Soolman Nutrition
April 2014
As a result of recent events in both my professional and personal lives, philosophical questions central to both health care and nutritional counseling have been on my mind.

The foundation on which Joanne and I built this practice is our mission to provide our patients with the best nutrition counseling experience possible. Sometimes that means going against popular opinions, examining sensitive topics, and questioning the status quo.

On a completely unrelated note, in recognition of an event I had hoped to be part of this year, we have chosen for our recipe section a quick and easy pasta dish that marathon runners might enjoy the evening before their race. Despite today's "low-carb" culture, everybody, especially endurance athletes, needs carbohydrates.

Best of luck to all of the runners, and a sincere thank you to each and every volunteer and spectator for making the day what it is.



Jonah Soolman, Registered Dietitian / Co-Owner

Everybody Belongs Somewhere


What defines us as the people that we each are, how modifiable are these definitions, and how far can/should one stray from his or her identity in pursuit of better health? Read More  

Body Image and Self-Acceptance


Therein lies the problem: More often than not, dissatisfaction with how we look leads not to healthier lifestyles, but to harmful behaviors. Read More 

He Said, She Said: Meal Plans


Creating meal plans based on calorie needs has been a staple of nutrition counseling for years. Is it time to say good-bye?
He Said


"The first session is about food. Every session after that is about why they [the patient] are not doing what I told them to do."


That is how a seasoned colleague explained her work as a nutrition counselor to me when I was just starting out as a dietitian. With all due respect, the quote illustrates nutrition counseling gone awry . . . Read More 


She Said


To meal plan or not to meal plan, that is the question. A lot of people assume that since the majority of my patients are those with eating disorders, that I must use meal plans with all of my patients. This most definitely is not the case.


When a patient first comes to see me, I spend the initial session (or two) learning about  . . . Read More 


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Practice News
WGBH Partnership


We are pleased to announce that we have formed an exclusive partnership with WGBH in order to provide a discount for their members.

If you have a current WGBH membership card, and you are paying for your sessions out of pocket (i.e., not through insurance), you are entitled to a substantial discount. Please contact us for details. 
Recipe of the Month
Quick and Easy Pasta

* 1 cup white flour pasta, dry  

* 1/2 cup marinara sauce 

* 2 cups broccoli, frozen 

* 1/4 cup walnuts 


1. Bring a pot of water to a boil.

2. Add the pasta to the boiling water. Stir occasionally.

3. Place the broccoli in a microwave-safe bowl and thaw in microwave just until defrosted. Read More 


Jonah likened his experience to "pulling a raw onion straight out of the ground and eating it like an apple." Read More
Soolman Nutrition and Wellness LLC | (781) 237-0470 | |
555 Washington Street, 2nd Floor
Wellesley, MA 02482

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