Jesus Movement

All Saints' Church E-Newsletter
  We gather to know Christ and make him known. 

Friday, September 29
In this issue:
Dr. Ian Hutchinson to preach this Sunday.
Peanut Butter drive!
Bristol Lodge
All Saints' Window
October 1

The 17th Sunday after Pentecost

Track 2

8:00 AM
Holy Eucharist

9:15 AM
Choir Rehearses

10:00 AM - 
Holy Eucharist 

Also at 10 am
Godly Play

11:30 am
Coffee Hour


Sunday, 10/4
7:30 pm
Officers Meet

THIS Sunday, October 1 we will welcome 
Dr. Ian Hutchinson as our Guest Preacher 

This Sunday we will welcome our own Dr. Ian Hutchinson as the guest preacher at both the 8:00 and 10:00 am service. The title of his sermon is "Minds not Teeth." Hmmm?? I wonder what that is all about? Come and find out!

Ian is a frequent speaker on the topic of science and faith to university and church audiences, especially through the work of the  Veritas Forum, an organization that seeks to inspire the shapers of tomorrow's culture to connect their hardest questions with the person and story of Jesus Christ.
Click here to view a brief video of Dr. Hutchinson ,discussing his work at MIT and his faith  along with comments by friends and family.


Throughout the 
month of October!

As part of our ongoing support of the Mission of Hope International in Haiti we are collecting jars of peanut butter. The Mission runs a medical clinic and often see sick and/or malnourished children. They try to send each family home with a jar of peanut butter to supplement what is often a very meager diet. 

Each week when you shop for groceries this month, please pick up a few extra jars of peanut butter and help us fill a barrel (or two or three....). 
Volunteers needed to help with 
Bristol Lodge NEXT Sunday!

Join us next Sunday, October 8, to help prepare the meal for the Bristol Lodge Soup Kitchen in Waltham. We gather in the kitchen after the 10 am service to cook. Volunteers return in the late afternoon to deliver the meal to the Soup Kitchen. All ages are welcome to help!

Our purpose
is to know Jesus Christ and to make him known.

Our vision is to be a center of Anglicanism within the Episcopal Church.

Our mission is to communicate the universal church's witness to Jesus within the congregation and to the world thereby making disciples of Jesus Christ who personally know Jesus and strive to make him known.