Pacific Naturopathic
Pacific Naturopathic  Newsletter
 Number 68 * February 2015
2570 W. El Camino Real * Suite 111 * Mountain View, CA 94040 * 650-917-1121 
The Hernandez Center 
for Adjunctive Cancer Care


We are always surprised by the depth of experience, information and thoughtful inspiration offered by our staff in our monthly newsletters. You might expect a newsletter on healthy aging from a medical office to be full of tips about diet and exercise.  Yes, there is a bit of that this month.  But there is so much more about happiness and mindfulness in the articles below.


Dr. Connie begins with her musings on aging with grace and style; Dr. Marcel writes about healthy aging beyond nutrition and exercise; Dr. Corrine explains the part that healthy hormones play in female aging; and Dr. Connie writes on brain health and aging.


Nicole offers her thoughts on mindfulness and living in the present moment; Jane writes about how our beliefs and culture influence our patterns of behavior and thought; and Carlene speaks about how doing what you love contributes to health and happiness.


As we said above, this month's newsletter offerings are more than tired, mundane exhortations about diet and exercise. Enjoy.


Be Well.


Dr. Connie, Dr. Marcel and your care team at Pacific Naturopathic and the Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care


Dr. Connie's Musings...
Dr. Connie muses by the pond in Hawaii

Aging With Grace and Style



As our affluent population ages, anti aging medicine is one of the ongoing rages. My in-box fills with professional seminars encouraging me to join the anti-aging bandwagon. Often, anti-aging medical seminars, rather than promoting poly pharmacy per se, promote multiple hormone prescriptions, with individuals sometimes spending several thousand a month on creams, injections, sublinguals, and capsules. Or, pandering to the desire to look young, whether our bodies are young or not, there are the botox clinics and other surgical fixes.


Anti-aging does not appeal to me as a reasonable path to follow. In the famous words of Reinhold Neibur "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Aging itself is not a disease process. We can rail against aging if we like, but inevitably each one of us is born, ages, and eventually exits the planet. I personally do not aspire to long life per se, I aspire to living a quality life. I aspire to aging in good health with grace and style.


Good health is not guaranteed. We each come in to the world with genetic material that influences the effect of environment on our unique bodily make up. We also happen to live in an imperfect and polluted world in which there is no way to control all the variables. So what do we do? We do the best we can with the situation we have been given, and we go for the grace and style.


Aging with grace and style is not a passive activity. It involves balancing multiple mental, emotional, physical, social and spiritual choices, with decisions rarely being black and white. Emphasizing one area to the exclusion of others creates imbalance. Take food, for example. We can choose to follow excessively rigid dietary guidelines in an effort to ensure the health of our physical bodies, but we may be sacrificing our social and emotional health as we do so.


Every age presents challenges. While it would be well to consider healthy aging before the A.A.R.P. membership card arrives in the mail, before eligibility for Medicare is a reality, before our personal train has veered way off the tracks or become a veritable train wreck, we begin when we have the impetus to begin and we can always make progress.


We've written in this newsletter about dietary principles, about relationship, about happiness, about spirit, about many conditions of imbalance. You could move forward in any direction. Success comes in commitment, in being willing to learn and experiment and change, in working with the reality of each moment, rather than bemoaning what has been lost or what one can no longer be or do.


Taking oneself lightly also helps!


Read more about the medical services Dr. Connie offers here:




More Than Nutrition and Exercise


ten strategies for health 


Dr. Marcel specializes in men's health and digestive problems. He works with Dr. Corrine in the infusion center at Pacific Naturopathic.

Several years ago, I read an interview with a 105 year-old-man who still had a part-time job a couple of hours a day.  When asked the secret of his longevity, he replied, "I never smoke more then three cigarettes a day or drink more than two shots of whiskey a night."  Indeed, it does seem like some people are indestructible, no matter what insults they allow on their bodies. My take on this is that longevity walks hand in hand with both life outlook and lifestyle choices.


If you are a regular reader of this newsletter, you may have noticed that when it comes to strategies for staying healthy, we consistently say the same things in many ways.  Stress management, preventive medicine, proper nutrition, regular exercise, uplifting relationships, creative life expression, positive attitude and a persistent upward focus are among the elements that researchers point to as contributing to a long life.  In this issue, I've decided to focus on the brain/mental/emotional aspect of aging:


1) Physical balance.  Activities like dancing, yoga, tai chi and chi gung help our brains maintain the skills to compensate for stairs and shifts in the ground where maintaining balance is needed.

2) Sole support.  As we age, our arches fall and the fat pads on the bottom of our feet compress.  More support is needed for comfort and safety.  Avoid cheap shoes that provide little support.  Purchase shoes at a shop where skilled sales personnel can determine the type of shoes that are best for you.  In older shoes, special lifts (orthotics) or gel pads can provide both comfort and support.

3) Friends. Have negative friends who complain all of the time and rattle on endlessly about the state of the world? Distance yourself from people whose outlook on life is consistently negative. Surround yourself with energetic, happy, positive people of all ages.

4) Posture.  Stand and walk like a vibrant, healthy person. Make a conscious effort to take big strides, walk with your heel first. Stretching leg, abdomen and back muscles facilitate correct posture.

5) Exercise from the neck up. Keeping the brain active wards off memory loss illnesses like Alzheimer's and dementia. Try word games and recall exercises. For example, find five purple objects during a walk in the neighborhood and recall them when back home. Find your inner artist. Have you always wanted to play a certain musical instrument? Does dabbling in watercolors excite you?

6) Break patterns. Routines limit brain stimulation. Introduce new foods or new recipes for eating the same food. Try taking different routes to places you frequent the most. Leave your comfort zone every day.

7) Share meals.  Dine several times a week with other people.  Sharing meals fosters social interaction, essential for healthy brain aging. 

8) Sugar.  In a new study, scientists from the University of California-San Francisco (UCSF) observed that survey participants who drank larger amounts of sugary soda tended to have shorter telomeres - protective DNA that caps the ends of cell chromosomes. Short telomeres have been linked with tissue damage, inflammation and insulin resistance and heart disease.

9) Optimism. A 2004 study of about 1,000 men and women found that those who described themselves as optimistic had a 55 percent lower risk of dying over the course of the nine-year study, and a 23 percent lower risk of death from heart failure, than pessimists did.

10) Volunteer.  Research has clearly shown that people who volunteer out of a desire to help others have lower mortality rates than people who volunteer for selfish reasons or do not volunteer at all.


Finally, find ways to bring a smile to your face.  

Have fun!  Enjoy! Express gratitude often!



For more on Dr. Marcel's work click HERE.


Aging and Hormonal Balance

Corrine Wang, N.D.

As women age and start transitioning into menopause, there is a marked decrease in hormones, which can lead to different hormone imbalances and the symptoms we often see such as hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings, decreased memory, and weight gain. In balancing and supporting our hormones as we age, we can live healthy, long lives without having to experience the intensity of these symptoms.


What happens to some of our hormones during menopause? During this time period, our ovaries begin to decrease production of estrogen and progesterone. Often, the ovaries may decrease their production of progesterone faster than estrogen, leading to a condition called estrogen dominance. This can cause women to have breast tenderness and swelling, water retention, and to feel irritable and emotional before periods. However, there can also be signs of estrogen deficiency since the overall total amount of estrogen being produced by the ovaries has decreased significantly. These symptoms include the typical hot flashes and night sweats, poor memory, incontinence, dry eyes, low libido, vaginal dryness, and loss of bone density.


What else happens? As the ovaries begin shutting down their production of estrogen and progesterone, it is up to the adrenal glands to pick up the slack and produce these hormones. The adrenal glands are the glands that produce the hormones and neurotransmitters that help us deal with stress. They also produce testosterone and DHEA in women. Because the adrenals have to work extra hard during menopause to produce more estrogen and progesterone, this burden on top of our modern day stressors often cause our adrenals to decrease production of the majority of their hormones. This can lead to decreased resistance to stress, increase in colds/flus, fatigue, skin issues, increased abdominal fat and loss of muscle tone, and decreased libido.


With the changing levels of hormones during menopause, there are many things we can do to find out where the imbalances lie and treat accordingly. 


We can do comprehensive hormonal testing to figure out the levels and balance of hormones in the body. In getting a clearer idea of our hormonal picture, we can then treat the imbalances through nutrition, nutritional and herbal supplements, and/or bio-identical hormones. Using a variety of natural therapies where needed, women can transition gracefully through menopause and be supported overall to age optimally. If you are struggling with symptoms similar to those mentioned above, please contact the doctors at Pacific Naturopathic to find out more information about how we can help. 




For more information about Dr. Corrine Wang and her mind/body approach to healing, please visit her website at



Perspectives on Aging


Dr. Connie has offered natural medicine guidance to her Bay Area patients since 1993.

I am all for finding new ways to optimize health as we age. Even the smallest efforts can exponentially improve the eventual outcome. Repletion of vitamin D enhances muscle strength and balance, improves stability, prevents falls.  So does working at a standing desk, rather than sitting all day. Expressions of gratitude transform mental and emotional states, as well as world view, and significantly enhances quality of life. Service to others takes us outside ourselves, and allows for sharing of lessons of lifetimes.


One salvation for aging minds is found in neuroplasticity.  Brain cells die and are gone for good, but you can create new neural pathways. That means that, as you do new things, you grow new connections in your brain. This opens possibilities.  What if, when we lost words, we started to draw or paint or play music? We can definitely create new realities as we age. It makes sense, then, the older we get and the more concerned we become, the more we should strive to vary and balance our experience by trying new things.


Exercise areas of your brain that have not been exercised. Pick up a musical instrument if you have always wanted to but never had the time. Immerse yourself in a foreign language or culture. If you're great at spoken languages, try a different kind of language study, as the study of sign language or the language of music. Alternate your crossword puzzles with mathematical and other brain games.


And don't stint on physical exercise. Brain health requires more than nutrients and oxygen. The brain feeds on signals from movement of all parts of your body. Learn to swim if you've never swum before. Bounce on a trampoline. Balance on a zipline. Try yoga or tai chi or chi kung. Or dance. Spend time in the outdoors.


All of these are efforts to maintain and enhance life as we have known it, which is a good thing. There is, however, another question which I ask myself.  In as much as our bodies are programmed to age, could there be some hidden advantage inherent in the aging, and could we capitalize on that advantage?  Perhaps the inability to perform as we once did on physical and mental levels gives us the opportunity and the mandate to tune in to ourselves as we exist in other realities.


Dr. Connie's parents -- Robert and Mary Alice Sutherland (50th anniversary photo)

My brilliant father, after the stroke which took away his mental faculties, described to me an astral world in which butterflies swarmed around my face and wise beings peered lovingly over my shoulder. Watching my mother in the depths of Alzheimers, I felt the pain of her experience from my perspective. My mother, however, was not in her body, but had reverted to a kind of child like being in which only the present moment mattered.


What if, in that other reality of Alzheimers, there are Zen moments? What if the dimming of our physical and mental prowess were to serve as an impetus to dive deeply within? The phrase "older but wiser" comes to mind.  Wisdom, rather than depending on intellectual prowess, entails an awareness of ourselves as spiritual beings. Though we tend to hold to a fierce identification with our minds and our physical bodies, we are neither our brains nor our bodies. We are pure consciousness.  


If in aging, we learn to tap into that pure consciousness, we've gained everything.



Find out more about Dr. Connie's work HERE.

Mindful Evolution

Nicole Noceto
Nicole Noceto fills many roles at Pacific Naturopathic.



The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered, "Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then he dies having never really lived."


I was immediately reminded of this passage when I found out about this month's newsletter theme on "Aging."  No matter how many times I read this quote, the potency of his message sends shivers down my spine.  If this isn't a good reminder to be living mindfully, than I don't know what is!


Here in the West, the word "aging" has such a negative connotation.  Our consumer-driven society has developed every kind of aging-antidote imaginable, encouraging us to try our hardest to resist the inevitable.  For some people, getting old brings about a fear of death; for other people, there's major anxiety surrounding the physical and mental changes to come.  For others, yet, there's a looming sense of regret for not accomplishing enough, or wishing things had been different. 



Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.

                                                               -- John Lennon



We are doing ourselves a major disservice in dwelling on the past and/or worrying about the future.  We have no control over what has already happened - the past no longer exists.  We have very little control over what might happen, as the future is just a fantasy until it happens.  This is not to say that we should never think about the past or the future, in fact, it's perfectly healthy to do both.  What is problematic, is letting thoughts about the past and future hijack our ability to experience the present moment - the one moment we can actually experience.


Getting older is one of the only certainties in life.  No matter how much we might like to avoid aging, we can't.  What we can do, however, is remain present, exercise control over our thoughts, and embrace the journey.  If we don't do these things, we will only feel more burdened by aging, or even exacerbate the aging process. To live fully and truly make the most out of our days, we must try our best to cultivate mindfulness - a careful awareness of the present moment.



Nicole Noceto offers Nutrition Education for people 

meeting the challenges of diabetes and cancer.  

Nicole will soon begin offering yoga therapy programs.

Please phone 650-917-1121 to schedule.

The Good News


Jane 2013


There is so much new research that is telling us wonderful things about what is really going on with our health. One of the most liberating things is, please pay attention here...


The genes you inherited are not the determining factor in your health and how you age.


So, if that is true, then what is?


Your beliefs and the culture you have been exposed to are much greater determinants of the genes' expression and your current health.


All those emotions, particularly the ones you tend to repress like anger, sadness, shame and disappointment are the environment that the genes are exposed to. But that stressful environment can also be changed.


Science has shown that Tapping (EFT) greatly reduces the stress hormones which are responsible for so many of the ailments which seem to accompany aging like diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.


You can change your beliefs by tapping and alter what your particular life environment has predisposed you to.


What tapping and energy medicine strive to do is bring your mind/body to a state of homeostasis. Imagine your body as an orchestra but the violin sounds as if it's playing a different piece. What you want is to have the violin piece adapted to play in sync with the rest of the orchestra. That's when you have true harmony.


Are you ready for some more good news?


Did you know that it's good practice not telling anyone your age?

Not because of vanity but if you choose to not live your chronological age, no one can put you in that box, and you can actually be younger and feel younger. Change your beliefs and don't set limits on yourself because you're a certain age.  Keep learning, creating new adventures, planning the future and you will find that these activities generate an agelessness. 


The good news keeps coming.


It has been proven that our brains can continue to grow even as we age.


It's called brain plasticity. And when we learn new things like a language, a skill, a different way to do things, we keep our brains limber, just as if it were a muscle that we are exercising. 


So, whatever age you are, let go of the number...just live your life. So much is possible now - release any limiting beliefs which keep you from truly living as you age and the world will unfold in ways you can't imagine.

Read more about Jane Hernandez's transformative work HERE



Age Happily 
by Doing What You Love
Carlene offers various approaches to energy healing at the Hernandez Center


Remember when we were children, we counted down the days until our birthdays, and we measured our birthdays in half years, anticipating being one year older?  As we age, we are often less enthused about celebrating our birthdays, we may even dread them. Unfortunately our society doesn't embrace getting older, and the media glamorizes being youthful. It seems we are always being reminded of the negative aspects of aging, but rarely celebrate the beauty of growing older.


Personally at age 52, I am convinced that I am at my best, and expect I will get better with each coming year. Why? Because I'm improving with age. I'm making better decisions. I'm learning more. I'm doing more of what I enjoy, and I'm happier. I think the old saying "another year older, another year wiser," is true. As we age we learn, we experience life, and we grow. And hopefully we become more forgiving, accepting and loving beings.


Aging does come with its challenges, including changes in our bodies and minds. As we age our bodies are often less resilient, so if we want to feel well, we have to take better care of ourselves. This is one of the disguised blessings of aging. It coaxes us into eating healthier, exercising, staying mentally active, relaxing and being social. This is also a time when we look at our lives and ask ourselves if we are living our truth. Have we veered off our path, and is it time to get back on?


With age comes the desire to enjoy life more, which may require making changes and doing things differently. This may include taking a personal inventory of old programs that are no longer serving us, and reprogramming. This may include recognizing our past mistakes, forgiving ourselves, and seeking help (if necessary) to avoid making the same mistakes again. And I believe the best way to enjoy life more is to "do what we love and love what we do."


I often ask my clients, "What did you enjoy doing when you were a child?" This helps them remember what truly makes their hearts sing. Their responses vary greatly, from drawing, to coloring, playing ball, going on wild adventures, reading mysteries, singing, skipping and dancing.  By inviting these activities that they enjoyed as children, back into their lives, they feel free again and more at home with themselves.  When we do what our hearts desire, we find ourselves back on path, our lives have more meaning, and we experience more joy. Do what you love!

Read more about Carlene's transformative work here.


Rapid Pain Relief
With Elijah Fee

Elijah Free, MH, CMI, CMT



Elijah Free's approach to helping his patients deal with physical pain has been described as bordering on miraculous.  Elijah is also a Master Herbalist who designs and produces all of his own herbal products for his healing practice. He is an herbal product designer for Ridgecrest Herb Company. 

* * *


Elijah Free is a healer, specializing in pain elimination of all types, both mechanical and metabolic. He is a master medical herbalist with numerous specialties, a researcher and product designer for his own label; Earth Friend Herb Co. 


Elijah is the author of "Apprentice to Angels," and a U.S. patent holder for a formula to eradicate fibromyaligia. He was recently granted a 501-C3 from the IRS as a medical study, something almost exclusively for institutions such as Stanford, hospitals or pharmaceutical companies. is all about Elijah's work with an herbal formula for PTSD that restores the lives to veterans and anyone else with this condition. A documentary video will be available later this fall about this project. A video on fibromyaligia can be seen at


To schedule an 
appointment with Elijah, 
please phone 650-917-1121.
Breast Thermography at
Pacific Naturopathic
- Aging breasts offer better visualization results -



As we age, every part of us ages, breasts included.  One advantage of those not so perky aging breasts is that they are less dense, allowing for clearer imaging. (Mammogram reports now include warnings to let you know that they're actually not very accurate in detecting problems with dense breasts.)  Fortunately breast thermograms do not depend on your breasts being less dense in order to image them accurately. So, young and firmly endowed, or older and softer, thermography can help you understand what's happening with your breast tissue.


On breast thermograms, hormonal grade is another marker that can be of significance in assessing aging breasts. Hormonal grade is an indication of the sum total of estrogen influence on your breasts. In younger cycling women, or in nursing mothers, we would expect to see a higher hormonal grade. When we see a high hormonal grade in older women, we may need to evaluate the dosing or mode of delivery of hormonal replacement therapy, or of anti estrogen medications, and/or delve a little deeper to discover and balance any hormonal imbalances influencing the breast tissue. 



Read more about breast thermography at 
Pacific Naturopathic here.

Pacific Naturopathic Hawaii Matures

Check Future Openings 
(then click on "Calendar")
Walk in a park-like environment at Pacific Naturopathic Hawaii
* * *

At Pacific Naturopathic Hawaii, we learn lessons from nature. The cycles of life are ever apparent. The small coconut palm sprouts which we planted fifteen years ago are now mature trees, dropping coconuts of their own. Lush jaboticaba fruits are ripe for the picking on the trunks of what were just foot-long branches when planted. Crops come, crops grow, crops go. Droughts weed out less hardy plants, and thirsty marauding wild pigs root through the gardens seeking water. Rains brighten the gardens and bring the coqui frogs.  Kona winds prune dead branches and uproot giant banana trees. 


Through it all, we enjoy the colors, the sounds, the fragrances, the fruits, the unpredictability.  You can, too. 


For readers of Pacific Naturopathic Newsletter only: 

10 percent discount off nightly rate if booked before March 15 for openings through December 15, 2015. 

Must be booked through our office, not on-line.  

Contact Dr. Marcel at if interested.


Come, enjoy, rejuvenate and reinvent yourself. 

Openings available from May.


For more information, please visit our dedicated web site.


The Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care

News and Commentary on Cancer Topics

* * * * *

Exercise and Cancer

Connie Hernandez, ND


Just as exercise is fundamental to aging well in general, it is also key to preventing the onset of cancer, reducing the side effects and enhancing the efficacy of cancer treatments, and preventing recurrence of cancer. Research confirms benefits for breast and colon cancer patients in particular, with exercisers shown to have reduced rates for death from their cancer and from other causes as well. Add to that the multiple other benefits of these folks being more active and less tired.


The American Cancer Society indicates that bad diet, obesity, and lack of exercise account for a third to half of all cancers. The World Health Organization finds that exercise can reduce the risk of getting breast cancer by up to 40% and can decrease the risk of breast cancer returning by at least the same amount. Even 30 minutes daily of moderate activity dramatically boosts the cancer related health benefits.


For more information see HERE. 

Mistletoe -- 
A Cancer Fighting Plant

Corrine Wang, ND

Mistletoe is most commonly known as the decorative plant associated with Christmas under which people are expected to kiss. In the wild, it a semi-parasitic plant that grows on trees and is best harvested there, as it can be difficult to cultivate. 


In Europe, especially Germany and some of the northern European countries, it has become one of the most widely used uncon-ventional cancer treatments and prescribed for most cancer patients. The most common commercial preparations are sold under the trade names Iscador and Helixor, and only the European species of the mistletoe plant is used for cancer treatment.


Mistletoe not only stimulates and strengthens the immune system to fight cancer, but it is also directly cytotoxic and helps to extend survival rates and improve quality of life for most cancer patients. Even late stage cancer patients are able to gain a lot of benefit from mistletoe, as it can help decrease pain, increase energy, improve appetite, and elevate mood - it is not a cure for these patients, but it definitely makes the transition much smoother and manageable as they go through their last phase of life. 


Many clinical trials have been done on mistletoe for cancer, and in an overview of 5 retrospective studies, the 10-year survival rate of patients with certain cancers was much higher in those who used mistletoe versus those who did not. For lymphoma/leukemia patients, the 10-year survival rate of those that used mistletoe was 81.4% as compared to 29.3% that did not use the therapy. For breast cancer patients, it was 86.1% versus 61.2%. In malignant melanoma patients, it was 88.5% versus 57.3%. 


And finally, in pancreatic cancer patients who have one of the lowest survival rates of all cancers, the 10-year survival rate was 13.6% in those that used mistletoe versus 2.5% who did not. 


Mistletoe is beneficial for all stages of cancer patients, from early stage patients in remission trying to prevent recurrence all the way to late stage cancer patients who are just looking to improve quality of life. With no drug interactions and minimal side effects, mistletoe is a wonderful natural, adjunctive cancer treatment that is directly cytotoxic to cancer cells, boosts the immune system, improves quality of life, and increases survival rates. 


For more information about mistletoe or to try this natural therapy, please contact us at the Hernandez Center at (650) 917-1121.


Other I.V. Therapies Offered at Pacific Naturopathic and the Hernandez Center

Corrine Wang, N.D.


Many people have already heard about intravenous vitamin C as a complementary cancer therapy to help stimulate the immune system as well as being directly cytotoxic to cancer cells. We are often using this therapy at the Hernandez Center for our cancer patients. What people may not know is that we also have many other IV therapies that are also very helpful in supporting our cancer patients depending on their symptoms and what they need. 


We often give a nutrient IV in between IV vitamin C sessions, which helps to provide more energy and rebuild our patients that may be feeling fatigued or have low blood counts. 


We also have other anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer therapies like IV curcumin (turmeric) or IV silibinin (from milk thistle). 


Another IV treatment that can help cancer patients from losing more weight or to help them gain weight is an infusion that includes a variety of amino acids. 


These are just a few of the protocols we have for our cancer patients. For more information or to set up an appointment, please contact us at the Hernandez Center at (650) 917-1121.


* * *



Pacific Naturopathic
The Hernandez Center 
for Adjunctive Cancer Care

2570 W. El Camino Real, Suite 111
Mountain View, CA 94040
650-917-1121 (v) * 650-917-1127 (f)

In This Issue

* Dr. Connie muses on aging with grace and style

 * Dr. Marcel: Ten strategies for health not about diet and exercise

* Dr. Corrine: Aging and hormonal balance


* Dr. Connie: Perspectives on aging


 * Nicole: Mindful evolution


* Jane: The good news


* Carlene: Age happily by doing what you love


* Breast thermography at Pacific Naturopathic 

* Hawaii retreat: A mellowing of the land


Hernandez Center: News and Commentary on Cancer Topics

 - - - 


* Dr Connie: Exercise and Cancer


* Dr. Corrine: Mistletoe -- a cancer fighting plant


 * Dr. Corrine: other IV therapies offered in our clinic 



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The Hernandez Center 

for Adjunctive Cancer Care


2570 W. El Camino Real, Suite 111 Mountain View, CA 94040


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The Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care
