heard from almost every member of our church once we were able to finally set up our weekly schedule according to our own wishes and needs - and that included a morning Sunday service. It took us two full weekends to move into our new facilities, set up and install all the furniture and equipment. It was at times tedious work, especially for our technicians, and for the first Sunday morning service most of us showed up quite exhausted. We gathered around our improvised "coffee corner", each holding a cup of coffee, trying to wake up so we could have our long awaited morning service.     Despite the first shock, we are now well on our way to adjusting to our new schedule and enjoying having a mid-week Wednesday service and youth meetings as well as Sunday morning services.
Youth Meetings

Along with the arrival of a new school year and our move to a new place of worship we decided to start an additional program for our teens and preteens. They are eager to have a program that is adjusted to their age, interests and needs. With the help of Daniel and Gris Behin, CFNI alumni and experienced children's workers, we started a youth meeting which is to be held every other Wednesday. As the day of the first meeting approached, the anticipation among our young people grew. Along with our own youth, young people from other churches in the city gathered that Wednesday and enjoyed studying the Word of God, playing games, praying together and just having a great time of fellowship. It is very encouraging to see teens and preteens so enthusiastic about God. Some of them already serve in the church helping out in different ministries such as sound and video projection, children's ministries, our book table, ect. Our desire is to integrate them even more so they would feel apart of the church and find their place within the church family.  For two Sundays in a row we had a guest speaker who is very dear to the     heart of our church. Bonnie's dad, Dr. Dean Hackett, ministered to our Body from the Word and encouraged us greatly speaking on the importance of having a proper life attitude- "You win or loose by the way you choose!" This was a timely message for many who are facing troubles, trials and life's difficulties.
War Room 

We are already busily planning our first evangelistic meeting. We will be showing the movie "War Room" in mid - November. This will be our first outreach in the new neighborhood and we hope to invite people who live in the surrounding area. This area is heavily populated, especially with young families, which gives us many opportunities for handing out invitations and connecting with people. Our street evangelism team has already started handing out gospel tracts and invitations for our Family Day service. It is our desire to reach this part of town with the Gospel and see people coming to Christ.  
Happy Thanksgiving

Our family is doing well. With the house decorated for fall and Thanksgiving our children are looking forward to the holiday. They've been keeping track of what they are thankful for and here are a few of those things: The new Church, doors for the new Church, family, our house,     salvation and Grandpa and Grandma's trip to Croatia.  

Learning to be thankful for all things great and small is such a great lesson to learn... Happy Thanksgiving to each and every one of you. May your holiday season be filled with joy and love.
Mario and Bonnie Ducic
Croatian Evangelistic Outreach | P+385 1 6443 330 | F+385 1 6443 331 |Zagrebacka cesta 227 - Zagreb - 10 000 - Croatia |  Email | Website
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