Dear Friends,
The Worship and Music Committee and the Session have been discussing our Sunday morning schedule and considering how best to utilize the time you spend here at PCCT. At our April meeting, the Session voted to go to one service of worship on Sundays in the fall, and to develop a new program for after worship.
This is being responsive to members of the church saying they want to worship with each other, and then have time to meaningfully engage with one another.
The new program would include adult education forums, mission projects, fellowship opportunities and other events. Beginning in May, the Session will look at the opportunities this presents, and will develop a plan and a schedule. On three Sundays during the year, Lessons and Carols in December, Palm Sunday and Easter, we will continue to have two services of worship.
The Session is excited to begin work on the details of the schedule, and will keep you informed. Rev. Halldorson will include a piece in the upcoming edition of “Tidings” to provide a more complete picture of what we believe our Sunday mornings can become.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the church office 973-635-2340.
God bless you,

The Rev. Dr. Edward M. Halldorson
The Rev. Thomas A Brown
The Session of The Presbyterian Church of Chatham Township
240 Southern Boulevard
Chatham, NJ 07928