Your monthly update for May 2023

Dear Pirate Crew,

As we end the 2023 academic year, I want to express my gratitude to everyone who serves Ventura College students. I applaud you for your passion, tireless fortitude, and support of Ventura College students, employees, and community. Each of us in our roles enhance Ventura College and make it a welcoming learning environment.

As always, this is a very busy time for everyone. I had many celebratory recognitions to share at the VCCCD Board meeting on Tuesday evening, such as, the Lavender Graduation, MESA, EOPS, Nursing Pinning, and VC Foundation Scholarship celebrations to name a few. Also, I let them know about the lovely and well attended End of the Year and Retiree event. The history shared by our retiring employees was exciting, informative, and LOL (laugh out loud) funny at times. Please help me congratulate Alwin Sauers, Jr., Anton Bartsch, Bob Moskowitz, Donna Beatty, Janette Amador Christian, Karyl Osher, Marta De Jesus, Martin Navarro, Mary Jones, Michelle Millea, Sarah Downs, and Sue Royer on their retirement

At the Board meeting, I also thanked Dan Clark, Academic Senate President, and April Montes, Classified Senate President, for their excellent representation of their constituency groups and for their advocacy for Ventura College. You may or may not know that they spend many hours engaged in District and Campus meetings as part of their role. For example, Tuesday’s Board meeting went from 6:30 to 10:30 pm. Words cannot express the immense gratitude I have for both of them, and I extend my heartfelt thanks for their invaluable service!


I offer another BIG THANKS to the Ventura College Foundation. Anne Paul King, Executive Director, presented their accomplishments, commensurate report, for the year to the Board. The report highlights the work of the Foundation in the areas of scholarships, textbook lending, programs, and more. At the scholarship event on May 18, scholarships in the amount of $756,908 will be awarded to 240 students to support them in meeting their educational goals. WOW!


Other news, Ventura College Athletics Women’s Beach Volleyball team is competing for the State Championships this week for the first time in their history. Congratulations and good luck to Coaches Brad Lyans and Samantha Calisto and our Pirate team!


Additionally, I want to share with you some tidbits from our newly hired full-time faculty this year. I have had the opportunity and am still in the process of meeting with each of them. My goal is to check on how they are adjusting to VC and teaching. If you are not aware, VC hired awesome faculty!!! I found these meetings extremely motivating and encouraging. Faculty have overwhelming told me how welcomed they feel at the college and particularly by their departments. They love the students and find them engaging and interested in learning. In particular, one faculty member discussed the unexpected pleasure of teaching dual enrollment students at a local high school. All of them are eagerly anticipating their first VC graduation and eagerly await the upcoming summer break. Please take the time to thank our newest faculty members.

Lastly, I want to share with you the joy and excitement of having 280 elementary school children at VC on April 28. Piru Elementary School participated in the American Heart Association’s Kids Heart Challenge sponsored by Ventura College. This 12- week challenge supported the children learning about healthy habits (plenty of sleep, eating healthy, drinking more water, and kindness). The culmination of the challenge included a graduation ceremony on the VC Performing Arts stage with each student receiving a “Future Pirate” T-shirt and “diploma.” The smiles were endless for the children and VC employees!


My heart is full of joy and gratitude to be able to work at Ventura College with extraordinary colleagues. 


Best wishes and I hope you have a wonderful summer,


We are just days away from GRADUATION! We still have "VC Grad Squad" polo shirts available for any staff or students who are volunteering during graduation. Contact Tamishiah Allen or Gabriel Aragon and show your #VCPiratePride!

Highlighting the amazing Administration, Faculty, Classified Professionals, and Students that make up our Pirate family. This month's highlights include: Anne Paul King (VC Foundation President), Preston Pipal (Professor of Biology), Alejandra Ildefonso (Outreach Specialist - Bilingual), Armando Razo (ASVC Student)

Read their stories here!

Anne Paul King - Administration

Preston Pipal - Faculty

Alejandra Ildefonso - Classified

Armando Razo - Student

Crystal Cisneros Hernandez

Financial Aid Technician (Bilingual)

Isaac Rodriguez

IT Support Specialist I

Kimberly (Kim) Hererra, Accounting Technician

In photo left to right: Anne Paul King, VC Foundation Executive Director; Jessica Flores Esquibel, ASVC President & VC Foundation Board Member; Cathy Bojorquez, Ventura College Vice President of Business and Administrative Services & VC Foundation Board Member; Dr. Jennifer Kalfsbeek-Goetz, Ventura College Vice President for Academic Affairs and Student Learning; Dr. Kim Hoffmans, R.N., President of Ventura College & VC Foundation Board Member; Chuck Hoffmans; Rob van Nieuwburg, VC Foundation Immediate Past Board Chair; Eleanor Tillquist, VC Foundation Board Member; and Dr. Robert Beilin, VC Foundation Board Member

President Hoffmans Presented with Pacific Coast Business Times Top Women in Business Award

Congratulations to Ventura College's President and VC Foundation Board Member, Dr. Kimberly Hoffmans, R.N., who was recognized by the Pacific Coast Business Times as one of the Top 50 Women in Business for 2023. The honorees for this year's class were presented with their awards at a special event in Santa Barbara on Thursday, April 20. The Ventura College Leadership Team and several VC Foundation Board members traveled to the event to celebrate President Hoffmans and this much-deserved honor.

Learn More About the Honorees

Last week Ventura College and the Ventura College Foundation hosted an End of Year Celebration and Retiree Recognition event for employees. In this well-attended event, we celebrated 2022-23 retirees Alwin Sauers, Jr., Anton Bartsch, Bob Moskowitz, Donna Beatty, Janette Amador Christian, Karyl Osher, Marta De Jesus, Martin Navarro, Mary Jones, Michelle Millea, Sarah Downs, and Susan Royer. Retirees were introduced by close friends and colleagues and some were even deemed superheroes! 

Educational Master Plan

On Apr 14, 2023, VC held a college retreat to kick off the development of our next Educational Master Plan. Approximately 40-50 faculty, staff, and students reviewed data, and evaluated progress that VC made towards the goals of our 2017-2023 Educational Master Plan. Attendees also began developing goals and objectives for the next Educational Master Plan. VC will use both the 2017-2023 Educational Master Plan evaluation, as well as the input from the retreat to begin developing a draft of the next Educational Master Plan.

What's New in the Basic Needs Center

The Basic Needs Center, in coordination with the VC College Bookstore, is facilitating a voucher program for those graduates who do not have the financial means to purchase their cap and gown. Eligible students can stop by the Basic Needs Center to receive their voucher. Vouchers are available on a first come, first serve basis.

In May, the Basic Needs Center will collaborate with ASVC for two final Drive Thru Food Pantries for the Spring semester. Students in attendance will receive a VC Basic Needs lunch kit, ASVC swag, and a free hot meal from L&T Catering.

Saving the best for last, on May 11 we held our official grand opening of the VC East Campus Basic Needs Center. The center is now stocked with fresh foods, dry goods, basic essentials and more. We are so excited to offer these services to our East Campus students.

Updates on Baccalaureate Degree Program in Automotive CE

Ventura College’s proposed Baccalaureate degree program in Automotive Career Education has been granted provisional approval status. This degree program will focus on alternative fuel technology and automotive business management skills. Labor market data shows a significant need for professionals with the bachelor’s degree to fill vacant and future positions in this growing, high-demand, and high-wage field; In fact, in 2021, 71% of the job ads in this area required a B.S degree and paid an average wage of $50.43/hr or greater than $100,000 annually. VC anticipates ACCJC substantive change approval to be granted in late spring or early summer. Upon ACCJC approval, the B.S. degree in Automotive Career Education will move to full approval status with the CCCCO.

Time to Celebrate! It's that time of year and there have already been many graduation celebrations happening around campus. This group of MESA students were honored last week with a dinner and awards ceremony. Many of these students are transferring on to 4 year universities and setting their sights on impressive career goals. A big THANK YOU to our VC staff for helping our students make their dreams a reality!

Financial Aid Office

Please remind any current and incoming VC students that Financial Aid is still available for the 2023-2024 academic year. Students can still complete their FAFSA and California Dream Act Applications.

On Saturday, April 22, Financial Aid attended the Saber Es Poder Family Conference in Oxnard. The event’s theme was “Be educated & empowered to be true partners in your child’s education.” Financial Aid representatives gave a presentation and met with families for a Q&A session.

Update on Accreditation: ACCJC Core Inquiries (CI) for Ventura College

The college received one (1) College and three (3) District Core Inquiries. Core Inquiries highlight the areas of interest that the ACCJC Team will explore in more depth with the college at the time of the site visit. Core Inquiries can be areas of concern, areas in need of clarification, and areas worthy of commendation. For Ventura College, the accreditation team noted evidence-based practices for professional development (PD) that appear to be “very strong.” The team also observed that the college has been engaging in PD improvements and would like to explore how VC has evolved and improved the PD offerings and processes. The District-focused Core Inquiries cited for further inquiry include:

  • the commitment of the Ventura Community College Board of Trustees to “working as an effective, transparent, and respectful entity;” more specifically, the Team would like to confirm that the Ventura Board of Trustees has taken actions and is continuing to make progress in addressing past behaviors and practices,
  • interest by the Team in learning more about the Board of Trustees shared goals with the new Chancellor and progress of the Board and Chancellor in achieving agreed upon goals, and
  • the team would also like to understand how the district and college monitor compliance with the completion of faculty and classified professional performance evaluations per District policy.

We look forward to the ACCJC team site visit during the last week of September to address their Core Inquiries in detail.

VC Dreamer Resource Center

The VC Dreamers Resource Center met with a group of 9th and 10th grade students from Ventura High School on Friday, April 14. Students were given a tour of our new Dreamers Resource Center. They met with Yesika Hernandez, VC’s Undocumented/Dreamer Student Liaison, to learn about the many services the DRC has to offer.

Ventura College Facilities Update

1. HEERF Projects:

a. PAC, the Performing Arts Center received a new Outdoor Patio to conduct class instruction in an open-air environment. This project was completed March 17th.

b. Athletics’ Kinesiology Outdoor Training area. Construction is underway. To date, the building pad for the installation of the shade structures was completed April 25th. The shade structure installation began Monday May 1st and is anticipated to be completed May 31st. The sitework will continue through the beginning of August with completion expected August 30th. 

c. Applied Science Center Outdoor Classroom area. The site work began April 2023 with shade structure installation beginning April 24th. Construction is anticipated to be completed June 30th.

d. Campus Center Plaza. This project will create a shaded courtyard between the Campus Student Center and the Administrative Building which can be used as outdoor classroom space or for student activities. It has been contracted and work began May 9th. Work is currently scheduled to be completed July 9th.

e. Child Development Center Outdoor Class Shades & Modular Building. VC received DSA certified drawings on April 26th. The project has been sent to the District for Advertisement and Job Walk announcement. Construction will likely begin the last week of June with completion of all features of work that impact CDC operation completed August 15th.

2. Welcome Center: The Compass Welcome Center received an update of new carpeting, wall finishes, and new furniture. Work was completed April 18th.


3. ELC Testing Center: The Soundproofing of the ELC Testing Center approved through Program Review received a PO on April 26th. A Pre-Construction meeting took place during the week of May 1 – 5. Work will be delayed until after finals have been completed.


4. East Campus Mop Sink: The PO was received to replace the mop sink with an OSHA approved floor sink enabling staff to safely fill and empty mop buckets. The Pre-Construction meeting took place during the week of May 1 – 5. This work will also be delayed until finals have been completed.


5. Campus-Wide Flooring: This project announcement was delayed due to HAZWASTE (asbestos) to be included in the scope. Advertisement went out on May 11th. A Job Walk will be hosted on May 23rd at 10:00 am.


6. SportsPlex Fencing: The fencing damaged by a recent weather event is currently pending removal of the remaining stumps from the tree removal that already occurred. Fencing at the west side was completed May 8th. Replacement of the east side, the 10’ is on order with a lead time of approximately 6 weeks -work will commence upon receipt.


7. Baseball and Softball Field Laser Leveling: We have requested a proposal from BarkshireLaser Leveling, we haven’t received a quote but were advised to expect it by May 12th.


8. West Field Leveling: We’ve coordinated with Ventura Surf and US Agriculture Supply to level the field. However, it was determined that due to the equipment and trucks that use the field during the 4th of July event, work in the field should be completed after the event to prevent damaging work completed. 


9. Sheriff Academy HVAC: The project was awarded to the second low bidder after the first backed out of the project after 3 months of waiting for material delivery. The project is scheduled to begin May 1st and be completed within 3 weeks.


10. STEM Facility: The design of the STEM Facility is in process. There have been several iterations due to the increase in cost exceeding the approved grant. We’ve changed the design from the GEN 7 model to a Form model to reduce costs. The re-design was provided to the user groups May 5th.


11. WAM Diesel: The Architectural design was delayed at DSA due to the influx of projects submitted in advance of the new California Building Code being released. This project has received all but Fire, Life and Safety review and approval through DSA. The project review and approval is with DSA.


12. AEC Bleacher & Barrier Removal: The project is in design and is currently 35% complete. This project will include the removal and replacement of the Bleachers and the construction of a new Elevator on the north side of the Gymnasium from the court to the foyer. This project has a Capital Projects budget of $2.25M.


13. AEC Large and Small Gym Roof Repair: The AEC has received a Scheduled Maintenance budget of $1.25M to address the roof leaks/repairs of the Large and Small Gymnasiums. Solicitation of the Architect will be completed in August 2023 with design commencing over the winter and construction projected for summer of 2024.


14. LRC Roof Repair: We are currently working with RNT Architects to develop a Scope of Work to contract the design to make the necessary repairs to the existing roof. This project has a Scheduled Maintenance budget of $1M.

Professional Development

Ventura College is happy to bring Professional Development opportunities to staff, faculty, and administration to help develop new skills and stay up to date on current trends that are always evolving within our campus community. Upcoming event information can be found in the Classified Professional Development Corner, SharePoint, and the Master Calendar. Please visit us at Professional Development | Ventura College for more information.  


The Vision Resource Center is a portal for professional development and colleague connection throughout all of California’s Community Colleges.   

The Alliance units community colleges across the state of California for high-quality professional learning experiences on an array of topics pertaining to racial equity. 

Save the Date!

The Ventura College Foundation is turning 40! Mark your calendars for our 40th Anniversary Gala on October 20! More details to come!

Thank You Diversity in Culture Festival Sponsors

The Ventura College Foundation would like to thank the 2023 Diversity in Culture Festival event sponsors. Due to the generosity of these generous community sponsors, the VC Foundation was able to raise $13,500 which assisted in bringing labor leader, activist, and community organizer, Dolores Huerta to speak in-person at the event. We appreciate your kind sponsorship, participation, and support in making the event a huge success!

VC Foundation Website

A Pirate Treasure is a way to recognize colleagues and say thank you for outstanding support to our college community.

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