Alert! Governor Walker signs CSW’s supported legislation
to remove arbitrary NBCE Scores
With a stroke of a pen on April 16th, Governor Walker signed into law the final piece of legislation to remove the barriers facing young Chiropractors who simply wanted to practice in Wisconsin.

Surrounded by CSW members, including many recent graduates who testified at the hearings, Governor Walker removed the arbitrary, higher NBCE exam scores and in the process completed the six-year project by the members of the CSW to end the efforts to block young chiropractors from entering Wisconsin.

"I am very proud to welcome all of the young doctors to join us in Wisconsin. It was an honor for the CSW to champion the removal of both the “Wisconsin exam" and the subsequent higher NBCE scores,” stated CSW president Dr. Lona Cook.

“This is a big day not only for all of the young chiropractors who suffered under this very unfair system, but to all chiropractors and citizens in Wisconsin. When you think in terms of abundance rather than scarcity, keeping young doctors out was exactly the wrong action step for the WCA to take in 2009 when they introduced the legislation that led to the fencing out of all of these capable, young doctors,” expressed Past President Dr. Jay LaGuardia. “We as a profession need to consider and adopt the CSW’s more positive thought process. Chiropractors used to be a powerful, statewide team. Unfortunately, because of fear and lack of action by the previous state association, many have fallen to a place of believing other chiropractors are competitors needing to be barred from coming to Wisconsin. It is time for all chiropractors to join the CSW members in a bigger game to change healthcare in Wisconsin instead of focusing on the concept of other chiropractors being competition.”

According to Dr. Steven Conway, Executive Director of the CSW, “I personally believe the most important moment of this six-year project for the entire chiropractic profession in Wisconsin can be summed up with one of the key and deciding moments related to the first efforts by the CSW to remove the Wisconsin exam. I vividly remember a meeting with our legislative champion. The WCA had put on a very successful, full court press using all of their resources to stop the CSW’s efforts. I was told that the game was essentially over as the WCA had convinced the legislative leadership to keep the flawed Wisconsin exam and that the CSW should stand down. However, I knew that as an organization we could not quit on these young doctors or quite frankly our profession, so I let him know that the chiropractors associated with the CSW never quit on what we believe in and instead of folding we did just the opposite and increased our efforts.  At the time, we didn’t know how we were going to win; we just knew that losing was not an option we could accept. That underlying purpose to fight against all odds resulted in a victory for the chiropractic profession and the hundreds of young chiropractors who had to suffer through the failed Wisconsin exam.”

“What was especially happy for me was to see the young chiropractors, who were affected by and worked with us to remove the initial Wisconsin exam 5 years ago, come back and help the new group of young doctors remove this final barrier. I believe this bill signing finally brings closure to their experience as well,” shared Dr. Rob Cadwallader, the first President of the CSW.
5 Years Ago!
This Year!
“In the end, the truth always shines through with the profession knowing that it was the CSW that led this effort from the start in 2012 to the final Governor signature today. Now it is time for all of the chiropractors who have been shut out to join us and our efforts to transform natural healthcare in Wisconsin,” affirmed Dr. Dean Shepherd, Immediate Past President of the CSW.

The CSW has been working with the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services, and the Department is ready for the new chiropractors to apply for their Wisconsin license. The CSW included a retroactive provision in the legislation, so all chiropractors who had previously been unable to apply due to the higher scores are now eligible. DSPS will be submitting announcements that the CSW will post and share with our members and the chiropractic colleges. All of the DCs who will be applying should monitor the CSW Facebook and other media outlets for the updates.

“It is hard to summarize a project of this magnitude, but I believe the best way to put it is simply, the leadership and members of the CSW vowed 6 years ago to the profession that we would remove the “Wisconsin Exam” and against very difficult, almost insurmountable odds never quit believing in ourselves and our purpose and in the end achieved our goal resulting in a solution that was life changing to hundreds of young chiropractors,” stated Dr. Steven Conway.  

“It is important for all chiropractors to recognize that more chiropractors in this state is positive. Increased public awareness and increased chiropractic utilization help everyone. The CSW is working on other issues that need to be addressed such as removing insurance barriers and helping educate the public on all the benefits of chiropractic care. From our Chiropractic First day to our Chiro-Kids day, we are making a real difference through public education. By joining the CSW and contributing necessary resources, your personal involvement and participation in our statewide education projects will assist in increasing the level of Wisconsin citizens who seek chiropractic healthcare, creating more demand for chiropractic services," expressed Dr. Cook.
Testifying at the Hearing
With Senator Petrowski
Preparing for Hearing