Welcome to the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition Newsletter!
Coastal Rail Trail Advocacy Alert!
Do you want the Coastal Rail Trail to look like this?
We don't either. We want it to look like this:
We need your help to make sure we get a great trail!
Join your voice with ours! Come to the University Planning Group Meeting on Tuesday, November 12th at 6:00 PM at Forum Hall, University Town Center. (4315 La Jolla Village Drive, San Diego)
For more information about the Friends of the Coastal Rail Trail or about the upcoming meetings, contact the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition at www.sdcbc.org or Kathy Keehan at kkeehan@san.rr.com.
Save the Date!
3rd Annual Holiday Joy Ride
December 12, 2013 at 5:30 PM
Location: Makers Quarter 753 15th Street San Diego, CA 92101
Save the date for our 3rd Annual Holiday Joy Ride on Thursday, December 12th! We will begin with a light-your-bike ride followed by a cocktail hour and special presentation. We will also honor the winners of our Golden Gear Awards, people who have gone above and beyond to help make our region more bike friendly this year.

The Three Feet for Safety Act: Proving a Violation
By: Richard L. Duquette, Esq.
In an effort to increase safety on California roadways, Governor Brown recently signed into law AB1371, effective September 16, 2014. The new law requires a three-foot buffer by motorists passing a bicyclist. It will be codified in California Vehicle Code Section 21760(b).
If a motorist cannot pass with three feet clearance, he must slow down to a reasonable and prudent speed before passing. In other words, no tailgating or reckless passing is allowed. This is critical as 40% of all fatal crashes between a bicyclist and a motorist are caused by collisions from behind.
So what does this mean when riding the streets? Read more...
California by Bike Summit
San Diego CBC is excited for the California by Bike Summit from November 7 to 12. CalBike has gathered advocates, leaders, and innovators for bicycling and related social change who've put together a number of presentations. Participants will leave informed, inspired, and part of an organized team transforming California from state capitol to city hall.
The summit format is innovative, with networking opportunities at every meal. There are multiple special events - including a VIP event aboard FDR's floating White House, the East Bay Bicycle Coalition's party-of-the-year and California by Bike Summit's own bash that will attract enthusiasts from around the state.
You can learn more about the summit from:
Several SDCBC members will be representing San Diego County at the summit. We look forward to sharing our experience with you when we get back!
Support SDCBC on Climate Ride California!
How can you enjoy an incredible 4-day bicycle ride in California wine country while supporting the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition? Climate Ride- the nation's largest cycling event dedicated to active transportation and sustainability is this May 17-20 from San Francisco to the California State Capitol!
The exciting part for SDCBC is that anyone who signs up for the ride gets to choose which organization they will be raising money for- and you can choose the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition!
First you must register, reach the fundraising minimum and train for the ride, then come along and discover why Climate Ride is the premiere green event in the country. Amazing ride, epic scenery, and great speakers all combine to make this a remarkable experience. Climate Ride is a 4-day, fully-supported cycling adventure that begins in San Francisco, heads north up the coast and through Wine Country to California's Capital in Sacramento.
Climate ride also features nightly speakers who focus on bicycle advocacy, sustainability and renewable energy. Find out more and register at www.climateride.org.
Blind Stokers show how far teamwork can go
BSC members support the Coalition at Bike the Bay
Have you noticed the black/white/red cycling kits on the road, or maybe met members of the Blind Stokers Club who staffed the Sorrento Valley aid station at Bike the Coast?
The BSC rolls 2-by-2, using tandem bikes to enable the sport for those who cannot see well enough to pilot a bike. You can join a club ride or follow BSC activities at www.facebook.com/BlindStokersClub.
The club draws members from around the county who have a variety of interests in cycling and other sports. Many could be seen swimming, cycling, and running at the Challenged Athletes Foundation 20th annual triathlon at La Jolla Cove last month, celebrating abilities of athletes who are blind or visually impaired.
One BSC female tandem team will race in the US Paracycling Track Nationals November 22-24 at the VELO Sports Center in Carson CA, as part of the L.A. Grand Prix.
Popular BSC cycling kit items are on sale now through November 17, and make great holiday gifts - access the BSC online store at www.BlindStokersClub.org
Upcoming Classes & Workshops
Spin Your Wheels: Ride Smart with SDCBC
Saturday, December 7th- 1:00 PM
Imperial Beach Branch Library
810 Imperial Beach Boulevard, Imperial Beach, CA 91932
Contact: Larry Hofstetter, 619-994-9161
Want to get back out on your bike but don't know where to start? Come to a one-hour Spin Your Wheels class to learn tips and tricks like finding the right bike, following the rules of the road, planning your route and more! Classes are taught by League Cycling Instructors or SDCBC trained Bike Ambassadors. Click here for more information.
Robert's Mini Bike Book Review
Half Man, Half Bike: The Life of Eddy Merckx, Cycling's Greatest Champion by William Fotheringham
Review by Robert Leone
San Diego's bicycle racing fans are in for a few months of quietude before spring, or at least the Boulevard road race and the Red Trolley Classic criterium of 2014. Until the derailleurs start shifting in anger again, deprived sprint train junkies can find solace in Half Man, Half Bike: The Life of Eddy Merckx, Cycling's Greatest Champion by William Fotheringham.
Upcoming Events
12/12- 3rd Annual Holiday Joy Ride
Join, renew or donate now to get a free set of SDCBC bike lights! (While supplies last)
Join a Committee!
We are looking for dedicated members to serve on one of our newly established committees:
- Advocacy Committee
- Education Committee
- Organizational Development Committee
Committees meet monthly or bi-monthly and are a great way to get more involved in the bicycling community! Please contact Britany Statt at development@sdcbc.org if you are interested in joining.
They are conducting a survey intended to explore transportation habits among commuters. The research they obtain will help them wit the development of their Eco-Entrepreneurship Project at the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management at UC Santa Barbara.
The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete and survey
participants may enter to win a $50 amazon.com gift card upon completion.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this survey or would like to withdraw your responses, please email simplecycle@lists.bren.ucsb.edu.