Announcing:   Selfie of the Month!
As an LBFE volunteer, you know you are making a big impact when an elder feels less isolated, less lonely and has a greater sense of belonging. But nobody else knows that unless you share it!
Help us share the LBFE story that developing meaningful, personal relationships creates this positive outcome.  Next time you are with your elder friend, snap a selfie or two! Let us know what the two of you have been up to. Share a funny or heartwarming story from your time together, and put a face on aging. Send us an email by clicking the  Share a Story  button below. Then simply share your thoughts, attach a photo and send! 

Will YOU be the April Selfie of the Month?

March Selfie of the Month
March's Selfie of the Month spotlights Sara Lennander, a new Visiting Volunteer Advocate, and her elder friend Elizabeth. They met for the first time while volunteering together at the LBFE table at the HandsOn Twin Cities Volunteer Expo. 

Volunteering is a  great way to help elders regain a sense of purpose and connection to the community. 
NEW! Volunteer reporting is now online for all volunteers!
Please submit your volunteer reports via our new online tool.

This is new for Friendship and Flowers volunteers. The tool is an easy way to record the number of hours you spend delivering treats and visiting with homebound elders. 

To record your time and engagement notes, simply go to the homepage on our website and scroll to Time Reporting. (Password:lbfe) Contact Ann Fosco if you have questions.
"Celebrate Summer" with Little Brothers on June 17
This year, LBFE will host a fun summer event with a warm-weather theme that focuses on Elders and their Visiting Volunteers, rather than hosting an Easter dinner in April. Our new Summer Celebration will include a full meal, entertainment and the opportunity for Elder Friends to engage with many other volunteers in the LBFE family in addition to their Visiting Volunteers.

Do you love eggs and potatoes?
Fulfilling an Elder Daydream is a wonderful, one-time opportunity for a volunteer to make an elder's dream come true. Do you love going out for breakfast? So does Bobbie. She remembers when you could get a good breakfast for 85 cents! Bobbi is legally blind and eggs are very difficult to cook. Most of her meals are microwaveable. Bobbi uses a walker and prefers to go out in the morning. She is soft spoken, kind and a great conversationalist.  Could you treat Bobbi to breakfast? 

For more information  Contact Sandy O'Donnell.  
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