Alastar's weather feature is a collection of dynamic layers relating to weather, watches, and warnings. The Forecast section displays the current and future weather conditions for any location, including humidity, wind speed, and temperature. You can customize the layers shown in the Forecast section for quick display.
Weather Station Integration
We recently integrated data collated from the Davis Instruments Vantage Series stations into Alastar! The Vantage Series is trusted by meteorologists to measure, monitor, and manage weather data accurately and reliably. Alastar's implementation of the Vantage Series allows you  to receive real-time weather information and create alert notifications for a specific area of responsibility. 

Weather Information

Alastar can display and use any of the numerous weather station attributes to help first responders and others understand their local and wide-area weather situational awareness. 

Weather station data, shown in the image below, includes:
  • Barometric Pressure
  • Barometric Trend
  • Current Temperature
  • Wind Speed
  • Wind Direction
  • Humidity
  • Rain Rate

Did You Know?

You can measure distances between a point on the map layer and a location on the desktop map. As the map point moves, the measurement updates.

  • Right click on the layer point you want to measure from.
  • Click 'Measure Distance from Feature.' The measurement process will automatically begin.
  • Left click on the end point to finish the measurement. 
To remove the measurement from the screen, right click anywhere on the map and select 'Clear Measurements.'

Bonus Tip: You can measure distances between moving features (AVL points, GPS Tracker points, etc.) and locations on the base map. As the feature moves, the measurement updates!

Questions or concerns? Please contact:

Mark Aukamp
O. (843) 760-3782
C. (843) 810-7665

Bart Coghill
O. (843) 760-4613
C. (843) 297-2601