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January, 2015 

Rallying educators to speak out on current policies that affect the education of young children  


Geralyn Bywater McLaughlin 

Senior Advisers
Nancy Carlsson-Paige
Diane Levin

National Advisory Board
Indhira Blackwood
Blakely Bundy
Sherry Cleary
Bill Crain
Stephanie Feeney
Doris Pronin Fromberg 
Ayla Gavins
Marcy Guddemi
Constance Kamii
Lilian Katz
Ed Klugman 
Deborah Meier
Maurice Sykes
Visit us on the web: 


Links to our friends:
   (Deborah Meier)

CCFC (Campaign for a

   Institute (Sarah
   Lawrence College)


CEASE (Concerned
   Educators Allied for
   a Safe Environment)

S O S March (Save Our

TRUCE (Teachers
   Resisting Unhealthy

Dear Friends of DEY:


Today, in conjunction with the Alliance for Childhood, we are thrilled to release our new report Reading Instruction in Kindergarten: Little to Gain and Much to Lose

Please check out our video and for more information! 
Reading Instruction in Kindergarten, Little to Gain, Much to Lose
Reading Instruction in Kindergarten:
Little to Gain, Much to Lose

We found no solid research showing long-term educational gains for children who are taught to read in kindergarten - but significant evidence of likely harm. And we maintain that the pressure of implementing the reading standard is leading many kindergarten teachers to resort to inappropriate drilling on specific skills and excessive testing. Teacher-led instruction in kindergartens has almost entirely replaced the active, play-based experiential learning that children need based on decades of research in cognitive and developmental psychology and neuroscience.


In an effort to shift back to a developmentally appropriate, child-centered curriculum, Defending the Early Years and Alliance for Childhood call for the withdrawal of the kindergarten standards from the Common Core so they can be rethought along developmental lines. You can read our other calls to action and the full report here.


Follow on Twitter and join the movement: @DEY_Project @4Childhood #2Much2Soon. 


Here are some suggested tweets:


#EarlyEd experts @dey_project @4childhood conclude #CCSS Kinder reading requirement is #2much2soon 



Why @dey_project @4childhood call for withdrawal of kinder standards from #CCSS



Donations accepted

Please remember that you can show your support to DEY through online donations. Check out our donation page. Thank you!

We thank you for your continued support,
Geralyn Bywater McLaughlin

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Defending the Early Years
DEY is a non-profit project of the Survival Education Fund, Inc.,
a 501(c)3 tax-exempt educational organization.