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The Canadian Brass. Photo from their website,
Three marketing ideas you should borrow from the Canadian Brass


The Canadian Brass came to Los Alamos over a week ago. They completely filled the Duane Smith Auditorium (there were over 900 people at the concert). They are clearly one of the most popular musical groups to come to Los Alamos, and are without a doubt the most popular brass group in the world. 


Here are three marketing techniques that the Canadian Brass use that can be applied to any business:


1. They have mastered their craft.


Each member of the Canadian Brass is a master at his instrument. During the performance, every note was beautiful. They had all their music memorized, which allowed them effortlessly change formation when the music called for it, which made it more fun to watch.


When you completely master a skill it allows you to experiment and have fun, which helps you to stand out from the crowd.


No matter what business you are in, being incredibly good at what you do is the first step to marketing yourself. Doing an excellent job makes people want to recommend you to their friends and pass your information to others.


If you want to grow your business, constantly find ways to get better at what you do and dedicate yourself to lifelong learning. 


2. They regularly produce new products.


The Canadian Brass regularly puts out CD's, sheet music and other products that get snapped up by music lovers and other musicians. Every time they publish a book of music or a produce a CD, they not only help their fans play and enjoy brass quintet music, but they also create a new income stream.


Many of you may be wondering how to apply this idea to your own business. No matter what you do for a living, you have information to share, and products that you can create. By creating a book or another type of information product about your business, you create a new possibility for making money and gaining customers. 


For example, most business owners who own a local store tend to think of their immediate community as their market. But over time they gain knowledge and expertise that anyone can use. If that local store owner gathers their knowledge into a book, or even a booklet, they can sell it on their website (a catchy book title can increase the amount of visitors that a website receives) or use it to grow their email newsletter list. 


A robust newsletter list will make it possible to sell your products to a larger market, so your business will no longer be dependent on the state of the local economy.


3. They make what they do "shareable".


Normally when you attend a concert, taking pictures is forbidden. But during the Canadian Brass concert, they encouraged people to take pictures and share them on Facebook and YouTube. 


This gave the audience members a chance to get involved and participate. 


Regardless of the industry that you work in, there is value in sharing information. Let's say your cleaning company has a secret to getting stains out of carseats - share it on your website! 


Use your business social media sites as a place to give out information about what you do, and a place to help your prospective customers solve problems.


There are many ways that you can share information. You can publish how-to videos, special reports, blogs, and info grams. Doing this on a regular basis gives people people a reason to go to your website and stay there.


If customers have spent a lot of time on your website, gathering useful information and getting their questions answered, they will think of you when they are ready to buy.

If you have any questions about how to use these techniques to build your business, give me a call.

Mandy Marksteiner
Copywriter and Marketing Consultant

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