Amy Shreve November 15, 2015 photo shoot for the "Anthology" Box set

Prayer Request 

We Hope you had a wonderful

Dear Friends,

It has been two weeks since we have sent out a letter to our email list and for that we apologize.  Many of you have been faithfully praying for us and caring for us.  Thank you so much!

Here is the latest on Amy:
The last letter focused on the last day of chemo in her second round.  Your prayers were answered and she got through the night without another seizure.  Two days later, on December 13th she participated in two AM services and then a concert at night in Gladstone, MI at Grace Church.  A couple of our doctor friends were astonished that after a full week of chemotherapy she would be able to get up at 5:30am and work all day in ministry until midnight!  She did take a 90 minute nap but still... !,  we were very pleased.

On Friday Dec 18th we left for Flushing, Mi where we set up for a Christmas pops concert on the 19th and then a Sunday morning concert on the 20th.  I was a bit concerned over that weekend because she looked quite weak and tired.  We then realized it was about the same time she was on a steroid low which makes sense that she would look and feel a little beat up.  We then stayed 2 nights in Upland Indiana with our cousins and then left for a Christmas eve services in Charlotte, NC.  Starting on December 22nd Amy began feeling quite well and yesterday was as healthy looking and energetic as I have seen her since the treatments began.  We feel our biggest health battle currently is against the treatments.  They are very difficult from a time consumption standpoint (we also tend to lose a lot of sleep during treatments) and the chemo is, as you all know, poison.  So, we have been on this path of healthy living that is quite restrictive and difficult to pull off.  However, outside of Amy losing her hair, there has been NO significant side effects.  We are convinced that the diet has helped her and of course, God's protection.

We are now arriving in Eastern North Carolina and will be in concert Sunday Dec 27th on Roanoke Island (For you American history buffs the Lost Colony). Then HOME!

Prayer Request:
On Wednesday December 30th Amy will have a follow-up PET/CT scan.  Of course, this is a big day.  we will find out the progression of the cancer.  Her neck lymph nodes and tonsil are significantly reduced to near normal.  But, there are several in her torso that we can not see so we are hoping for them to have also diminished to nothing but normal looking lymph nodes.

We trust God no matter the results but we are still asking for complete healing.  Please join us to continue with that prayer.  We do lean on Him and His will and we know that He is a good God!

In Christ's Love,
Gary and Amy
Concert on Dec 6 Ishpeming, MI
Photo by Mim Newman
Sunday Dec 27th

Bethany UMC   

 101 Old Wharf Rd,  Wanchese, NC

(252) 473-5438

JAN   3 Marquette, MI (Bethel Baptist Church)
JAN 23 Lynchburg, VA (VOM Conference) 
See you there!
In His Joy,

Wix Music Group * PO Box 307 * marquette, MI 49855 (615) 364-6161