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It's our job as adults to keep kids safe.
CAPC Newsletter                                                           April 2016

Knitting for a Cause
In our efforts to bring awareness and education to our community about child abuse prevention, our focus for April - Child Abuse Prevention Month - is on the Period of Purple Crying. Our aim is to bring attention to and educate parents and the community about this sensitive time and to the dangers of reacting in frustration with a baby's crying, such as shaking or harming them in some other way.

We invite knitters and crocheters throughout the county to create hats with purple yarn for newborn babies of Amador County. To launch our project, information about the Period of Purple Crying and limited amounts of purple yarn are being delivered to locations in all parts of the county.  We thank the many businesses and organizations that will be displaying this information about the Period of Purple Crying and coordinating the collecting of the hats:
The Camanche Lake Community Center; Clark's Corner Café and the Ione Family Learning Center in Ione; The Hole Affair, Sierra Wind, First 5 Amador and Sutter Amador Hospital in Jackson; The Sewing Cottage in Martell; Joy's Yarn Shop and the Upcountry Community Center in Pine Grove; Possibili-Teas in Pioneer; Plymouth City Hall; Gallery M in River Pines ; the Sutter Creek Gallery; and The Country Store in Volcano.
All hats are then distributed to parents and families of newborns in partnership with Sutter Amador Hospital and the Baby Welcome Wagon Program, a project of the Amador County Health Department and First 5 Amador. And while Child Abuse Prevention month is once a year, we are gladly accepting hats all year long. Special thanks go to Joy's Yarn Shop in Pine Grove and The Hole Affair in Jackson, for all of their help and support.

Along with the hats, families will receive a DVD and materials to help parents and caregivers of babies understand what is called the Period of Purple Crying. Infant crying increases in newborns at about 2 weeks, peaking at 2
- 3 months, and usually declines by 5 months. However, some babies cry as long as 5 hours a day, while others cry less than 20 minutes a day, even though basic needs have been met (such as being fed, a diaper changed, etc). This is normal. The materials take a positive approach encouraging parents and caregivers to improve their relationship with their baby while bringing awareness of normal infant development, specifically, about crying in infants.

To further spread awareness about Child Abuse Prevention Month, the Amador Child Abuse Prevention Council will be hosting an activity booth for children and families at the 18th annual "Celebrate Our Children" event on April 23, at Argonaut High School. In addition, there will be children's art greeting cards displayed at the Amador Chamber of Commerce in Jackson, during the month of April. The artwork featured on these beautiful cards was created by local Amador County children. These cards are available for $3.00 per note card, and $4.00 per greeting card, as a suggested donation. The funds received through donations like this support the work of the Council to provide free trainings, education, and outreach events that value children, strengthen families, and engage communities.
As a community member how can you help? Touch bases with new parents so that they have someone to talk to or to care for their child, and so they can take a short break. Reassure them that they are not doing anything wrong for not being able to stop their baby from crying. Share this information with others, especially anyone caring for an infant: grandparents, neighbors, boyfriends, relatives, and temporary caregivers.
Our supermodel Roman,
sporting a very fun hat from last year's Knitting for a Cause!
Completed hats can be returned to the various locations, to the Child Abuse Prevention Council's office at the Margaret Dalton Children's Center, 975 Broadway in Jackson, or at the  
"Celebrate Our Children" event which will be held April 23 at Argonaut High School in Jackson.
Upcoming Events

Celebrate Our Children
Saturday, April 23, 11:00-am - 2:00pm
Argonaut High School, Jackson
Print the Flyer!

Next CAPC Meeting
Monday, May 16, 10:30am 
975 Broadway, Jackson

About CAPC

Our Vision
All children know how they are valued; all families receive the support, education and tools necessary to give every child a safe, healthy, and nurturing home; and a community that actively supports the health, safety, and education of its children.

Our Mission 
CAPC is committed to preventing all forms of child abuse in Amador County through community partnerships, free trainings, education, and family-centered events that value children, strengthen families, and engage communities.